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Oooh, sounds fantastic does that! It's the most important thing to know innit. Haha, those bars are the best anyways. No Malcolms. (Unless he's sat in one of them dressed in black, drinking vermouth and reading a Camus book upside down catching lost, blonde teenage boys :LOL: )


Aah I see :happy: I will never, ever understand the straightening thing, but maybe I'll come around. Mmhm. Haha Welsh...I can imagine the puzzlement. :LOL: Mmmm to be able to speak Welsh fluently...that'd be the best. Curse me for doing more Gaelic than Welsh when I was little. :D


Sounds fabulous. Maybe we could keep ourselves updated with texting so that I'm in Vasastan when you're on Söder and vice versa. Maximum avoidance indeed. :D (Oh God like the board game 'Scotland Yard'...mmm childhood. Ever played it? I really sucked at it though :LOL: )


Not out of the closet indeed. :D (I still can't think in English since it's later than it should be. Bloody clocks.) Ooooh he's just so gay it's adorable. :LOL: He gave us a drunken 20 minute lecture on Czech vowels too :LOL:


Oh that's quite hexpensive! The Moz tickets were only like...300 spänn. But then again that's Mozzer...aww hungover :( I was miraculously fine after all that vodka, wine and beer last night.


All is fine here, only stressed out as usual before an impending Rusk week from hell. I just want to get out of here, go to Jönköping to get on the bike (if the cold weather and snow ever disappears) and go to Stockholm for pissups. :happy: Played oboe yesterday for the first time since...July or something. So fun. Realised 10,000 Maniacs and Albinoni is all one has to listen to. And you? Lots of essays to be done?

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Too right! Aww, what I wouldn't give for the slight possiblitity of you and I in a bar and then Malcolm wandering in (wearing carrier bags for shoes) and saying "hey, I remember you!" but that would be too good. Far too good.


Because you're fortunate enough to have perfect hair, damn you. It's quite bad apparently, because for my Nana sometimes she finds it easier to express herself in Welsh in the middle of an English sentence... bless. Errr Gaelic. Is that to do with you feeling guilty for your Viking ancestors raping and pillaging our Celtic Welsh tribes?


Haha, that's such a whassit... pretentious beret wearing student thing to do. I love it. Genius idea. :D Scotland Yard? Never heard of it! However me and the Cami have been playing Monopoly and Cluedo all night. Woo!


I know! Where did the hour go?! I want it back! Aww that sounds simply delightful :happy:


It is a bit, but... worth every penny :$ That's not too bad for Mozz tickets, they was well expensive here like. I envy you. I made the mistake of vodka redbulls again. The crash and burn from energy drinks... eugh.


Oh rubbish :( Sounds quite the life it does! Roll on summer, eh? Crazy. I've not played clarinet in years. Oooh 10,000maniacs.. they're so like.. 1996 :D I'm grand ta. Just the one essay left on the sodding Orthodox Church. Thankfully the Emilia Galotti one for Morality and Politics in German Drama was handed in 30 minutes before the deadline on Friday. WIN :D

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Too right! Aww, what I wouldn't give for the slight possiblitity of you and I in a bar and then Malcolm wandering in (wearing carrier bags for shoes) and saying "hey, I remember you!" but that would be too good. Far too good.


Because you're fortunate enough to have perfect hair, damn you. It's quite bad apparently, because for my Nana sometimes she finds it easier to express herself in Welsh in the middle of an English sentence... bless. Errr Gaelic. Is that to do with you feeling guilty for your Viking ancestors raping and pillaging our Celtic Welsh tribes?


Haha, that's such a whassit... pretentious beret wearing student thing to do. I love it. Genius idea. :D Scotland Yard? Never heard of it! However me and the Cami have been playing Monopoly and Cluedo all night. Woo!


I know! Where did the hour go?! I want it back! Aww that sounds simply delightful :happy:


It is a bit, but... worth every penny :$ That's not too bad for Mozz tickets, they was well expensive here like. I envy you. I made the mistake of vodka redbulls again. The crash and burn from energy drinks... eugh.


