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What? Can decent people not have property to themselves? :LOL: You so should steal another innit.


Hmm, maybe I could mix Frieda with baby stuff...that must surely be the best thing evoh then, innit. Pump action errrr. Me being male and stupid doesn't manage that kind of multitasking. Innit.


:LOL: :LOL: That's...errr wonderful. Ah you young people.


Aha, I see...so is 10 credits like...half a semester, like here? Or is it something completely different? :$ Nooooo Bacardi is heaven, best white booze I tell you (bar vodka, but vodka's just...too Russian sometimes.) Rum is great. Embrace it! Nah, them eyeliners are just below the eye (I meant below before, not beneath :LOL: ) with white being on the edge above the small hairs below the eye, with aqua mixed in in the middle where the iris is, and brown on the actual hairs. Damn, this is hard to explain. :LOL: Otherwise just brown mascara and (kinda dark) pink eyeshadow.


Sounds wonderful! :happy: Did you call it or listen to it?

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There is one going begging in the entrance hall bit... Nahh.


Oooooh that could be! Ah noo it's wonderful stuff... Don't knock the Clarke till you've tried him! http://www.nickyclarke.com/ I didn't get allergic to this one :D




Nah, ten credits is a full semester here, 20/40 credits is two semesters... so if you're doing a BA, you need 100 credits a year, BA (hons) - the one I'm doing, 120 credits. It's quite complicated, but dead straight forward. It all depends on if you're doing single honours, joint honours or dual honours... :D


There will be no embracing of rum, ever. Except maybe Malibu cause it's faux rum. Ooooh I get you now. :D The eyeshadow looks great by the way :D


I listened to it, then broke out in laughter which became uncontrolable when he started giggling like a girl :LOL:

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Do you at least have the smoking fish saved as a flat trophy? :D


That Clarke thang looks really gay and nice :happy: Too bad most of the pages are under construction...I'm not changing brands until I've found the Frieda 'Spun Gold' though...I've heard it's fabulous for blöndes.


:stunned: I get it, I think...but still...errr. Thank God for our system, even though I don't understand everything here completely, it's more...social democrat over here :LOL: Honours sounds so fancy though. And masters. Mmm.


I say you have not lived, have you not tried my Cuba Libres. They are to die for. (I mean that, half my rum bottle vanished today, and I'm hardly even drunk, that must be me being brain dead since 8 o'clock. :LOL: ) Fanks :happy: I've been thinking of trying orange too. Hmm. But pink looks quite natural and Polish does it not? Plus the perceived aqua/turqoiseness :D


:LOL: Haha awwwww, those calls are great innit. But I'm still somewhat happy that my phone doesn't work :LOL:

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Unfortunately no, he's long gone. However the picture of him lives on in my Facebook profile, just so people from school remember how distrubed a child I was. :D


It's brilliant. He was the resident hairdresser on the morning chatshow a few years back. Great guy. Nah, everyone does honours, unless they're at really shit unis. :D Masters are awesome. I really want one of those but they cost a fortune to take.


I shall keep that in mind, but I never ever will trust you again after Jägermeister. Hmm orange could have that 80s disaster quality to it. How about an aubergine kind of colour? :happy:


They are! Pah, if people are drunk enough, they'll call your mobile. You're not entirely safe me dear.

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:LOL: :LOL: Haha, faaabulous! I think I'm getting obsessed with fish since I keep learning names, from the stories I have to translate, for them in Russian...I hardly know in them Swedish though...mmm...линь...голавль :D


Ah he's a real person too! :D Even better. Was he gay (or gayish), or was he one of those really manly, butch hairdressers? (they do exist, sadly). Aha, I see :D I hate paying for education. I wonder if Sweden could pay for my trip to the Stok.


:D You shouldn't. Could be 80's yer...but if you make it look 'natural', like this pink one, I think it could be alright...aubergine's too dark though, I've tried darker ones before, greenish ones too, and they make the eyes too dark, except for maybe mid/light brown. Hmmm.


They do, which is why I have the sound off and the mobile tucked away underneath the makeup in my handbag :LOL: (yes I said handbag)

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:LOL: So Russian. Fish is well good though. Especially the gutting of.


Yeah! He's painfully camp and happily married with about 60 kids and tight leather trousers <3. Paying for education's shite. They've upped the fees this year so my Sheffield course will be about £3k a year instead of the current £1,115. Chuffing Labour government. Socialists my arse. Do they have exchange programmes with Russian universities? Shame Russia's not under the ERASMUS thing really.


