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and i had a sad claim where a german shepherd called ranee was hit by a car and died. :( i started tearing up with the customer it was so sad. i made a concerted effort to refer to ranee in the present tense and tried to get her to talk about what she was like before the accident as it sounded absolutely horrific.

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well the work system was down this morning for a couple hours so i sat in my manager's office and he told me what he did and didn't like about me - in a nice way of course!

Of course. You can't have given him much to put on the latter list, surely!


I had a good fortnightly catch-up with my boss today. Usually they just go along the lines of, "Well, I've got nothing...," but today was a decent chat, which was nice.


my car was ready today to pick up but i didn't have the courtesy car at work so can't get it till the morning and then have to park it in town. which i don't want to do as it should be in perfect condition now!

Ooh, dilemma.


and i had a sad claim where a german shepherd called ranee was hit by a car and died. :( i started tearing up with the customer it was so sad. i made a concerted effort to refer to ranee in the present tense and tried to get her to talk about what she was like before the accident as it sounded absolutely horrific.


That's really sad. But so good of you to put in so much effort - it's a hard enough ordeal for the customer as it is, but talking to someone who sounded completely unmoved and cold about it would make it even worse, I'd imagine.

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That thread is amazing, I mean there isnt anything going on there they look like friends hanging out its just the magz that enjoy taking things out of context and well if lills bf is insecure about that then hes the one that needs to get a grip.


I am heading to work shortly and hell i am coughing my guts out oh well i am a generous person so im giving people my germs lol

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Jb hbi. The place with the yellow sign black writing and i watched it.


Oh cool, I've never seen it there before.


So apparently my cricket tickets for next week were delivered somewhere in Devonport and signed for by Melanie. Super.


:stunned: So what are they doing about it? Signed deliveries are just crap sometimes aren't they? Some dvd's I ordered came today but no one was home so I'll have to wait til tomorrow but I hope they don't come really early as some are too lazy to open the gate :rolleyes:


So at work there's this funny-shaped mirror just above the urinal that makes everything look huge. It's an ad campaign for Hung. Pretty clever, really. Think I mentioned it to you Jo.


But I just went in there and saw some alarming stains on it. I really desperately hope it was toothpaste, but who brushes their teeth at a urinal?




and i had a sad claim where a german shepherd called ranee was hit by a car and died. :( i started tearing up with the customer it was so sad. i made a concerted effort to refer to ranee in the present tense and tried to get her to talk about what she was like before the accident as it sounded absolutely horrific.


:( I can imagine those cases would be very hard to deal with.


Holy shit, it's Derby day tomorrow. :D Don't you love it when something you've been really excited about for ages kind of sneaks up on you?


Nice! I know what you mean. Only two days til I see Alice in Wonderland and the last I remember was thinking why are they advertising so much when it's still a couple months away.

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Hey those of yous that are wishing to meet up with me on the 12th i am sorry to say i wont be able to make it as i have work on that weekend and its busy to the gunnels and there is no one that is able to cover me so i am having to rain check the date, Not sure as to what the date will be but i will tap into it when able to.


So it looks like for my bday a quiet family affair... *sighs* so far things i have planned for just goes to custard i am getting to the point where i cant be fucked making plans just take things as they come to me.

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That's a shame.


:stunned: So what are they doing about it? Signed deliveries are just crap sometimes aren't they?

Yeah, shocking. I called them today and they cancelled those tickets and issued me some new ones that I went and picked up. Problem solved! Unless I find this "Melanie" sitting in my seats when I get there...


Nice! I know what you mean. Only two days til I see Alice in Wonderland and the last I remember was thinking why are they advertising so much when it's still a couple months away.

That's exciting! We've been hearing about it for so long, felt like it would never come.

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Hey those of yous that are wishing to meet up with me on the 12th i am sorry to say i wont be able to make it as i have work on that weekend and its busy to the gunnels and there is no one that is able to cover me so i am having to rain check the date, Not sure as to what the date will be but i will tap into it when able to.


So it looks like for my bday a quiet family affair... *sighs* so far things i have planned for just goes to custard i am getting to the point where i cant be fucked making plans just take things as they come to me.


Oh that sucks :( Hopefully your family will make you a nice dinner or something then to celebrate :)


Yeah, shocking. I called them today and they cancelled those tickets and issued me some new ones that I went and picked up. Problem solved! Unless I find this "Melanie" sitting in my seats when I get there...


Oh that's good. Do they scan the tickets when going in? That should mean "Melanie" won't be let in. Otherwise get there early to get in the seats before them ;)

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Hopefully i am so looking forward to seeing them come back. I got my replica manson guitar that matt plays today i will take a pic of it, its cool now imagine if matt signed it or the band how much in value it would go up in.


I know michelle but yeah the fam has something on the quiet planned cheesecake,sponge cake and barbie or roast pork so it should be cool.


Also whose staying to watch leigh harts mysterious planets there is something on there about aliens which is something i am keen to watch.

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speaking of guilty pleasures. If someone was to put the following songs on


Barbie girl = aqua

Wannabe = spice girl

Mmmbop = hanson

Macarena = ??


i would still get up and dance to it can anyone top that one, and also i like to chant along to the new creme egg add that 'goo,goo,goo, GOOOOOO' and yeap i am 26 next week 2 + 6 = 8

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Speights is a guilty pleasure.

it was also warm!


but it was funny to hear a different perspective on our assessors as we only really deal with them on the phone and in writing and they deal with them in person. had a good laugh.

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my car does look good. cost $645 for my work though! because it's a coupe the whole panel had to come off which meant taking off the tail lamp, bumper and the rear 1/4 window. think that was most of the cost!


i got a great deal though, they fixed my electric window and only charged me for the part. no labour! it would have taken a good hour too. :happy:

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it was also warm!


but it was funny to hear a different perspective on our assessors as we only really deal with them on the phone and in writing and they deal with them in person. had a good laugh.


i'm amazed you managed to drink it i couldnt do it with warm beer, beer has to be stone cold for me otherwise i wont be able to drink it

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it got quite busy and i got a burglary. also got this dickhead guy who kept going to me "i want to buy the insurance" and it was cancelled and in his uncle's name and he kept going "i want to buy the insurance" despite telling him no about 20 times.


read the notes when he left and saw he had an accident when it was uninsured. what a dick.


also i nearly got hit by a car which made me both upset and angry. christchurch drivers suck so bad.

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it got quite busy and i got a burglary. also got this dickhead guy who kept going to me "i want to buy the insurance" and it was cancelled and in his uncle's name and he kept going "i want to buy the insurance" despite telling him no about 20 times.


read the notes when he left and saw he had an accident when it was uninsured. what a dick.


also i nearly got hit by a car which made me both upset and angry. christchurch drivers suck so bad.


one of those too did you, i had a guy that placed an order with me i checked with him like about 3x if that was what he wanted and i took it to the chef as your supposed to and order taken to guest and alas he claimed it wasnt what he ordered he ordered something that isnt even on the menu and wants that item is anyone lost.

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