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It's random. Good to quote though. Especially when in lifts. People either look at you and laugh cause they know, or get really disturbed when you sing "cheese is a kind of meat, a tasty yellow beef. I milk it from my teat"


Haha smuggle her in so she can sit and watch us drink ourselves into a very loud stupour? HAHAHA do you remember that really annoying woman who was singing on the boat? I just remembered it now. Haha. Haha. They're still playing though. Sweden hogs all the good music. Bastard Sweden. Speaking of Swedish music, I've just started reading that Mikael Niemi (sp?). Lovely.


Haha bless you drunken fool. :happy: Are you going to grace Stockholm with your presence? I demand to get you drunk enough to go out dancing. Haha.


Tell me about it. I've not been to sleep before 7am in days. :stunned: :'(

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Haha, that's so...British :LOL: Mmm. Teats. :D


Oh yes, we so shold do that. She deserves it. The woamn I told to fuck off? Oh yes I do remember. Errr. Mikael Niemi? Populärmusik från Vittula? Mmm. 'S been oh such a long time I read that one. Mmm. So Northern Swedish.


I shall do that yes, but dancing no. No fucking way. I'll only do seated dances, since dancing is for the unedcuated slobs. :D Plus I'm not suave enough to handle any of that. Nor cool, or hip. Now drinking and talking blollocks I can do. Innit.


Oh that's harsh innit! Me I havwe to try to get my essay almost done this week amongst löiterature exam on Friday so that I can skip working in Jönjöåping/Stoxkholm, so I can't really go to bed very late at night innit. Such a blooming bore I am. Errrr. Mmmm hockey tomorrow thouygh. Go Linköping. Show them fucking Göterbogians what for.


Oooooh I'm so tired. And it's 5 o clock. I'm going to bed. Gnooooiiit iinit!

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That Vince really is pretty! I've started the habit of wearing a black ribbon to keep the hair up, which makes me look really, really feminine. Mmmmhm. Plus the hair's so smooth from the conditioner so it's a ball. Innit. Mmm. So much vodka tonight. So muich rum. So much wine. Mmm. That Polish restaurant looks so great, but scary! :D We so shojld go to the one in Vasastan sometime. It looks so incredbly nice. Mmm.


Ash, IM meeting both Rhiân and Mona :D Take that innit :D


God I should be allowed to drnk. Innit.


And they're meeting you!


You're all jammy sods, especially Rhian because she gets to go for a joliday!


*eats sweets and watches F1 to make up for this tragicness*

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And they're meeting you!


You're all jammy sods, especially Rhian because she gets to go for a joliday!


*eats sweets and watches F1 to make up for this tragicness*

I wouldn't get that excited Ash... I mean, Pelle's a bit odd. :happy: WOOO FOR MY JOLLIDAY :D


I was annoying my mum singing the soup song excitedly in Tesco today. :D


Yeah that one! It's so pretty, such a pretty story. Well, so far. It makes me want to go and live in a log cabin in the north even more now. :D


I'll get you dancing. I shall. Even if it means drugging you. Or teaching you the crab dance. Haha crab dance. That dance has survived years, and continues to grow and spread.


Such the academic. Bless you :happy: How can you favour Linköping over the Gutterbögs? Best Swedish accent ever. They deserve to win for speaking the way they do. :D


Oh god I really want to join a gospel choir :unsure:

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The question is not whether you could get me in or not, the question is whether mum and dad would allow me to even go to a pub.

And to be honest, I'd rather not. I'd rather run around Södermalm all night then sit in a pub, walk out of there smelling like alcohol.


I'd rathe rmeet you next morning, when you're hungover. I would soooooooooooooo increase your headache. *evil*


Ash, you really should get your arse here. The more the merrier, I sometimes think.

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Odd? More like stupid and effeminate. :D


Haha Mighty Boooooosh <3. It's fabulous!


It makes you want to live there...eerrrr. I never thought you could look at it that way :LOL: Nah, one doesn't have to go farther north than Uppland. Innit. That book's so, so Swedish though. Mmm.


Haha, never, I suggest we go to places where dancing's banned. Like public libraries or hip places where they only discuss Sartre <3 What's that dance though? :LOL:


I haven't really written a proper essay in my life, so I have no idea how to do it :D Rhiân bach, you're so wrong, so wrong. Firstly, Frölunda makes me sick, secondly I was born in Linköping so it's my duty to like them (plus they have the most hilarious accent <3) and för det tredje göteborgian still is so awful it makes me want to die a horrible death.


