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eh sisca balik juga stelah sekian abad ngga ngepost :D




whaaat?masa sih?? WOHOO klo iya! :happy:



Is it really true???

This is not just another rumours, right?

Jangan nantinya sudah berharap-harap tinggi, akhirnya malah kecewa karena nggak jadi!


Doa puasaku sekarang ini supaya Linkin Park ke sini lagi.

Lagi sebel dan bener-bener cemas nih... akhir tahun ini mereka ke S'pore, Bangkok, Shanghai, HK, Seoul, Japan tapi ngggak (belum?) mampir ke Jakarta.

Kayaknya harus ditambah 1 lagi doanya nih, Muse juga balik ke Indonesia!!!


C'mon Matt, Dom, Chris, get your ass back here in the "shantytown"!!!

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Is it really true???

This is not just another rumours, right?

Jangan nantinya sudah berharap-harap tinggi, akhirnya malah kecewa karena nggak jadi!


Doa puasaku sekarang ini supaya Linkin Park ke sini lagi.

Lagi sebel dan bener-bener cemas nih... akhir tahun ini mereka ke S'pore, Bangkok, Shanghai, HK, Seoul, Japan tapi ngggak (belum?) mampir ke Jakarta.

Kayaknya harus ditambah 1 lagi doanya nih, Muse juga balik ke Indonesia!!!


C'mon Matt, Dom, Chris, get your ass back here in the "shantytown"!!!


Kenapa kok LP? Album barunya kyknya kurang greget gimanaa gitu

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amiiiinnnn :D doa juga biar mreka dateng. kalo nggelar konser harinya yg pas :rolleyes:


@ tee: anjingmu? keliatannya sangar gitu :p looks creepy I think :stunned:


@ dina_nabila: huwo, ada yg namanya dina juga yahh :eek: kembaran :p


~sori oot~


Lmaooooooooooooo. Yes those are my dogs. :D Apa 'sangar gitu'? ;) Soz I'm dumb lol hahahaha. Why do they look creepy? He's so cute! :(

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ukh~ soryyy :( i don't understand anything about dog :$:$:D

*nyengir kaya kuda*


sangar = creepy, similar as menakutkan ;)


Haha okay lol. He's oldish....four yrs younger than me...XD Okay, not old, but he really acts like it. I love himanyways. :D

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GRR hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha I'm typing really loud, louder than I usually do cos my sister is just cos she's pissed off cos she thinks she can have this computer AND her new one. Hahaha. Loser. Just cos I get the most out of it. :p:LOL:


LOL.....Meh I am boreeeeed. And my index finger hurts now. :LOL:

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yeah, in this blessed ramadhan, I'll pray that Matt, Dom, and Chris will be back to Indonesia to do the concert as soon as possibble..




Haaaaa?? MUSE mo kesini? AMIIIIN !!!!

gw shocked !! mudah2an kejadian....klo bener..gw ga bakal nyia2in lg...ga mau bodoh 2 kali deh gw...hhohoho



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