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Muse will release new DVD 'The Haarp Tour : Live From Wembley' on December, 3rd.


This DVD will come with a live CD and will be released in 3 formats :


1. One package CD + DVD collector in a box, with the CD, the DVD plus exclusive postcards

2. CD + DVD on a classic format

3. The DVD only in a classic package


The DVD will also contain some images from the backstage, a documentary about the 2 nights in Wembley and the almost complete gig from the 17th June.


Track listing (not yet confirmed) :


1. Knights of Cydonia

2. Hysteria

3. Supermassive Black Hole

4. Map of the Problematique

5. Butterflies and Hurricanes

6. Hoodoo

7. Feeling Good

8. Invincible

9. Starlight

10. Time is Running Out

11. Newborn

12. Soldiers Poem

13. Unintended

14. Blackout

15. Plug in Baby

16. Stockholm Syndrome

17. Take A Bow


The CD will contain a mixed selection of tracks from both nights. Approximate length : 45 minutes. Track listing not announced yet.



source : muselive.com

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Muse will release new DVD 'The Haarp Tour : Live From Wembley' on December, 3rd.


This DVD will come with a live CD and will be released in 3 formats :


1. One package CD + DVD collector in a box, with the CD, the DVD plus exclusive postcards

2. CD + DVD on a classic format

3. The DVD only in a classic package


The DVD will also contain some images from the backstage, a documentary about the 2 nights in Wembley and the almost complete gig from the 17th June.


Track listing (not yet confirmed) :


1. Knights of Cydonia

2. Hysteria

3. Supermassive Black Hole

4. Map of the Problematique

5. Butterflies and Hurricanes

6. Hoodoo

7. Feeling Good

8. Invincible

9. Starlight

10. Time is Running Out

11. Newborn

12. Soldiers Poem

13. Unintended

14. Blackout

15. Plug in Baby

16. Stockholm Syndrome

17. Take A Bow


The CD will contain a mixed selection of tracks from both nights. Approximate length : 45 minutes. Track listing not announced yet.



source : muselive.com


aaah ngga ada bliss???micro cuts, city of delusion? blakangan setlistnya kurang kreatif nih yaa itu2 mulu lagunya


dan knapa namanya the HAARP tour? :LOL:

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@ reita

gw klas 3 juga lhoo. sibuk juga jadinya

awal bulan november harus ngadain ansambel akustik. mana giliran pertama lagi. sialnya lagi ga ada musisi di klompok gw. anak bandnya pada nggabung di klompok laen. jadi bingunglah gw. mana mixing *halah* blom dilaksanain lagi :stunned: doain yaa biar performancenya sukses en nilainya bagus :D


@ galaxi falcon:

edit gambar aja. gw mo nggambar males. palagi orang berjenggot warna gelap trus berambut pendek. susah banget itumah :stunned:


@kk yuri

ko mirip setlist pas ngonser disini yah?

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keluar aja masi awal desember :rolleyes: yang sabar ya maass. nabung dulu :D


duh, krakatau uda siaga - awas nihh :( sekali gempa gede aja tu pabrik bakal roboh en bahan kimianya ngebanjirin satu kota. belom emaknya yg bisa aja ikutan ngamuk. ya ampuunn, mudah mudahan ga bener bener kejadian :(:(

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Semoga aja anaknya si Krakatau nggak marah-marah!

Adik dan Om-ku ada di Cilegon juga soalnya :(

Berdoa saja deh supaya "batuk-batuknya" sembuh....!


duh, krakatau uda siaga - awas nihh :( sekali gempa gede aja tu pabrik bakal roboh en bahan kimianya ngebanjirin satu kota. belom emaknya yg bisa aja ikutan ngamuk. ya ampuunn, mudah mudahan ga bener bener kejadian :(:(

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Semoga aja anaknya si Krakatau nggak marah-marah!

Adik dan Om-ku ada di Cilegon juga soalnya :(

Berdoa saja deh supaya "batuk-batuknya" sembuh....!


aahh.. smoga tak terjadi hal2 yang tidak diinginkann.. ahaha, biar ngga batuk2, ayo kita beliin obat batuk yang banyak..


and, yes, EMA is no longer counting down! :musesign:

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