Gospel? Nah, proper Protestant old lady singing Swedish choirs for me :D


Your mother needs never know Mona :D Plus, what do you think of us? Hangovers? We're not like that, we're more likely to have a light beer and juice and embrace the healthier living. <3


Only two days left then innit? Gah lucky you. I'm in the middle of a massive breakdown. I pay this fucking uni to educate me, not to fucking tell me to do like 10 equally important things at the same time. Errrr. The hair so shiney though :LOL:


How's everyone tonight then?

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If you say so :happy:


It is! I've just tried to copy the DVD for you, but it's having none of it. Still, I shall soldier on. You WILL get the Boosh. If it kills me.


It is! I was reading it in the car back to Manc today and all the burly pseudo-Finnish people... The Saunas, the snapps drinking... Love it.


Psssh. Where's the fun there! Although drunken babbling is great... Ahh the Crab dance has to be seen to be believed.


Haha, oh dear. Don't forget to put the page number of quotes in brackets afterwards, make sure you reference any Academic Journals/secondary sources you use and.. include a Bibliography :happy: That's all you need :D Nahhhhhhh. Hush you. You're rubbish. Göteborg am byth!


Her mother will know. All mothers know. They're omniscient. Absolutly. Just a carrot juice for me. Gin? Wassat then? :D


One day now! :happy: Haha sounds typical of uni life. Well, there shall be an ample piss up awaiting you in Stockholm. CRAP I forgot the Stars... gah. Ooh, also, any requests for tea bags submit before 10pm please! Otherwise I'll have to trail to Parrs Wood Tescos for them. Yay for conditioner!

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Aw fanks muchly, don't go and kill yerself though, you'll miss your flight! Innit. :happy:


Mmm isn't it fabulous! You do get a deeper understanding for the Finns after reading it...seeing as they're exactly like they are in the book. Mmhm. They know it's true. My only contact with a Finnish sauna was in '02 when Roine and I tried to get the heating thing working, and consequently ending up drinking beer at 40 degrees :LOL: That was fabulous, though I'm never trusting Finnish saunas again (or Roine trying to work them for that matter :LOL: )


Dancing is so 2005 :rolleyes: Plus, my hair ribbon isn't working like it should so my hair would flail too much should I try to swing my head around :LOL:


Mmmm all those stupid things yes :happy: Just started organizing it today over some beers at Erik's at his new, wonderful place, 30m from me and like 70m from Lisa :happy: It's so, so gay, and the neighbours are fabulous. You know you're tearing up the heart of mr. Thåström with your herecy? And mine! :LOL:


:LOL: That's true. Errr. We'll stay low then. Haha, tha'sssss th'spirit <3


Mmmmm ample pissups, let's hope so. And no, I'm not letting anyone borrow my phone ever again :LOL: No worries about Stars, and tea's not running anywhere near low thanks to my extreme thriftiness. Mmm.


What time are you leaving, and are you still hexcited? :D (Goes to embrace Пушкин even though I'm skipping school in the morrow)

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Ah it's ok, I'm currently getting the help of a computer geek, so we shall have boosh. I may even copy some Fireman Sam episodes (BEST Welsh children's show ever)


It is actually making me laugh out loud as it just reminds me of all the people on the Stockholm - Helsinki ferry. Especially the old Finnish man who started talking to me whilst I was playing cards with Laura and had NOOOOOOOO idea what he was saying. Hahaha that sounds wonderful. Roine really sounds just like Phil. It worries me.


Like hell it is! You can't use that excuse for everything. The trick is to fix it with hairgrips. HA. Not so clever now are we?


Ooh sounds a bit good! :happy: I know I am, but it's justifiable, since you're taking it as read that all Welsh accents sound like whassit from Little Britain. :rolleyes:


:happy: Plan!


Haha I shall stop you should you offer it to any English tramp. Ah extreme thrifty indeed! I've had to start buying tea in the 120 bag box because I keep going through it so quickly. Mmm.


I'm leaving at 6am so technically I should be in bed now, but I've just been out for curry and had a large coffee.. so that's not going to happen for a while. :D Excited indeed! Errrrrr not him! DEAMON man.

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Haha, Welsh, faaaabulous! :D That Soup Song is so great too <3


:LOL: Haha, Finns tend to do that! I bet they're aware they've got an impossible language, so they use it around foreigners as much as they can. It's not fair. (Haha, just realised I can do that to you ruddy Brits :D) He's as much dad a dad could be really :LOL: Plus, he's left Ann to paint the kitchen while he went to France with his brother to drink pastis :LOL:


Pah hairgrips. Lisa's got them now, in pure French blonde style, and it's looking great. I must look for those in Stockholm. (I wouldn't dare using them to school though...I'd sooner have the 14 year old hairdo :LOL: ) I'm still not dancing though. Errrr. What do you think of me?


