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Hullabaloo DVD


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The reason I was looking so carefully is because I've yet to play Space Dementia live' date=' so I was writing down EXACTLY what Matt does on the piano, and conflictions arose, basically. Plus, I noticed that half of it was out of sync, in passing.[/quote']


Wouldn't you just do it by ear if the visual made no sense? Seems to me you have a talent for music and would be able to hear what's going on.... that's how I always do it with guitars. Only when I'm really stumped do I ever go to visuals... and that's before I go to a tab! Not that I can read... :LOL:


Then ofcourse there's writing your own...


Always trust your ears!

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actually, i'd love to kow what drugs you were on to make it so you could sit there and peer at the TV and notice all these little things. lol


i want some of it, whatever it is.

Jimson weed, i'll get you some as long as you promise not to end up nude, dead in a desert.

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Wouldn't you just do it by ear if the visual made no sense? Seems to me you have a talent for music and would be able to hear what's going on.... that's how I always do it with guitars. Only when I'm really stumped do I ever go to visuals... and that's before I go to a tab! Not that I can read... :LOL:


Then ofcourse there's writing your own...


Always trust your ears!


No, because for example, when he's dragging his hands up the piano at the end, he's doing it on both the black and white keys for example, which you can't really hear.


If the visual is there, I'll use it. It just makes things easier. And I used the audio obviously to construct the final product, but I just happened to be watching the DVD at the time, so I used that. :confused: Trivial

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My copy *jumps* as they pan out from the band,

just after 'in your world' then it *judders* and then its fine.


I noticed the chords and things didn't match up when I first got it.

It doesn't ruin it in any way. Some of the camera angles are a bit

odd. The one that has me laughing is the one thats on the guitar

itself when he smashes it up! Roller coaster!!!


Did anyone else notice the two pairs of eyes staring out from

behind the TV screen on the extra footage?

It's the bit where they have a TV with Matt on it mincing about

getting himself ready and there's a video recorder sat on top of it?

I think it's Matt and Dom, it made me jump the first time I saw it.

Muse are FREAKY people!

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Don't take this the wrong way, I'm not trying to be pedantic, it's just something that has interested me.


I've been watching the Hullabaloo DVD like a hawk, specifically Space Dementia. I've begun to wonder if Matt actually plays the big dramatic ending at all. There are a number of reasons for this.


If you look at camera angle 1 on the DVD, there is a craning shot moving upwards of matt doing a big, dynamic, low C major chord (at 47mins, 17½ seconds)... if you watch carefully, you see him quickly move his right hand to push a button on his piano. However, if you look at Camera angle 3 - the camera attached to the piano - you don't see him do this. Perhaps the craning shot was from a different take? But that doesn't show that he's not playing it. The thing that DOES, is that whatever camera angle you choose, half the time, chords we hear, he isn't even playing. A good example is the last three identical chords - B, D#, F# and A - he only visually hits those chords twice though before glissing downwards, but audibly plays them three times. Perhaps the button he presses is a play button? Because not only that, the actual solo at the end is way too melodic to be possible, it seems. I have tried copying exactly what he does, and it's damned difficult to get it that accurate. It would have to be written, the sort of dischordant chords he plays can't really be spontaneous, maybe it's possible actually, but it definitely wasn't done here. Unless...


The reason we don't see him play the third chord at the end is because the audio and video from two different takes was mixed. As I said, camera angles 1 and 3 are different when he hits the C major chord.


But then why did he press that button in one take and not in the other?


Did anybody actually GO to the Hullabaloo gig at Le Zenith in Paris? If so, did they do multiple takes?


Check it out and see what you think.

your sad

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That is remarkbly well spotted, I'm very impressed. I'm almost certain that it is because it was on 2 nights so at some points like that the visuals and sound may not match up. I noticed the 2 nights thing a while ago when it occured to me that darkshines is on the album but not the dvd, which puzzled me slightly so i read the back of both cases.


An interesting parallel is that they played 2 nights at Earl's Court. Unfortunately matt had to go and wear a different coat both nights so they can't use footage from both mixed together to make a new dvd :(

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An interesting parallel is that they played 2 nights at Earl's Court. Unfortunately matt had to go and wear a different coat both nights so they can't use footage from both mixed together to make a new dvd :(


Yeah I thought that.


And Italian Mafia, please shut up. If you're not going to bother understanding this thread properly, quote my entire post then say two meaningless and effectless words, then don't say anything at all. I don't think attention to detail and good initiative to immitate Muse so that I perform their songs well is sad. Arse. Ironic post at that. At least I've got something creative to do, instead of the crap you come up with. Another irritant I had to spray.

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Yeah I thought that.


And Italian Mafia, please shut up. If you're not going to bother understanding this thread properly, quote my entire post then say two meaningless and effectless words, then don't say anything at all. I don't think attention to detail and good initiative to immitate Muse so that I perform their songs well is sad. Arse. Ironic post at that. At least I've got something creative to do, instead of the crap you come up with. Another irritant I had to spray.

oooh! touchy. u dont know wat irony means.

i can play wat matt plays live. its not really hard. ur not the only one in the world who plays the piano. and ur not creative if ur simply immitating muse. tit. ur about creating as the pen lid im chewing right now.

why is immitating showing initiative anyway?!