Nope :D Can you make orange look natural though? Hmmm. It just reminds me of old ladies...Pah dark eyeshadow is the best kind.


Hahaha! Handbag! Brilliant. Best way to have a mobile is on silent. Then you can ignore phonecalls from mothers wanting to discuss your insurance policy. :D

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Especially the fishing of. Mmmmm Swedish east coast. Mmmmm abborre. Mmmmm strömming.


:LOL: Sounds quite the lad then! 3k!? That's 40000 kr! :eek: Insane! I'm glad we're not under Labour here...I just don't get, at all, why you have to, in a developed country, pay for education, or at least that much, it doesn't make sense. These things just tick me off. I heard of something about doing this autmun's course (the C-course) in Russia, through Stockholm Uni, but they cancelled it obviously. Pah, I'll probably not make it to Rasha for years. Stupid country.


I think you could actually...should be quite anemic, but nice...with brown eyes too! Mmm. Pink is probably better anyways. Dark's just too...I don't know...since I always stare at people with nice looking eyes when I'm out somewhere (which leads to many awkward situations, but that's a different story altogether), it's so dull when you can't actually see the eye for the dark eye socket covering everything up. Dark eyeshadow lightened up by something whiter/lighter is nice though. Mmm.


It's really pretty and down-dressy (perfect with a girl coat). Haha, poor mother! Will the insurance be better/cheaper in Sheffield y'reckon?


Yusuf Islam is the new black. I'd only listened to his Arab stuff before, but Morning has broken is very pretty actually...I used to hate it before for some reason. Hmm.

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Hehe, nahh gutting.


Yep. It's mental. Absolutly sodding mental. Bah that's rubbish. See, you should join an excessively expensive British uni, then you *have* to spend your third year abroad. No choice. Unless you do the MML at Manchester.


It'd take skill and careful colour selection to do that though. Darks the best! It only looks rubbish if you start to cry/sweat when out. Then you look like a heroin addict. Haha all hail awkward situations :D I suppose the unfair advantage of we dark eyeds is we can pull darker shades off easily, but you blue eyed people have the advantage of lighter, less gothic colours. Grrrrrrrrr.


Ooooh poifect! Well it serves her right for phoning when I was in bed... granted I wasn't asleep, but I wasn't going to walk accross the room in the cold to get my phone. It'll be a hell of alot cheaper. I think Sheffield's the 2nd safest city in Britain. It'll be like moving from Colditz to the Peterhoff. :D


Oh definately! My mum listened to him all the time when I was wee. It was a sad day when he converted to Islam and renounced the music he made so beautifully. How on earth could you hate it?! Still, you disagree with the Jose Gonzalez fans so... pfff.

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A compulsary year abroad would be exactly what I need, since I'll probably never get away when I have to plan it myself...then again it's nice to have the freedom of being able to choose not to live in a family or something...an apartment, however simple and dull, would be great...


It's bound to be hard yes...Haha, heroin addict might just be charming in itself. Awkward situations in the best. I was this close to asking someone on the street how i helvete they get such eyes t'other day. I'm sorry, but I just don't get it :LOL: But, brown eyed people can have a completely other darkness thing going on which isn't goth, but just...nice.


Calling you in bed? Evil. :LOL: Haha, what a comparison, well sounds nice either way :happy:


Naaah, his La illahah illallah is greeeeeat :happy: We used to play that all the time back round midsommar. I always associated Morning has broken with school ending for the summer...wait, that shouldn't make me hate it...but I did, I don't now, that's the important thing innit. Gonzo...pah. So Jönköping. *shudder*

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You still have to kind of plan it yourself here, in that you get the choice as to whether you're a language assistant/uni student/employed etc, plus you have to find your own place I think. It'd be good (ish) to have a host family though, cause then you simply couldn't escape the language.


Ah possibly. Haha you probably would've either been well in there or got a hearty slap had you asked :LOL: That is true, but still... sometimes you want pale colours.


It was lunchtime to be fair... but it was just too cold to get out! I think moving my bed underneath the window was a bad idea... even though it's slap bang next to the heater now.


Haha yes! Morning has Broken reminds me of primary school recorder lessons. A class of 20 6 year olds playing it on squeaky plastic things was tourment, even then. Stevens is so much better than Dylan... even though Dylan may on occasion hold the upper hand with lyrics... Nahhh. Leapin' an' hoppin' on a moonshadow (moooonshadow mooooooonshadow)


You secretly love the coffee table acoustic. Admit it. Is he a Yernshurpinger too? I had a weird dream about the lake there the other night.

