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Muse Singalong 2010


What do we sing at the Singalong?  

871 members have voted

  1. 1. What do we sing at the Singalong?

    • Blackout
    • Butterflies and Hurricanes
    • Cave
    • Darkshines
    • Dead Star
    • Endlessly
    • Escape
    • Exo-Politics
    • Fury
    • Glorious
    • Hysteria
    • Hoodoo
    • In Your World
    • Plug in Baby
    • Showbiz
    • Sing for Absolution
    • The Small Print
    • Space Dementia
    • Spiral Static
    • Starlight
    • Stockholm Syndrome
    • Sunburn
    • Take a Bow
    • Time is Running Out
    • The Gallery
    • Nishe
    • Bedroom Acoustics
    • Interlude
    • Minimum
    • Man of Mystery

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I didn't realise you're coming :D


You know how Matt is fond of unintelligable lyrics but Forced In takes the biscuit :LOL:




No worries - they are unintelligable lyrics so it's easy to confuse Matt's singing for background noises :chuckle:


:awesome: That should be a fun one to "sing"


Aye, it will be added to the list ! :D


BTW: The Muse Singalong video has gone AWOL, due to Youtube suspending my account :supersad: which really sucks, but I have reuploaded it onto a different account for everyone to still see :D




You may not think the links are broken as I will be fixing all the ones I can edit :D Let this be a warning to you, don't past decent law breaking music on Youttube, Warner have eyes everywhere :ninja:

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*shameless bump*

We've now got 50 members on facebook, yay! :dance: keep joining guys!


I have a query. After sending a letter of request to Hyde Park, how long should one wait before believing they thought I was taking the piss? :( I sent a good, well written letter,... i'm sure they ave more important matters at hand, but I was kinda hoping for a response by now....

Or, am I looking at several weeks to wait for a reply? :confused: Tis very depressing.


Another query, if we can't get Hyde Park, where else in London can we go? ( it's not leaving London, I'm afraid)

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Some slightly good news, Laura from Hyde PArk had this to say:


Dear Holly,



Many thanks for your recent request, I will take a look through the information and will be in touch again soon.



With kind regards,





At least it's not a straight off no... it's still not definite, but it's a start!

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Right then......... We have good news so far:D

(hi.....i have returned from cornwall:) very nice but a lil bit foggy)


People have been added and some tallys have been changed.......... we are still taking setlist requests........we are having a few instrumental songs in there as well.......

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Guest Lauren_Guyott

I am so up for that!!!


The one we done in 2007 rocked!!!!


also, it's my 20th birthday on the 18th of June, so majorly up for doing this on my birthday!!! would be amazing!!!!

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I may consider it if it is to take place in London, 2 hours on the train down there should do it :rolleyes:

I'll start to save up now


so...........are you definately in or a maybe in? (and yes........if we can get the permission from hyde park it will be in london)


I am so up for that!!!


The one we done in 2007 rocked!!!!


also, it's my 20th birthday on the 18th of June, so majorly up for doing this on my birthday!!! would be amazing!!!!


Right then........you are added (tell me if you cant make it)

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hi guys...

still down south but i now have (occasional) access to my aunt's pc...

god i'm tired!

great tht we hav a gd chance of getting permission 4 hyde park. what d8s did u choose again?

i don't think we should do 2 many instrumentals, 2 maybe... 3 max! coz, well, it's not really a singalong otherwise... it's more of a... a hum-along...

my parents are askin qs... shud i giv them th full piic or jus tell them to shuv off and make sure to get me up 2 london on... whatever d8 it is?!!

i cud neva tell my folks to shuv off! lol! but u get what i mean!

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I'm gonna be a maybe, 'kay?


Okay's I'll have Micro get you on the list.



London again? Why not a city further north? (Glasgow hint hint) or somewhere in the middle of the country - Liverpool/Manchester?