But those accents are pretty, göteborgian isn't, I just wish you'd realise, instead of having a rude awakening from living there :LOL: Vadååååå elleeeeerrrr :LOL: Oh Lord.


Woo British! :LOL: I'll get some milk for it soon though...cannae wait :happy:


Haha, good job! I just realised I haven't had coffee today...which might explain my utter knackeredness. Ah Pushkin isn't that bad, it's pretty easy to read if only he'd fuck off with his bloody countryside accents. Errr. Nope, have to go back to Pushkin/to bed, so I guess I'll catch you in Stockholm if you wouldn't manage to steal a computer while you're there. Lycklig resa, ha det så kul och allt det där :happy: See you around innit.

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Oh Fireman Sam is what all the Welsh kids watch when growing up. It's an institution. 's in Saesneg though. :D Pontypandy :D We're having success with the Boosh DVD so far! You can get all the other classics too, like Howard Moon and Milky Joe's conversations about Sartre, the Chosen One song... oh the Boosh!


Haha probably. Bless them. Of course you can do that to the ruddy Brits, then I'll just start speaking with pidgeon Welsh/a strong Lancasher/Angelsey accent and THEN YOU TRY AND DO IT. Ha. Hahaha yep sounds just like my father. Once, bless him, he left my mum passed out on the bed (she was drunk) whilst he went to the pub with Uncle Wade to get more pissed.


Ooh very nice! I had to use a blonde hairgrip yesterday cause I couldn't find any black ones. Haha looked a bit stupid. You will dance. Even if I have to drug you. :happy:


Butbut it's not a real welsh accent! Besides, it's a Valley's accent, which is the ugliest one ever. Pfff.


:D I'll have to have a brew before I leave. Two whole weeks without tea :unsure:


He's a vile man is Pushkin. Well have fun! Let me know when you're out and about and I shall bring some duty free to kick start proceedings, should I have time to get it. :D

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Fucking Sweden. It's cold.


I've had to run away to the 7 eleven opposite T Centralen to escape my new Malcolm esque stalker.




:D åååååååååå

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I'm nvber drinking again!



Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooh, I don't tell you what to say, I don't tell you what to do, so just let me be myself, that's all I ask of yoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooou!



I'm yoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooung and I loooooooooooooooooove to be yoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooung

I'm freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee and I loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove to be freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

To liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive my life the way I waaaaaaaaaaaaant

To saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay and do whatever I pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease

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I'm nvber drinking again!



Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooh, I don't tell you what to say, I don't tell you what to do, so just let me be myself, that's all I ask of yoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooou!



I'm yoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooung and I loooooooooooooooooove to be yoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooung

I'm freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee and I loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove to be freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

To liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive my life the way I waaaaaaaaaaaaant

To saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay and do whatever I pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease




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I'm nvber drinking again!



Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooh, I don't tell you what to say, I don't tell you what to do, so just let me be myself, that's all I ask of yoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooou!



I'm yoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooung and I loooooooooooooooooove to be yoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooung

I'm freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee and I loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove to be freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

To liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive my life the way I waaaaaaaaaaaaant

To saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay and do whatever I pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease

Well we know that's a lie.


EN DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAG woah oah oah en daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag.

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Sod off. Aw I miss Stockholm so much. 'T was divine meeting you both. Och förresten Mona, det var du som ringde mig på mobilen på söndagen va? Förlåt att jag la på, gick precis över gatan och fattade inte vem det var :$


Are there no contests in which you can win trips from England to Sweden? Or just tell me if you want me to send some glue or staplers for the canoe :D

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Nahh, all you drank was water innit. We have the proof :happy: You're not the only one dear. Twas such the best time really. Damn you both for living in bananaland. DAMN YOU.


Alas no competitions, but my canoe's coming on quite well. I could always just book a flight when the next fat wad of student loan goes in... then not eat for two months :D

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I've lost my card. now I have to pay 150 kr for a new one.


I've got 2 essays to write.


I've to read about Gustav III.


I need a new guitar.



I'm not even worried about the national test in English I have on Tuesday.





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