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Aah, right, that so! In that aspect a host family would be practical, but...no, I'd rather make it on my own, since that must surely be the ultimate when trying to master/get better in a new language. Innit. Whatever flöåts your böåt I guess.


:LOL: Probably the latter. Though Swedes'd be to docile to do such a fing. Innit.


Lunchtime should always be treated as '4 o'clock in the morning', especially if you call students...unless it's your siblings, then anything goes. Innit. Bed by the window? Ouch, that sounds proper medieval Bubonic cold exposing. I'd die if I had to spend too much time by window, as it leaks like a såll.


:LOL: Haha, recorder lessons, bless! I can't say I'd prefer mr. Islam over Dylan in the long run though...but damn, Morning has broken is the ultimate singalong song. I'd never have guessed. Gooooood's recreaaaatioooooon of the new daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! <3<3<3


I secretly hate it and want to cut its throat. He's no Yernshurpinger, but all the ruddy fuckers called 'musicians' do there is mellow, mellow and mellow (except for Christian rock and/or 'punk'. *shudder* And Polyphonic Spree loving Hidden Cameras copying Christian giant superbands *shudders to death*) Sorry :$ A dream about Vättern? Cool :D

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So brave, making it on your own in Russia! Nah it would be better that way.


Haha, bless 'em.


Exactly! My sleep pattern has become so messed up this weekend. I blame now owning all the episodes ever of Nip/Tuck on DVD. It's a bit good. Yeah, I moved it to get more floor space. When I eventually get my camera back I'll take some pictures. It's HAMAZING! You could play rugby in here now. Speaking of Rugby, poor Wales, they're getting stuffed :'( After I bought a Wales shirt and all.


Yep, every Thursday before breaktime :D It is so good. Oh what I wouldn't give to join a hippie commune.


Haha, but mellow's nice! It goes well with dim lights an PG. Still, you had a woman from Abba and the Cardigans, they're rather good. Stop complaining grumpyface. :D Yeah, it was a horrible dream, I jumped in it and the water started to crush my chest then I ended up in a church nearby.

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Haha, well, I'm talking about it, aren't I :LOL: I bet I'll never do it.


I always did try to get into the Nipper show, it's quite good hactually, never became an obsession though. Hmm. Pah, you and your nice room. Mine's so sunkigt (is that in the dictionary? I have a feeling I use that too much nowadays to prove my Stockholmness. It means like...awful, anyway) since I've got a table in the middle with a shitload of books and papers...looks like a proper male room it does :$ Roll on the day I actually have time to clean up. Awww poor Kimraicks. So you finally got your shirt then? Cool :happy: All I ever had was an All Blacks one, but it's a bit too small (since I got it when I was 8)


:D Nice! Pah hippies, what are they good for (absolutely nuffin! Say it again!)


Noooooo it's horrid...and so Christian. 2006 is slick, genomtänkt guitar pop. A woman from ABBA? What's wrong with the other? :LOL: A church nearby? Seems like you've actually been to the Holy City :D


We were supposed to have a flat party, or so I thought, today, but I stayed at Lisa's with Erik until 11 or something, and then, discovering there's noone in the kitchen, started drinking beer, calvados and whiskey and downloading Gareth Gates on Emule. :LOL: Erik is in good in one way really, he always leaves some beer/booze in his glass, so I'm left with quite a lot after they left :LOL: Woooooooo! *falls on the floor and drinks more* Oh you should've heard me when I talked to the flatmate from some unknown country today...oh the horrid English dialect I had :LOL: 'Are we supposed to have the paaaaaaahty todeeeee' :LOL: Day was good though, stalked Nederlanders at the food store. Yours? :happy:

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It's the talking about stuff which is 100 times better. Such is life.


I was the same, but since Harriet practically is forcing me to watch it, I can't seem to stop. Although now I'm on series 3, it's got a bit shit. Possibly because I found out who the Carver is before he'd even appeared in the show... hmmm. Ah well. Haha, see you should always keep it tidy, then you never have to do big tidy ups. OH GOD MAGGOTS ON THE NIPTUCK ERRRRRRRRRRRRRR. Yep, well... my shirt's in RP's reception, so I can't pick it up until monday. Grrr. It's the proper old school 70s design too :D All Blacks? Errr.




