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Lol, I went through a phase of buying grape fanta before getting high, man it was the best thing ever.
I'm going to try that sometime :D


I've all of a sudden become really thirsty generally. I'm getting through 3-5 L of water a day.


And swimming every other day, because my cousin has keys to the local pool :awesome:

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Haha, the Australian cricket team is in awesome form in their media comments.


Coach - "to be honest, we haven't had a huge amount of sex- uh, success."

Captain - "we'll have a good look at the footage of bondage- uh, Bondy."



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Went for a walk on my break just then and encountered a sign for <name I've forgotten> Outdoor Company.


I thought Outdoor Company sounded a bit weird. Like they specialise in sitting next to lonely people on park benches or something.

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Did you know that the outside bit of a jellyfish is called an exumbrella? I didn't. I was looking through the dictionary at work for another word, and that name caught my eye. Thought it might have been a word made up simply for umbrellas that have been through a rough time in the wind. But no.


Wow, I've made a few too many posts in a row here. My sincere apologies.

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the room i stayed in at my parents last weekend had this doll in it that my mum made in the 70s. its so fucking creepy. it has eyes that follow you around the room and it has this weird bell in it so when you move it, it makes noises.


i hid it in my sisters bed. :awesome: and my dad hung it on her door.



she put it on my car.



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its just horrible, it's been in a box for ages and it just seemed to reappear again since the move! my mum gets a bit upset that we hate it so much but ugh...




my mum yelled at me for not having it in my room, she told me to put it in the cupboard but it's the sort of thing you know is there and you're scared in the middle of the night it'll open the door and peep out at you.

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I don't get this whole name suppression thing. Celebrities, Olympians and that guy in Manawatu, who were found guilty or admitted committing the offences, get permanent name suppression, while Sue Bradford's son, who was acquitted, gets his name all over the media.


Sue Bradford's not even in the public eye any more. I don't think it's fair. And he was acquitted!

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Ugh, what a stressful week. No reply from my supervisor til yesterday and my rabbit had surgery. In short, he had an abcess full of thick pus in his front paw and the best chance of surviving was to get surgery which has risks itself for a small and old animal. But the surgery went well and he seems fine at the moment so hopefully the antibiotics clears it all up!


Unless as a photographer for natgeo because THAT WOULD WIN SO HARD MY BRAIN WOULD IMPLODE.


Agreed and beyond! Getting paid while traveling the world and seeing some of the most rarest and spectacular sites would be just :awesome::happy:


I wonder if going there for a week for "research purposes" might be justified.


Yes! :D


Booked my restricted! Two weeks til the big day, eep.


Yay! You'll be fine! My license came in the mail yesterday and I see they have cut down the time til the expiry date. I only have four years til I need to get my full :stunned::LOL:


Did you know that the outside bit of a jellyfish is called an exumbrella? I didn't. I was looking through the dictionary at work for another word, and that name caught my eye. Thought it might have been a word made up simply for umbrellas that have been through a rough time in the wind. But no.


That sounds familar from zoology. Invertebrates have quite a few interesting names for things.


its just horrible, it's been in a box for ages and it just seemed to reappear again since the move! my mum gets a bit upset that we hate it so much but ugh...




It was freaky til the laughing at the end :LOL:


Just saw hot cross buns at the supermarket. Honestly.


I've seen them in the supermarket for at least the last few weeks. They had chocolate ones too!

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Ugh, what a stressful week. No reply from my supervisor til yesterday and my rabbit had surgery. In short, he had an abcess full of thick pus in his front paw and the best chance of surviving was to get surgery which has risks itself for a small and old animal. But the surgery went well and he seems fine at the moment so hopefully the antibiotics clears it all up!

Wow, that's so stressful. Must have felt like quite a bit longer than a week! I'm really glad to hear the surgery went well, and I hope he makes a speedy recovery.


What did your supervisor say?

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Wow, that's so stressful. Must have felt like quite a bit longer than a week! I'm really glad to hear the surgery went well, and I hope he makes a speedy recovery.


What did your supervisor say?




She said that another student had been working on hihi and it was quite difficult, he had to even abseil up the trees! :LOL: But, there may be some work to follow up on pateke which another student is just finishing and she will e-mail the head of the kokako recovery group to see if they have any research questions to look at. And she has got me a desk to work at, so I should probably start going to uni on Monday. A couple of my friends start uni next week, but they have both transferred from Massey to Auckland Uni, one doing postgrad and the other starting a BA after finishing BSc.

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