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I'm currently trying to remove the biggest fucking spider I've ever seen from the room, but it is cowering in the corner, which makes the glass and piece of paper manouevre problematic. I can't put the glass firmly over it unless it moves.


Will our hero (me...a hero...yeah...:unsure: ) be successful and save the poor spider from a death at the hands of the squirty poison dispenser thing? Stay tuned.


EDIT: Yes! An excellent effort, if I may say so myself. Heroic, even.

Edited by _Ed_
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I just can't get over the size of that spider. It was fucking colossal. My heart's going like the clappers now, to tell the truth.


I feel I need to draw a diagram to convey to you the size of the thing. Here is what I believe to be a fairly accurate representation (with myself and the spider labelled, just in case it's hard to differentiate between the two).


Edited by _Ed_
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I just can't get over the size of that spider. It was fucking colossal. My heart's going like the clappers now, to tell the truth.


I feel I need to draw a diagram to convey to you the size of the thing. Here is what I believe to be a fairly accurate representation (with myself and the spider labelled, just in case it's hard to differentiate between the two).



:rolleyes::rolleyes: oooo your a big brave man saving the world from a huge harmless hairy spider :p


I have a big spider in the house in the corner of a window and she can stay there she's getting rid of the fly's and mozzies for us.

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I just can't get over the size of that spider. It was fucking colossal. My heart's going like the clappers now, to tell the truth.


I feel I need to draw a diagram to convey to you the size of the thing. Here is what I believe to be a fairly accurate representation (with myself and the spider labelled, just in case it's hard to differentiate between the two).



Yay, go Rich! :LOL: I'm proud of you for your efforts and that drawing is very impressive :yesey:


I'm going to a seminar about elephant relocation at 1pm. I hope I can find the room and that it is a presentation with heaps of cute elephant pictures :happy:


I have a big spider in the house in the corner of a window and she can stay there she's getting rid of the fly's and mozzies for us.


Ooh that's good it's helpnig to get rid of all the mozzies. I haven't seen any big spiders for ages :erm:

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Yay, go Rich! :LOL: I'm proud of you for your efforts and that drawing is very impressive :yesey:


I'm going to a seminar about elephant relocation at 1pm. I hope I can find the room and that it is a presentation with heaps of cute elephant pictures :happy:




Ooh that's good it's helpnig to get rid of all the mozzies. I haven't seen any big spiders for ages :erm:


the seminar sounds interesting makes me wish i could come and watch. And we have plenty of spiders in the house prolly coz of the trees around our house and our relaxness of it, And if we see a white tail we carefully capture it and let it go.

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the seminar sounds interesting makes me wish i could come and watch. And we have plenty of spiders in the house prolly coz of the trees around our house and our relaxness of it, And if we see a white tail we carefully capture it and let it go.


It was an interesting seminar. Some cute and funny moments but also some sad ones. 75% of Africa is privately owned so it makes controlling where animals go more difficult as alot of places trade animals and sometimes they are moved to areas where they are not adapted. THey are working on getting more laws put in place though.


Kruger national park is over populated with about 12000 elephants and culling has stopped because of all the greenies and welfare people overseas. No one wants to do the culling, but it has been done humanely and they can give the meat in cans to locals so they have some benefit as otherwise the elephants are just doing to much damage to the park as they can't migrate because it is surrounded by a big fence (doesn't stop some though) and in some places outside it they'll just get shot. But they have successfuly relocated elephants to Angola and lots of other species with money from an American humane society, but it's still not going to have much effect unless they can move heaps more or there are other options like vesectomy but that is also costly. An interesting fact is that elephants testes are right in the back more like to where the are kidneys are in most mammals.


If I read this later it will help me remeber all this, lol.


They also mentioned a bit about a 3 week course the University of Pretoria runs on wildlife management stuff which is very practical so you can go out in the field darting and capturing animals for various things. The lady who was talking most about it said it helps a lot with getting jobs and there are a lot out there unlike here in NZ, so I would be very interested in doing that. That's another thing to save for then, about 5000 for everything on the trip plus flights :stunned:

Edited by Michelle
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:rolleyes::rolleyes: oooo your a big brave man saving the world from a huge harmless hairy spider :p

How do you know it was harmless? Maybe most are, but this might have been a psychotic one.


That seminar sounds really interesting Michelle.

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How do you know it was harmless? Maybe most are, but this might have been a psychotic one.


That seminar sounds really interesting Michelle.


:p yes them spiders are psychotic deary must go around the house and kill em off. And the seminar sounded interesting but its a sad reality with the way humans control things.


And i have a quote "if animals were to disappear the humans would suffer dramatically, if we were to disappear the animals wouldn't care apart from the domesticated but even they would get over it and readapt" .... so there whose the smarter one i would ask.

