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They were from First Scene, a costume shop in Kingsland. They sell really pretty hold up stockings and proper tights, I'm stoked with them!


Oh yeah, I know that place! I love looking through their costumes :happy: I didn't know they sold stockings though- will have to have a look some time.

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Oh yeah, I know that place! I love looking through their costumes :happy: I didn't know they sold stockings though- will have to have a look some time.



Yeah they sell random make up and eyelashes and stuff too. Crazy!


I do love that place, I like how everyone who works there are dressed up in costume!

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I bet you don't even have HALF the amount of junk I do!! I'm a complete hoarder. I get sentimental over everything and have such a hard time throwing things away!



I don't have half - I have double :LOL:


I keep clothes I never wear but want to keep because they're nice and I might need them again one day in trashbags. The massive BlackSak trashbags. Just on the floor of our sleepout.

I also have a wall to wall bookcase and about four banana crates filled with books, mostly ones I've outgrown, but don't know how to get rid of. How does one get rid of childhood books when one is the youngest child? I have nobody younger than me to hand stuff down to, and had all my cousins hand things down to me :facepalm:

To say nothing of useless trinkety things like welsh teasets and murano glass arty blobs and perfume and jewellery and wine bottles I thought were too beautiful to recycle a million years ago and shells and boxes and feathers and... urgh.


I need a storage unit. Or an oil drum to burn things in.


Thanks guys! I had a Harry Potter vs Twilight themed party, it was so much fun!


Oh my god, but the best part was when I opened the door to someone in a Dumbledore mask who thrust this parcel at me and refused to tell me who they were. They wanted me to open the package, so I did, and was GOBSMACKED to open a painting of Matt Bellamy, painted by my best friend's husband, who live in Wellington. I was so confused, and they ripped off the mask to reveal my best friend in the whole worls who had flown up from Wellington to surprise me!!

Best birthday ever!

Oh I'm so glad you had fun!!! Loved those pics as well :D


Feeling very very bored. Now that I'm better I'm so over not being at university. I read As I Lay Dying in six hours the other day because my brain felt like it was turning to mush :facepalm:

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My friend did, it was huge apparently. Yay I;m going to Wellington this weekend for my bestie's birthday. I can't wait!


Lenny, you could always gather some of those old clothes and put them in a clothing recycle bin. They go to the Salvation Army and City Mission and other nice charities that will find good use for them :happy:


No I didn't, but I heard it was massive.

Oh yeah! Imma St V de P that shit up :awesome:


Yeah, I got like, emails from amnesty international and greenpeace saying "OH EM GEE WIN"... which was the first I heard about it :chuckle:


I like to think I would have gone if I'd been in Auckland...






Skip to 8:50. WAT.

Holy fuck :LOL:



Urgh. In my efforts to be a good, healthy person again, I soaked lentils the other day and have been making soup this morning.

I just burnt the bottom of a saucepan black because I forgot to check it :facepalm:

Still got a shit tonne of unburnt soup though, so yey.

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Richard, I am disappointed I didn't see you give a stirring rendition of Ring of Fire tonight at karaoke! It was my friend's 21st so we were up at Shadows having drinks, and some people got the karaoke competition started. I expected to see you belting it out!


Later we all went down to the karaoke place we went to on the meet. Excellent find there :awesome:

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Thanks guys! I had a Harry Potter vs Twilight themed party, it was so much fun!


Oh my god, but the best part was when I opened the door to someone in a Dumbledore mask who thrust this parcel at me and refused to tell me who they were. They wanted me to open the package, so I did, and was GOBSMACKED to open a painting of Matt Bellamy, painted by my best friend's husband, who live in Wellington. I was so confused, and they ripped off the mask to reveal my best friend in the whole worls who had flown up from Wellington to surprise me!!

Best birthday ever!


Great to hear your party was awesome!!


I just got back from Tiri today. Going to Motuihe tomorrow though. The bellbirds are set to be released on Sunday which will be exciting, I've never been to a release before. Anyone is welcome to come over and watch :)


Finally saw little spotted kiwi last night, so cute :happy: The night before we also got to help band some grey faced petrels.

I held their head back to keep them still, one of them was a biter. Kakariki were the worst biters though. Untangled one out of the net for my first time on Tuesday which left a few bite marks, my fingers are still a little sore :LOL:

Edited by Michelle
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So I'm back home already. Half an hour before the last boat left we got told the release is being postoned due to one bird testing positive for a disease :( Poor birdies will have to wait til next weekend, but oh well, at least they are being spoiled with heaps of nice food and I get a few days rest.


Hope everyone is having a nice weekend :)

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So I'm back home already. Half an hour before the last boat left we got told the release is being postoned due to one bird testing positive for a disease :( Poor birdies will have to wait til next weekend, but oh well, at least they are being spoiled with heaps of nice food and I get a few days rest.


Hope everyone is having a nice weekend :)

Oh sucky :(


I'm sure you'll have a great time next weekend though!


Didn't get through to my mum when I called her up for mother's day. Probably just as well. She called 3 times yesterday.

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Guest hysteriaaah




Skip to 8:50. WAT.


He is quite the linguist :LOL:

Just be glad Bieber fever has left the country(though i quite enjoyed watching it:LOL:)...and i doubt he'll come back, i don't think he enjoyed it here. I mean, some chicks knocked his mum over and stole his hat:LOL:

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Skip to 8:50. WAT.




Oh sucky :(


I'm sure you'll have a great time next weekend though!


Didn't get through to my mum when I called her up for mother's day. Probably just as well. She called 3 times yesterday.


Not sure now if I'll be able to get to the release next weekend as I have to go back to Tiri on Wednesday and my supervisor booked me til Sunday. I'll find out what is happening tomorrow hopefully.


That's a shame you didn't get through to your mum. I got to spend yesterday with the family for Mother's day, we had a nice feed :happy:

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Skip to 8:50. WAT.


Oh, what a moron! This gave me a good old laugh though.


So I'm back home already. Half an hour before the last boat left we got told the release is being postoned due to one bird testing positive for a disease :( Poor birdies will have to wait til next weekend, but oh well, at least they are being spoiled with heaps of nice food and I get a few days rest.


Hope everyone is having a nice weekend :)


Aw poor birdies, hope they will be ok!


It's been mighty quiet in here!


I had a two day resuscitation course at Auckland, I got a prize for the top candidate!! Out of the whole country! (which is only about 40 people but still) So embarrassed, and also proud!

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Guest hysteriaaah

I had a two day resuscitation course at Auckland, I got a prize for the top candidate!! Out of the whole country! (which is only about 40 people but still) So embarrassed, and also proud!


Pssh, you'll be boasting about it one day when you save someones life! ;) What did you have to do?

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I had a two day resuscitation course at Auckland, I got a prize for the top candidate!! Out of the whole country! (which is only about 40 people but still) So embarrassed, and also proud!


Ooh congrats! :D You should be very proud of yourself. What was the prize? Hehe.

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