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I just found out the hard way that my work ID expired today and I should have renewed it.


It's not what you want when you've taken a 5 minute longer break than you should have and you're rushing back to start work on the news, you swipe your card at the door and ANGRY BEEPING SOUND! The security guy was cool about it though luckily.

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At IRD in Invercargill you could get stuck in the bits that had the toilets because you could get in there without a swipe card from the secure areas but needed one to get back in. I know I did it a couple times.


I quite liked that office though, it was very modern and purpose built.

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I just found out the hard way that my work ID expired today and I should have renewed it.


It's not what you want when you've taken a 5 minute longer break than you should have and you're rushing back to start work on the news, you swipe your card at the door and ANGRY BEEPING SOUND! The security guy was cool about it though luckily.

the news was pretty shit tonight anyway. the big lead story was "what might happen" which we'd already heard about and then it was into the gossip mag stories :noey:

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rattrap1254520904.jpg + peanut butter. Not very nice, but it's quick and has to be done :(


We've used bait before but they just gnaw through it and then come back for more! They even eat through the plastic. I think there's like a whole community up there, and they get in via a tree or something, so there's always like 5 rats to take one's place.


there's so many weka on stewart island. they follow you around.


I thought that said 'weta' :stunned:

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It was near arthur's pass



:happy: Was it coming that close to you or were you on zoom?


Now, I don't understand this Farmville business, but the things that keep popping up just seem utterly nonsensical.


What. The. Fuck.


:erm: I don't think I'll ever get into that farmville thing, but I have started using my zoo :$


We've used bait before but they just gnaw through it and then come back for more! They even eat through the plastic. I think there's like a whole community up there, and they get in via a tree or something, so there's always like 5 rats to take one's place.


You could make some plastic tunnels to cover the traps with a little entry at the front, that way the rat just sticks its head in to take the bait then, bam! Although, again it doesn't always work if the trap isn't set light enough or bait is loose.



Socially Awkward Penguin reassures me that I'm not alone.


:LOL: Although, I tend to go with "yeah, lol" more often :rolleyes:

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Anyone seen the ad for Classic Hits FM where they say they play Muse?


Muse = classic hits? :unsure:


Huh, I'll look out for that, but as Chris says it probably won't be much more than Starlight.


it was only about a metre away when it was drinking. i was like wtf are you doing :LOL:


Aww, that's awesome :happy: But hopefully they can get away quickly from the more harmful creatures.


Phloe Healthy Bowel's triple-action, comprehensive bowel cleansing.


Sounds mildly alarming. :stunned:


No thank you :erm:

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no but classic hits is really just modernish easy listening.

i bet it you requested muse they'd only have starlight


They pretty much play Uprising almost every day. I know this because my Mum feels the need to text me and inform me whenever she hears it.


And thanks for all the love, much appreciated, Mum is doing well.

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They pretty much play Uprising almost every day. I know this because my Mum feels the need to text me and inform me whenever she hears it.


And thanks for all the love, much appreciated, Mum is doing well.


Glad to hear :)


And that's good about playing Uprising too.

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