Oh rubbish :( Sounds quite the life it does! Roll on summer, eh? Crazy. I've not played clarinet in years. Oooh 10,000maniacs.. they're so like.. 1996 :D I'm grand ta. Just the one essay left on the sodding Orthodox Church. Thankfully the Emilia Galotti one for Morality and Politics in German Drama was handed in 30 minutes before the deadline on Friday. WIN :D

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Haha, you never know. We should pick bars iz the tourist tochki zrenia. That way there'd be at least a few silly Norwegians to molest and make fun of. That, or we just get plastered at some shabby place on Söder, as per Swedish traditions.


Silly you :rolleyes: It's just like your dialect which you accuse me of liking more than I should. It so, so badly needs hairdresser doing. Errr. Uni should allow for hairdo breaks. Haha you so should start mixing Welsh/Engels more frequently innit. Especially to confuse the Swedes. Nah, Gaelic is actually quite the nice language. Plus, if you do the tin whistle, then it's compulsory. However, if there is a particular Welsh instrument...I could take up uilleann pipes and pretend it's from Wrecsam innit.


Innit. :D Hmm I wonder at what time I'll be there on the Thursday. Damn parents for not wanting to go there early in the morning or something. Errr. Monopoly, such memories...I totally used to wipe the floor with people. Get Diplomatstaden or Norrmalmstorg, whip out a few hotels and woo! Victory! :D (You so should a Swedish version for the Stockholmness. :D )


Vodka redbull errr. Nah, pure vodka really is the only thing to drink, if you're good at it. Keeps you alert all day and no hangovers. :D


Orthodox church errrrr. Good job on making deadlines. I pray to God I can bring some work to Stockholm and finish my essay on some conjunctions (woo fun) for the 21st...errrr. Argh, so much to do...it's fucking ridiculous, I bet noone studying anything in Sweden keeps the same pace we do. *implodes from pressure* Errr. I'm so, so, so, so not doing Rusk ever again. Maybe some Stockholm pissups can get me back on my feet. :D


*Goes to do case/aspect/clause element analysis*

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I'll search the electoral roll here for him and let him know of your impending Stockholm trip. :D I'll happily get plastered anywhere, you know that.


Hush up. You do like it more than you should. I've told you a thousand and one times. Plus my theory still stands that you've forgotten what I sound like so made one up in your mind. :D I realised the other day I use far more Wenglish than I should (without knowing it was actually Wenglish) like "I do do that you know" or saying "I'm not sure of that now" instead of "Now, I'm not sure of that" The instrument of Wales is the harp! And the Male Voice Choir.


I don't blame them really. Early starts are never fun. Ever. Besides, don't complain, you're getting a free ride! I used to be the supreme Monopoly champion, owning hotels on the greens and the purples, but Cami absolutly flattened me on Saturday. My side and then her side. Sodding Mayfair hotels. £2,200 rent! Heartless cow. Oooh Swedish Monopoly could be fun. Especially as we'd have no clue what the Chance/Community Chest cards say :D


So true. But it has to be good vodka, like Absolut. Mmm. Never get hungover from that. Red Square and the £6 Rachmaninov vodkas from Lidl however... eugh.


I've still not started that review and I've got a heavy social week planned. Ah well, Thursday night it is me thinks! Ah blame the fact you're at a good University. :D Clever people are forced into working. Bring your work to said Stockholm pissups. Spill beer all over it and blame the Finns. Or something. :D

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:LOL: Haha, you so should. We could stuff him with hay and bring him along to all the gay clwbs we can find. Aw good. I should ask Jan for a new beer map or something. Maybe we do have the old one back in Jönköping though haha <3


Haha, exactly my point, I've made up your dialect and you've got a strange picture of my hair in your mind :LOL: Mmm Wenglish, embrace it! :LOL: Haha, you must keep that habit for Stockholm. I won't have any Saesneg crap. Plus, the Wenglish way of building sentences seems more Swedish in a way. Mmhm. Harp. Errr. Too big. It's handy though, since you probably could play it while drinking (like the uilleann, I always crack up when I see them Irish people squeezing the little bag with a pint on the table and a fag between the fingers. <3