Exactly, s'why it's wonderful. Embrace it. Oooh were they both from there then? I'm no Abba expert... It was well weird. Crazy dreams.


Hahaha! Gareth Gates is shit though. S'all about Will Young. Cleaning up dregs though... lowest of the low. Haha that dialect reads very... Salford. Nederlanders in the supermarket?! Amazing :D I went to Sainsburys, made tomato soup/bought bananas and custard in preperation for dental surgery and erm... cleaned my bathroom. Best day ever. :indiff:

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Dina trakter? Finland? :LOL: No, I think they're smelly Lapps or Finns. I could've seen them live a few months ago. I'm so hardcore. Though Laakso's a bit 2004.


No, no. They're Swedes.


Nyköping it was I think. Hmm.


Don't care what they are I like 'em.

And I am a heavy Smiths-addict. Although I've only got the songs Rhian sent me.


"I am human and I need to be loooved, just like anyobdy else............."

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It's the talking about stuff which is 100 times better. Such is life.


I was the same, but since Harriet practically is forcing me to watch it, I can't seem to stop. Although now I'm on series 3, it's got a bit shit. Possibly because I found out who the Carver is before he'd even appeared in the show... hmmm. Ah well. Haha, see you should always keep it tidy, then you never have to do big tidy ups. OH GOD MAGGOTS ON THE NIPTUCK ERRRRRRRRRRRRRR. Yep, well... my shirt's in RP's reception, so I can't pick it up until monday. Grrr. It's the proper old school 70s design too :D All Blacks? Errr.




Exactly, s'why it's wonderful. Embrace it. Oooh were they both from there then? I'm no Abba expert... It was well weird. Crazy dreams.


Hahaha! Gareth Gates is shit though. S'all about Will Young. Cleaning up dregs though... lowest of the low. Haha that dialect reads very... Salford. Nederlanders in the supermarket?! Amazing :D I went to Sainsburys, made tomato soup/bought bananas and custard in preperation for dental surgery and erm... cleaned my bathroom. Best day ever. :indiff:


Indeed. I'm also signing up for 3 years in Liberia for the UN and 5 years as a KGB spy.


Mmhm, I see! I shall keep an eye out in the future...'s a promising idea for a show anyway. Tidy rooms, oh I covet them, I go absolutely bonkers when ti's not tidy, but I go even more bonkers when I actually don't have any free time to clean up in. We're students though, I'll blame it on that. Bloody post office. They always do that innit. Yer All Blacks, me uncle brought us shirts after a trip to Australia/NZ, so I'm kinda stuck with'em. Wales is so much cooler though. Plus rugby is proper wicked.


Aha, you mean the woman from ABBA from Yernshurping? Anne-Frid I think it was. And, som sagt, my parents knew her mum. :D


'Anyone of us' is the best thing since sliced bread. Dregs? Eeeh you Brits. Salford woooo! :LOL: Mmmmmmm tomato soup...mmmmm kindergarten...mmmm.


Mona, Nyköping? Well they are Swede-Finns anyway.


I can send you some Smiths if you like. I got the first song they ever recorded today, though only 30 sec of it. Mmmmmm.


I feel like being social. Must be the whiskey talking. *drinks alone* 's a shame Erik and Lisa left. I need a drunk call. :LOL:

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Indeed. I'm also signing up for 3 years in Liberia for the UN and 5 years as a KGB spy.


Mmhm, I see! I shall keep an eye out in the future...'s a promising idea for a show anyway. Tidy rooms, oh I covet them, I go absolutely bonkers when ti's not tidy, but I go even more bonkers when I actually don't have any free time to clean up in. We're students though, I'll blame it on that. Bloody post office. They always do that innit. Yer All Blacks, me uncle brought us shirts after a trip to Australia/NZ, so I'm kinda stuck with'em. Wales is so much cooler though. Plus rugby is proper wicked.


Aha, you mean the woman from ABBA from Yernshurping? Anne-Frid I think it was. And, som sagt, my parents knew her mum. :D


'Anyone of us' is the best thing since sliced bread. Dregs? Eeeh you Brits. Salford woooo! :LOL: Mmmmmmm tomato soup...mmmmm kindergarten...mmmm.


Mona, Nyköping? Well they are Swede-Finns anyway.


I can send you some Smiths if you like. I got the first song they ever recorded today, though only 30 sec of it. Mmmmmm.


