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Just ran over my own foot with my computer chair. :facepalm: Skills.


But on the plus side, I just had to watch an already captioned episode of Hi-5 in double speed. At such a speed, it reaches indescribable levels of awesome. :LOL:

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I just went to see Alice in Wonderland. I'd heard mixed reviews, but I really enjoyed it.


Good to hear you enjoyed it too.


i've got a cold that i have had since about the mid of feb and the only thing that is remaining is the annoyang cough.


Ah that sucks. I'm better today. Yesterday morning I felt crap, constantly feeling like I was going to sneeze but I got better once my mum came home with Codral :awesome:


But what about reptiles that evolved from dinosaurs? :erm: Cause they're cold blooded, aren't they?

I heard that they recently "proved" that it was in fact a meteor. It hit the earth with the explosive force of like a 100 million atomic bombs or something crazy. I didn't actually see the report though- it was on Nightline or something and I switched before the story came on.


Yeah I saw it on the news too, the experts all agree that the asteroid was the main cause of extinction because of the layers of rock they found. But they also think the dinosaurs were already in low numbers.


Apart from birds that evolved from dinosaurs, I don't know of any reptiles that evolved from dinosaurs late in that time. Any that did evolve from dinos would have done so before the asteroid impact and survived that. Crocodiles survived from the dino age, maybe being in the water helped them... I wonder what happened with all the big water reptiles though, whether they were extinct before the dinos or not.. Hmmm.


Just ran over my own foot with my computer chair. :facepalm: Skills.


But on the plus side, I just had to watch an already captioned episode of Hi-5 in double speed. At such a speed, it reaches indescribable levels of awesome. :LOL:



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Good to hear you're feeling better Michelle!


I had politics supervisors "speed dating" today. It was as awkward as it sounds. You got 3 minutes to talk to each lecturer and see if they might be potential supervisors for you. For some, the 3 minutes was nowhere near enough. But there were also a few who said, "wow. That's not my area of expertise at all. Can't help you, sorry." And the rest of the time with them was a bit excruciating!

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Yeah, it was pretty helpful. I'm still not entirely sure what I want to write my dissertation or thesis on (one of them will be Hawaii), but now I know who to approach when I make that decision.


I just made myself some really delicious dinner - scrambled eggs and smoked salmon. :happy: I'm quite chuffed. Who said I couldn't cook? Hmm? Speak up. Oh, I did? Ah. Well, that's dented my happy, "told you so" mood a bit.

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Agree about salmon steaks. Mmm. :happy:


I hate that it's my sister's birthday tomorrow and I won't see her. I've seen her on her birthday every year of my life until now. :( But she lives up in Warkworth now and works in Whangarei, and since I'm working tomorrow, there's no way I can go up and see her. Really gutted.

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Salmon is awesome, salmon steaks are just to die for :happy:


And I don't even know how I managed to walk into said door... It was a wardrobe door :LOL:


try walking into the closed side part of a ranch slider door that you thought was opened and at the time i was reading a magazine......


Whose keeping thier eyes on the announcement thread that muse is said to be coming out with.

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I came into work today, and my computer screens were displaying everything on its side. I moved the mouse side to side and the cursor went up and down. It was completely bizarre and inexplicable. I honestly thought I might have lost the plot, but I was relieved when my workmates noticed and came over and talked about it.


Luckily a restart made everything hunky dory.


It was highly peculiar.

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I just noticed that Hell closes at 10pm on Thursdays. My plans for dinner when I finish work at 11 have been thrown into disarray!


Domino's is open until midnight. Hmm. Will loyalty or my pizza cravings win?

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I got frustrated by the Domino's website so ended up just going to Denny's instead. :chuckle:


You can say what you like about Denny's, but at least they don't judge. Some people, when some loner came into their restaurant at 11pm and chose something huge and eggy from the breakfast menu, would be like, "really?" But not Denny's. :happy:

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Went to Sale St with my sister for lunch today. I knocked over and broke a beer glass. :facepalm:


I wasn't even drunk. At least if I was, I'd have an excuse. That would also have made it easier to cope with the awkwardness and embarrassment of having everyone in the bar looking at me! :LOL:

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And yeah, I did enjoy Denny's. I had steak. :happy: It came with random shrimps on the side. Unrequested shrimpage. But that was fine.


How was everyone's week?

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mines fantastic i have put my cross stitch down as i am getting too pissed off with it and well i made a mistake of going into musey times with cleverbot.


I've been playing with it since i stepped onto it lol. the things you can come out with and it comes up with is hilarious.

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And yeah, I did enjoy Denny's. I had steak. :happy: It came with random shrimps on the side. Unrequested shrimpage. But that was fine.


How was everyone's week?


I had steak last night too but with mushrooms. Cooked in our new frypan and it was good :happy:


I'm going to have a lot of fun fiddling with this ipod. But why doesn't the NZ itunes store have the Muse app?? :indiff:


mines fantastic i have put my cross stitch down as i am getting too pissed off with it and well i made a mistake of going into musey times with cleverbot.


I've been playing with it since i stepped onto it lol. the things you can come out with and it comes up with is hilarious.


That's good you have put it down, we wouldn't want anything to have happened to it during your fustration eh? :LOL:

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I had steak last night too but with mushrooms. Cooked in our new frypan and it was good :happy:


I'm going to have a lot of fun fiddling with this ipod. But why doesn't the NZ itunes store have the Muse app?? :indiff:




That's good you have put it down, we wouldn't want anything to have happened to it during your fustration eh? :LOL:


:LOL: hell no but i am seeming to retort to how i always treat my craft more than one project on the go seems more comfortble to me.


I am now really tempted to get an ipod now.... And i suppose if you get one new from the shops it comes with all the know how i really want to be able to take my music with me.

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my week's been alright - workwise it's gone pretty quickly and i got to see my mum last night and tonight. off to wellington very soon.


hey kitty - you know my star necklace you mentioned at shadows? talking to you about it made me finally decide i would splurge and get it made in white gold, i got it back today and it's so cool. glad i have two now in case i ever lose it.

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my week's been alright - workwise it's gone pretty quickly and i got to see my mum last night and tonight. off to wellington very soon.


hey kitty - you know my star necklace you mentioned at shadows? talking to you about it made me finally decide i would splurge and get it made in white gold, i got it back today and it's so cool. glad i have two now in case i ever lose it.


Wow, nice one Jo! That necklace was is pretty. Any chance of a pic of the new one?


I have the internet back at home :awesome: It feels nice :LOL:

In preparation for the 3D sequel to Tron which is coming out soon, my friend and I watched the original down in the AV library today. It was lolarious :LOL: So, so 80s. The costumes are like, material. But with neon lights. And the CGI is just 3d outlines except for some parts. The plot had all these major holes in it :LOL:. It was fantastic, but we didn't get to watch the end because the library was closing. But at least the nice guy was working :happy:. I always have a few friendly words with him about the movie I'm going to watch.

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I have the internet back at home :awesome: It feels nice :LOL:



In preparation for the 3D sequel to Tron which is coming out soon, my friend and I watched the original down in the AV library today. It was lolarious :LOL: So, so 80s. The costumes are like, material. But with neon lights. And the CGI is just 3d outlines except for some parts. The plot had all these major holes in it :LOL:.

That sounds phenomenally fabulous. I must see it.


In a not particularly-related movie matter, Yes Man is about to start on TV. Have you seen it? Is it worth watching?


But at least the nice guy was working :happy:. I always have a few friendly words with him about the movie I'm going to watch.

That too is worthy of :awesome:-age.

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