No, they're not fun indeed, but we sort of have an unwritten law in our family that if we're going on a trip we get like 20 minutes to get ready at 6 in the morning :LOL: The 'rents must be getting old. Free ride indeed. Mmm. I won't be able to bring all the Coq Sportifs I want since I have to go directly by train back to Skåne. :D Oh dear, you must ask for a rematch and mash her face in innit. The cards could be a proper pickle yes :LOL: Ah I guess the grammar on them isn't that hard. :D


I hear you, bad vodka is like death. Zubrówka on the other hand...:D (Though I do admit it's harder to drink when you're constantly thinking of bison wee :LOL: ) Rachmaninov? <3 Classy.


I envy social weeks haha. The university may be good, but it eats social lives for breakfast :LOL: Haha, I could blame the Finns if only my grammar tutor didn't have Finnish ancestors. On the other hand he might understand the dilemma with vodka-drenched essays better than the average bloke though. <3 How's life bar from the essays then dear? :happy:


(Fuck the analysis, I'll fail doing it freestyle in class tomorrow instead.)

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Stuff him with hay?! Wouldn't you sooner him be alive and communicative? Do the dirty dancing moves and all that :LOL: Beer map! Amazing. I'll bring my trusty guidebook again. With its list of pubs and all. :D


But but I sin your hair like! Haha I do. I've got my Angelsey accent perfect now. It's grand. :D Haha not all Irish people are like the Pogues dearest... Most are...


:LOL: Wonderful! Bless them both. I shall have a re-match. One day. Bwahaha. Ah bring all you need. Then take a stupid sized bag and complain it's too heavy. Pack like a woman!


Oh god, I can't drink that stuff anymore after Harriet, Leonie and I drank a litre between us (along with loads of others) then cooked it with pancake mix. Eugh. Such a shame. Haha bison wee. Ooh, I shall buy you a bottle of that as a "every student should have one" present. Needless to say of all the people I've spoken to about it (including myself) they've all ended up with a rash after drinking it :D


Mmm, it promises to be good, especially as I'm well into my overdraft as a result of it :D It'll be water of a duck's back that. Just say it was Finlandia vodka or something. Life's grand! As always :D


Thaaaaaaat's the spirit! :D

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That Vince really is pretty! I've started the habit of wearing a black ribbon to keep the hair up, which makes me look really, really feminine. Mmmmhm. Plus the hair's so smooth from the conditioner so it's a ball. Innit. Mmm. So much vodka tonight. So muich rum. So much wine. Mmm. That Polish restaurant looks so great, but scary! :D We so shojld go to the one in Vasastan sometime. It looks so incredbly nice. Mmm.


Ash, IM meeting both Rhiân and Mona :D Take that innit :D


God I should be allowed to drnk. Innit.

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I will HAVE to burn you a copy of my Mighty Boosh DVD. I really will. I loooooooooooove the chosen one. Loving him is so much fun. We loooove the chosen one. Haha you drunkard.


Well really, you're enlisting the help of Mona and Rhian to find Malcolm (and his lost everythings...) :happy:


:LOL: bless ye. Haha.

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Is it good? :happy: Seems like it at least dunnit :happy: That Vince's got wavier hair than me, which I will not forgive him for.


I really am innit. I wonder if we could get MOna in to some pub. As long as we show them we're not feeding her witb booze. Plus she's quite proven herself to be ablt to habdle us both drnk innit :happy: Language fo flowers is playing at Mejeriet though, which is a crap place because they let people in like a half hour after they've officially opened and start the concerts 3 hours after the time put on thje ticket. Innit. I'm oing to bed, I can't really see the screen, so I rely on the keyboartd. Innit. Oh I want to go to Stockholm. Enough of the fucking Ruskl. Innit.


*Watches as clock soon turns bloody 5* Innit.

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