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If you can bring it like the Irish crowd did, then fair play.



Yeah, it was epic. I think you need a good crowd though, if the crowd is shit the band aren't going to get into it. Good to see them having fun!


Well, I personally, can bring it......lets hope the other 20,000 odd people feel the same. :LOL:

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using the work comp at teh moment so cant get on any good sites - twitter, fb, youtube :(:(


Will add you tomorrow bb! :kiss:


Placenta!!! :awesome:



I had so much fun with you!



Well, I personally, can bring it......lets hope the other 20,000 odd people feel the same. :LOL:


I can too, so I'm sure the o2 dates will be epic.

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That was absolutely amazing. I'm in bits.


Had loads of fun in the line too, especially with the suicidal pigeon :LOL:




Since we were all in the same line, where were you? I showed up around 2, don't recall seeing anyone from the board although i was talking to someone from Galway and i could swear I'd seen her before.


Had a USOE flag shirt and a purple/white checkered hoodie, who some guy offered me sex for :LOL:




Haha, me and a friend seen you guys :LOL: Didn't know it was you though.


I started off about 8 rows back from the barrier and slowly moved my way up towards the barrier and over towards the 'sick circle', ended up at the second row by time is running out at which point i got absolutely crushed. But it was so much fun :LOL:


ha ha omg, I was behind you in the queue, I know cause that dude was just going to tear you to pieces for that hoodie.. I was the girl that eh..(really needed to go pee, and kept going on about it after.. Sorry)


Amazing or what???

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ha ha omg, I was behind you in the queue, I know cause that dude was just going to tear you to pieces for that hoodie.. I was the girl that eh..(really needed to go pee, and kept going on about it after.. Sorry)


Amazing or what???


Ohh wait, were you the girl whos boyfriend was being compared to everyone with long hair? :LOL:

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Josse can't stop talking about anything to do with bodies and their functions :LOL:


Claire is ossum. I feel so buzzing still even though I am knackered and am losing my voice :LOL:



You are just the cuteness, seriously. So worth the soreness and the tiredness in the end.:happy:




Israel, nil points.


Don't wake Israel.


Also concurring! Sorry I missed you guys in the airport:( I swear my mother does it on purpose to torture me! :facepalm:

Aw its fine hun, see you in a few days.;)


Dubwin :dance:



Just got home and i am fucking tired but going to try and upload some of my pics.


Epic gig was fucking epic


Fun times in Dublin once again :happy:



Well, I personally, can bring it......lets hope the other 20,000 odd people feel the same. :LOL:

London just might add something special.

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Ohh wait, were you the girl whos boyfriend was being compared to everyone with long hair? :LOL:


ha ha Ya.. Rory gallagher mainly cause he's from the same town.. Even though he bears no resemblance.. That queue was fantastic.. Quickest 4 and a half hour queue I've ever been in.

Really enjoyed that pee too!

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ha ha Ya.. Rory gallagher mainly cause he's from the same town.. Even though he bears no resemblance.. That queue was fantastic.. Quickest 4 and a half hour queue I've ever been in.

Really enjoyed that pee too!


Hey :awesome:

Yeah haha, I couldn't remember the name :p

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