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oooh! touchy. u dont know wat irony means.

i can play wat matt plays live. its not really hard. ur not the only one in the world who plays the piano. and ur not creative if ur simply immitating muse. tit. ur about creating as the pen lid im chewing right now.

why is immitating showing initiative anyway?!


Number one, I never said I was the only one in the world who plays piano. So that's stupid for a start. Secondly, the fact that I'm performing Muse's songs and learning them and playing them is creative, idiot. You're chewing a pen lid. Oh dear. And you're not writing properly. Just don't waste your time.


No, the initiative is getting down and actually doing something. In this case, I actually got down and tried my best to play Space Dementia the way Matt does live. I'm not going to gently play Space Dementia not-arsedly at half the tempo it's meant to be played at, like I've heard a lot of people do, which is fine of course, it's just not what I'm doing. That's why I'm actually trying hard.


Anyway, this whole stupid "ur sad" comment is completely irrelevant and unnecessary, go and irritate somebody else please.

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From what I have heard, closeups were recorded on one of the Hullabaloo nights and distant pans, etc were done on the other, thats probably why there are some differences on the DVD between shots.


That's interesting that is... I suppose it makes sense really, because then you get everything that you can possibly get footage wise. I always wondered how they just happened to be doing a certain shot when they needed to be, when Matt did something spontaneous for example. Interesting...

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That's interesting that is... I suppose it makes sense really' date=' because then you get everything that you can possibly get footage wise. I always wondered how they just happened to be doing a certain shot when they needed to be, when Matt did something spontaneous for example. Interesting...[/quote']


Probably so they could catch anything unusual and funny that happened on the nights.

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Jimson weed, i'll get you some as long as you promise not to end up nude, dead in a desert.

HA HA HA. you must have taken some yourself if you think you live in the matrix in bellamy's underware. lol

and he didn't die from the jimson weed, remember?

he died cuz his dumb ass friend was hallucinating and suffocated him. lol

my CSI knowledge PWNs.


Tom should write a book on survival tips too.


yeah, he should also:

A. prune his uni-brow

B. lay on my floor and pretend to be a bear rug


C. shave it all off and knit a bag of sweaters and mittens for the poor in the entire british/irish island mass. I'm sure there's enough there. :LOL:


my goodness he's furry. lol

i've learned this in the photogenic tom thread.

I'm not mean.

i just seem that way for comic effect. lol

tell me i'm wrong.

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hehehe I was serious, about the survival tips.


I got flattened at an Opus Trees gig by a girl wanting to get

closer to the band. I got my leg stuck in a swivel chair

trying to get into a good position for a photo and after

spending just one day with them, I was so knackered I thought

I was going to collapse! I can't even begin to explain the

madness that went on in the pub after one gig.

He's with them 24/7 he's probably suffering post traumatic stress :LOL:


So yeah survival tips would be handy!

He can have his own dvd of Tom's Tips but it has to be in the

style of Jesse's tips from the fast show hahah.

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poor witchy.



well... i was sort of being serious too...

and i doubt having his own groupies bothers him that much.

probably a nice bonus to the job. lol


hey witchy, you take pictures... which like shutter speed and aperature would i need to take a picture of the night sky without it blurring or just plain having nothing show up?

next time lunar eclipse comes around i want to get some shots.


now that i've remembered something ... i've realised tom is just creepy anyhow. lol

when i went to the philly concert he was standing there staring at me for a minute or two. at least until i started staring back.

i'm like, fuck, what does this creepy dude want?

well, people stare at me a lot anyway.

i'll live.

so what if it's a quasi-famous person.

actually, most of my thoughts were consumed by how shockingly ugly his shirt was. lol


uh, anyway, i can't wait to see hullabaloo. :happy:

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poor witchy.




hey witchy, you take pictures... which like shutter speed and aperature would i need to take a picture of the night sky without it blurring or just plain having nothing show up?

next time lunar eclipse comes around i want to get some shots.


If you're going to take pics of the lunar eclipse, get a tripod.

Not sure on the shutter speed, because the moon moves so if your lens is open too long it will blurr anyway.

less than 200 might do it. My photography is more the artsy fartsy side than the technical side.

If you get a throw away camera, don't get a normal one, get one that's for underwater pics, they pick up more light in the dark.

Good for concerts where flash isn't allowed. ;)

Hope that helps.

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HA HA HA. you must have taken some yourself if you think you live in the matrix in bellamy's underware. lol

and he didn't die from the jimson weed, remember?

he died cuz his dumb ass friend was hallucinating and suffocated him. lol

my CSI knowledge PWNs.




yeah, he should also:

A. prune his uni-brow

B. lay on my floor and pretend to be a bear rug


C. shave it all off and knit a bag of sweaters and mittens for the poor in the entire british/irish island mass. I'm sure there's enough there. :LOL:


my goodness he's furry. lol

i've learned this in the photogenic tom thread.

I'm not mean.

i just seem that way for comic effect. lol

tell me i'm wrong.



:LOL: haha you are right, your knowledge of CSI does pwn (what does that mean?) and i am ashamed. If you ask Matt he will tell you how i came to think that i am in his underwear

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