We've been through this.... London is much easier to get, we can't justify going to Scotland.... more people will be willing to travel South than North..... and more people know/I] London. We have so many places to choose from to have the singalong held in, and seeing as the last one was such a blast in London, it justifys us holding it again in London.


Besides, if Muse happen to hold another Wembley-esque style gig... it's more likely to be in the south, therefore, giving people more reason to head towards London. If...in a year's time, Muse decide to rock it up in Aberdeen, then you can curse me then.... but in the meantime, it'll be London :)


London is cooler anyway :p besides, we have over 60 people already who are up for London and we ain't even been running for a month :yesey: I'm sorry, but if you have to travel for Muse gigs, you can travel for a Muse singalong... it's all for a good cause. i don't see why people dislike travelling so much.... yeah it costs, but if we held it up north, think of all the people who would be complaining about it not being further south.


it's swings and roundabouts, but we chose the more logical and smarter option :)

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no updates on the tracklist yet?


my fingertips are so painful! i was playing guitar 4 ages th other night and coz i haven't played while i've been away... OWW!!! lol


*sigh* i'll b bk on l8er incase anyone's bothered to reply ;)



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nice to know u care!! lol

micro!!! is there any news on the tracklist or not?!! lolly:LOL:


how many times..............


Once the Resistance comes out a poll will be added and the muse fans can decide.............


That is how we decide the setlist


We do not have anymore information about Hyde Park (Crazy might have some but she is AWOL at the minute)

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Micro, u do no tht u got the lyrics wrong on tht thing u did on ur email account?

You said:

Flick the switch and open your third eye... you will see no one

The lyrics are:

Flick the switch and open your third eye, you'll see that / we should never be afraid to die


unless of course you were making some irritating joke...??

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Hi can you put me and my sister (midgetmayhem) down as a maybe?




Micro, u do no tht u got the lyrics wrong on tht thing u did on ur email account?

You said:

Flick the switch and open your third eye... you will see no one

The lyrics are:

Flick the switch and open your third eye, you'll see that / we should never be afraid to die


unless of course you were making some irritating joke...??


Before you ruin my thread.......... can you put that sorta stuff on my page rather than my thread.......



No more reports for Hyde Park................ anyone else up for it....... or think they may be able to make it???

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Gracious, those Hyde Park people like to keep me guessing. As soon as I finally had my call answered, the lady in question, was unavailable. One believes this will be a pain in the arse for much longer.

Unfortunately, my phone has given up the ghost and is out of action since Tuesday, so I haven't had much of an opportunity to call her again. But as soon as my sparkly new charger comes through the post, I will return to bashing Laura's ear off.

Sorry for the delay, thank you Micro for keeping the peace in this 'ere thread, and as soon as I get the all clear, I expect many more will join our ranks :D

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don't be precious


Let's not fall out kay? I agree with Micro, we don't want the Mods to think this thread isn't sticking to it's topic.




Tracklist update: We have to wait until the 14th September to decide.... and Micro gets the final say. A voting poll will be placed on the thread after that date, where you can all put your say. This will help us determine what songs we will be singing.

In my opinion, no more than 25.... at roughly 4 mins each, that's and 1hr and 40 mins, not including time to organise and get everyone settled, and chilling time :p So far:


UNITED STATES OF EURASIA and UPRISING are on the choir list, please be patient until the new album is released for further songs.


Cheers :happy:

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i don't wanna start arguments but mirco's really hacking me off right now. i was just insuring myself.

anyways, i take it that the only update is that more peeps are being added to th list and that hyde park are being really evasive...?

someone please tell me when something monumentous happens.

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i don't wanna start arguments but mirco's really hacking me off right now. i was just insuring myself.

anyways, i take it that the only update is that more peeps are being added to th list and that hyde park are being really evasive...?

someone please tell me when something monumentous happens.


Once the Resistance comes out a poll will be added and the muse fans can decide.............


That is how we decide the setlist


We do not have anymore information about Hyde Park (Crazy might have some but she is AWOL at the minute)


answers your question?

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