I feel like being social. Must be the whiskey talking. *drinks alone* 's a shame Erik and Lisa left. I need a drunk call. :LOL:


Oh yes, send. I don't mind.

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Indeed. I'm also signing up for 3 years in Liberia for the UN and 5 years as a KGB spy.


Mmhm, I see! I shall keep an eye out in the future...'s a promising idea for a show anyway. Tidy rooms, oh I covet them, I go absolutely bonkers when ti's not tidy, but I go even more bonkers when I actually don't have any free time to clean up in. We're students though, I'll blame it on that. Bloody post office. They always do that innit. Yer All Blacks, me uncle brought us shirts after a trip to Australia/NZ, so I'm kinda stuck with'em. Wales is so much cooler though. Plus rugby is proper wicked.


Aha, you mean the woman from ABBA from Yernshurping? Anne-Frid I think it was. And, som sagt, my parents knew her mum. :D


'Anyone of us' is the best thing since sliced bread. Dregs? Eeeh you Brits. Salford woooo! :LOL: Mmmmmmm tomato soup...mmmmm kindergarten...mmmm.


Mona, Nyköping? Well they are Swede-Finns anyway.


I can send you some Smiths if you like. I got the first song they ever recorded today, though only 30 sec of it. Mmmmmm.


I feel like being social. Must be the whiskey talking. *drinks alone* 's a shame Erik and Lisa left. I need a drunk call. :LOL:

Don't forget your duty in Kossovo too...


Not series three though. It really is shit. I had a nervous breakdown over the pans which our Nigerian flatmate has left in the sink for nearly 2 weeks now. So I lost the plot and now we have marker pen written all over the tiles telling her to wash up. Just cause we're students... gah. :D Aww you need the Wales one. It's so red and German...




No! G-g-g-g-g-g-gareth is crap. Crap. Crap. Yeah, pint dregs... the bit left in the bottom of the glass. Or the bit of tea you don't drink to avoid the leaves... Mmmm lumpy tomato soup.


Haha I should give you Matt's number. "Er, Rhian, what exactly did I say to you last night?" :LOL:


psst dearest, you forgot to attach said saddest song ever :LOL:

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Heeegzackly, forgot that one.


I shall keep that in mind. Haha, marker pens. :LOL: We should adopt that for our kitchen too really. You should write something threatening in some cool Ghanaian dialect. Does the shirt have leek on it? :D


Gareth is fabulous. Mmmhm. Haha, dregs, a new word for me right there innit :LOL: It's quite low yes. But I'm drinking my own armagnac now. Innit. Mmmm tomato/minestrone.


:LOL: Sounds nice!


I sent you the saddest song ever, and it's not less sad from being sung by Thåström. I swear I'll cry if I listen to it again. :'( :'( :'( I should translate it someday. My grandfather (who was a seaman) used to sing it to my father with a raspy voice all the time, or so I've been told.


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Silly fool.


Yep, well, it's a washable one... Just so I get my flat deposit back and don't have to pay for the kitchen to be re-tiled :LOL: actually... Rose knows Nigerian pidgin... No leeks, but feathers... http://www.cottontraders.co.uk/ProductDetail.asp?ProductID=568


Dregs is an ace word. "Do you want the dregs?" when refering to the last bit of stuff in a pan... Haha armagnac.


Aww, possibly a bit drunk? Have a hug. *hug* Aww that's so beautiful :( Family stories like that are great.

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Haha, you should leave the writing on there really...it's your legacy innit! Nigerian pidgin, wicked! That shirt is so gay! :LOL: So rugby! Beaaautiful either way!


:happy: I shall memorize that! Armagnac is fabulous, though I've stopped drinking now...I have to study tomorrow innit.


:( *hugs back* I actually started to translate it just now, but all those sailing terms...errrr. I don't even know them in Swedish. http://www.mats-andersson.se/songoftheday/showsong.asp?ID=106 Well, it's a ship going under in a storm 1872 outside the Swedish westcoast, with a man tied to the wheel, while the rest of the crew is rescued and taken inside by an old man, who happens to be the father of Karl Stranne, who was left on board. He pours up 9 glasses of vodka for the men, and drops the 10th glass on the floor when he hears which ship it was. 'Please don't mention it to his mother', the father says, and the captain rose up and uttered with a shivering voice, his face grey and wrinkled, the storm whining, nearly drenching his words: 'Karl stood tied to the wheel and was left on the ship'. *gets carried away* Damn you for not being fluent :LOL: (though you are, sorry)


Night dear! :happy:

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