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My day at work just got so much worse. I was complaining about Close Up, with its trivial stories about Lara Bingle and Ben Lummis and Michael Murphy, but now I've been given a dramatisation of the murder of that little toddler, Nia Glassie. :(


This is going to be so hard. :(

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My day at work just got so much worse. I was complaining about Close Up, with its trivial stories about Lara Bingle and Ben Lummis and Michael Murphy, but now I've been given a dramatisation of the murder of that little toddler, Nia Glassie. :(


This is going to be so hard. :(


alas it would be hard wouldnt it esp the nia glassie the poor wee mite. And who are the others???? and stop working for close up and jump to campbell live ;) they tend to have better stories


I have Natural Confectionery Company lollies cravings. Might have to stop off on my way home from work and get some.


after doing what you had to do it would need lollies to bring the sugar levels up after all the stress



Exactly! They can't be arsed giving us detentions anymore, so they just yell empty threats that aren't even true :LOL:


I was one of those that got given detentions a lot and i never went to em lol, but however i managed to stop one teacher from giving them to me, it was science and we were talking about the uneccessary use of paper and how that is damaging the enviroment because the trees were being cut down to make the paper, I was paying attention but however i got bored like i did in class and he promptly came to me and gave me a detention for not paying attention and i was like


"sir you are saying to us about the uneccessary use of paper and that is damaging the enviroment" and he went "yes" and i replied "well you are a hypocrite then arent you because you handed me a piece of paper which is a detention for not paying attention so that would be about aquarter of the amazon forrest cut down to make this paper you used to write to give me the detention which i will not attend as i have better things to do with my time" and i tell ya you should of seen the look on his face as the class were like oooooooooooo!!! but he admitted i was right and he took the detention off me and never gave them to me :D


i was quite the rebel in class

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:p yes them spiders are psychotic deary must go around the house and kill em off. And the seminar sounded interesting but its a sad reality with the way humans control things.


And i have a quote "if animals were to disappear the humans would suffer dramatically, if we were to disappear the animals wouldn't care apart from the domesticated but even they would get over it and readapt" .... so there whose the smarter one i would ask.


Yep, there are a lot of people out there who could take a little more appreciation of other species. It's all about the balance of nature.


Oh, the joys of Level 3 NCEA. :noey:


Half a term in, and the teachers are all already pulling out the if-you-talked-like-this-at-uni-they'd-kick-you-out card :indiff:


Uni is so much better than school/NCEA. Hang in there and you'll be out of school in no time!


I was one of those that got given detentions a lot and i never went to em lol, but however i managed to stop one teacher from giving them to me, it was science and we were talking about the uneccessary use of paper and how that is damaging the enviroment because the trees were being cut down to make the paper, I was paying attention but however i got bored like i did in class and he promptly came to me and gave me a detention for not paying attention and i was like


"sir you are saying to us about the uneccessary use of paper and that is damaging the enviroment" and he went "yes" and i replied "well you are a hypocrite then arent you because you handed me a piece of paper which is a detention for not paying attention so that would be about aquarter of the amazon forrest cut down to make this paper you used to write to give me the detention which i will not attend as i have better things to do with my time" and i tell ya you should of seen the look on his face as the class were like oooooooooooo!!! but he admitted i was right and he took the detention off me and never gave them to me :D


i was quite the rebel in class


Haha, that was a very smart way of getting out of that and it shows you were at least paying some attention.

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Yes michelle there were a few times in class that i managed to make the teacher back down as they knew they either couldnt argue or if they did i would have something to back it up.


The liberal teachers were cool i had one that would sit down in a desk in front of me and discuss and include the other students hehe, others would like tell me that i need to shut up.


What are we all up to i am gunna look up a recipe on making pastry i just want to have a go at making it, it will be interesting as i dont have a food processor i have a blender but i have been told you can do it by hand.

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Mmm, pastry. I'm just catching up on e-mails and what not. I should probably get back to reading papers now.


Which you prolly have done so since posting that thread... after looking through moms recipe draw i found a good pastry recipe you can make by hand and is a rather nice looking one.. And also gunna see if i can make a sweet one too a blackberry,apple pie or tart and see how that goes.

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I just can't get over the size of that spider. It was fucking colossal. My heart's going like the clappers now, to tell the truth.


I feel I need to draw a diagram to convey to you the size of the thing. Here is what I believe to be a fairly accurate representation (with myself and the spider labelled, just in case it's hard to differentiate between the two).



That spider looks like its wearing pigtails :chuckle:


Oh, the joys of Level 3 NCEA. :noey:


Half a term in, and the teachers are all already pulling out the if-you-talked-like-this-at-uni-they'd-kick-you-out card :indiff:


My teachers would always be like 'we're preparing you for university!' when they gave us assignments and things. So not even true :LOL: Actually I remember my intermediate teacher saying that when she gave us lots of homework- 'I'm preparing you for high school!'. Then when I got do high school we barely ever actually did our homework :LOL: Unless they were a scary teacher. I think in 7th form I didn't do any of the homework assignments set to me unless they were worth credits :LOL: If the teacher gave us practice essays or something I would never do them.


Sammy, why did you change your username? :LOL:



I've never seen anyone kicked out for talking.


I have, and I've almost been kicked out myself :LOL: I rememeber the lecturer giving a very stern warning in a lecture, obviously meant for me and my friends. So we didn't go to that lecture the next time it was on :LOL:


I saw Alice in Wonderland in 3D the other day :happy: It was pretty good- the costumes and character designs were really good, and in some parts the 3d was impressive. The girl next to me kept flinching really hard :LOL: It wasn't as impressive as Avatar, but there were some moments where it really made a great impact. Johnny Depp was really good as the Mad Hatter too. I was worried from the trailer that it would be too much about him, but his role was good. And he was really really likeable. Not too mad. The story line was okay, better than I expected. I think the fact that the movie style wasn't too Burton-esque saved it. I would still really like to see a film adaptation of American McGee's Alice though.

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