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off to work here again.


I will be prolly looking at your muse things buco on tm :p.


And also things are rocky in this house due to my mom being a bitch, she said some things to me which hurt me and what started it me being distracted talking to my friends online, and me then in my room looking for my work roster and her being pissed off when i didnt come out to the kitchen when dinner was ready.


I acknowledge dinner was ready and i said i will be out to it in a moment and in that stage i was still looking for a lost ear ring and a work roster, I looked at what i had and i said to mom thanks for dinner i would have liked one extra thing on the plate which i will do and she flipped at me *sighs*


She went off at me and of course she was drunk on the booze as well. So at the moment i am kind of upset with her esp with the things she has said to me.

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Laughing at unintentional innuendo in cricket commentary is one of my favourite pastimes.


"Doing it in the commentary box are Ian Smith and Craig McMillan." :chuckle: "The Bangladeshis look after their balls." :chuckle:


I'm easily amused.

Edited by _Ed_
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Oh I want to see The Wolfman. I've heard Precious is really depressing though - is that true?


Yeah, Precious is really sad so it is something you only really want to watch once. Whereas I could see The Wolfman again as it strangely went really quick compared to precious and they were almost the same length. Maybe it was because we were getting hungry :LOL:



And then he died. Shitty.

He set them all up to be on the island, but its still not even clear why they have to be there in the first place! They keep going on about 'destiny', but we still don't know what that really is. Stop the Others? Explode the Swan Station? Find the Black Rock? Free Desmond? Get Locke to kill Jacob? Stop Mr Widmore finding it?



Michelle, I forget, have you seen The End of Time already or did you watch it today?


Oh well, hopefully they'll give us all the answers properly so we don't have to watch all the old episodes again to get it :rolleyes:


And yeah, I had already seen The End of Time, but recorded the one on tv for my parents to watch and I watched the end again :supersad:




Cat about to go crazy! :LOL:


My favourite animal picture at the moment:






Laughing at unintentional innuendo in cricket commentary is one of my favourite pastimes.


"Doing it in the commentary box are Ian Smith and Craig McMillan." :chuckle: "They look after their balls." :chuckle:


I'm easily amused.



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That pic makes me want to go over and put my arms around the foals neck and tell it everything is gunna be alright..


How are we all this monday evening i am about to reheat some stir fry noodle and chuck an egg through it and wollah dinner.


we should have rain soon which is good for the tank.

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her being pissed off when i didnt come out to the kitchen when dinner was ready.


i would have liked one extra thing on the plate which i will do and she flipped at me *sighs*


Is this like 'mums get angry about dinner' day? My mum got all pissed off today when I said 'ha, this gravy is quite thick'. She was going on about it being an insult and stuff, and then was saying how its an 'insult to the chef' to not come down for dinner straight after she called, even though I was busy doing something on the computer :rolleyes: I looked at the clock when she called, and looked just before I went down, and it had been only 8 minutes since she called! Fuck. And how is noting that the gravy is thick an insult? I was just laughing at the consistency it took. JEEBUS H MACY that woman take everything personally.


Sorry to jump on your rant wagon :chuckle:


Laughing at unintentional innuendo in cricket commentary is one of my favourite pastimes.


"Doing it in the commentary box are Ian Smith and Craig McMillan." :chuckle: "The Bangladeshis look after their balls." :chuckle:


I'm easily amused.


Richard, I watched that James May's Toy Stories today, the one with the plasticine garden. It was amazing! :happy:


And yeah, I had already seen The End of Time, but recorded the one on tv for my parents to watch and I watched the end again :supersad:



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Anyone listened to the Resistance b-sides?


Popcorn is :awesome:. Not sure about Prague though...


Is this like 'mums get angry about dinner' day? My mum got all pissed off today when I said 'ha, this gravy is quite thick'. She was going on about it being an insult and stuff, and then was saying how its an 'insult to the chef' to not come down for dinner straight after she called, even though I was busy doing something on the computer :rolleyes: I looked at the clock when she called, and looked just before I went down, and it had been only 8 minutes since she called! Fuck. And how is noting that the gravy is thick an insult? I was just laughing at the consistency it took. JEEBUS H MACY that woman take everything personally.


Sorry to jump on your rant wagon :chuckle:






Richard, I watched that James May's Toy Stories today, the one with the plasticine garden. It was amazing! :happy:






lmao thats ok so who else is still living at home :warning moms on a dinner ready rampage: I didnt know the moon was in its full phase, i know i thought the garden was pretty.


And no i havent heard the b-sides of resistance i will look into it after work

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Richard, I watched that James May's Toy Stories today, the one with the plasticine garden. It was amazing! :happy:


+1! It looked awesome in the end. I kind of feel like making some of those myself right now :chuckle:


Must have taken ages.


5 weeks and a lot of help from hte public.


Anyone listened to the Resistance b-sides?


Popcorn is :awesome:. Not sure about Prague though...


I've just listened to the previews so far and popcorn is cool. It's annoying popcorn is only on the vinyl, hopefully I'll find a good rip of it. Will listen to the full Prague later.

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