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Allt som ni norrmän inte har. Stolthet, hjärna, utseende..


Wow, så generaliserende. Jeg personlig vil ikke si det er noe galt med hverken hjernekapasiteten eller stoltheten min. Utseendet vil jeg la andre folk uttale seg om. Videre vil jeg få legge til at du kan sette en svenske og en nordmann ved siden av hverandre, og ingen utenfra (jeg er nokså sikker på at alle vil ha problemer) vil se forskjellen. Vi er samme ulla, enten dere vil innfinne dere det eller ikke. Så jeg vil foreslå dere begynner å se alt som er flott med Norge i stedet. Og at dere blir litt snillere. Dere kan godt begynne med å gi oss tilbake det landet dere tok. ;)


For å rulle alt igang, kan jeg jo begynne å si at vi er snille, morsomme, vi bor i et finere land, vi har bedre mat, finere hovedstad og vi er mer frisinnede.

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For å rulle alt igang, kan jeg jo begynne å si at vi er snille, morsomme, vi bor i et finere land, vi har bedre mat, finere hovedstad og vi er mer frisinnede.


1. Det är ett mirakel att folk förstår vad ni säger.

2. Ni är allt annat än bättre.

3. Jag har ingen tid för att ta detta seriöst, därför nöjer jag mig med mindre påpekningar om att det norska samhället är värdelöst.


Ha en god fortsättning.

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Hahaha! Did he make a pass? :LOL:


Well, he was the most popular president here... Possibly out of fear...


That sounds wonderful! Yep. We're all Swedish here, well... not really. I would if I could...:LOL:


Oooh! It could! Shame I left it at home! Ah well. But yes! Ghana cows are slow and useless. Gotta love em!


Whoops, Flowerpot... My bad. Just a hat that looks like a flower pot :D


I'll try and Gmail you a Nigerian dialect song, if this crap Ghana internet can cope... Unfortunately they only do HiLife on casettes here.


Did I not tell you really? Or did you not hear us? :LOL: We were outside talking for like...hours :stunned: OK, one hour, I don't know. That's between me and Jesus now :LOL:


Ahhh I see...not that good an aquaintance then...


I wonder if they sell special Swedish keyboards in British 'Scandinavian specialty shops' along with filmjölk and knäckebröd :D


Rustle woman, rustle, you shall be rich within the hour!


Flowerpot sounds tempting, albeit a bit too daring don't you think? :D 'T would be gay though.


And, you're visiting again! Wooo! Err I mean hide your children and lock up the filmjölk, the Maimer of Heads is back, and this time she's back for reveeeeenge! Err. Where're you headed? And dad's paying too, wooonderful darling! Me mum's treating me to a haircut soon, much needed innit :D


Till Mona: Bra sagt.


Till alla norrmän: Problemet med många av våra kära satellitstater är att du just svarade allvarligt på vad Mona skrev. Man muckar inte med Moltas, allt han skrev i sången är, så att säga, painfully correct. Feel free to return the favour.

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Did I not tell you really? Or did you not hear us? :LOL: We were outside talking for like...hours :stunned: OK, one hour, I don't know. That's between me and Jesus now :LOL:


Ahhh I see...not that good an aquaintance then...


I wonder if they sell special Swedish keyboards in British 'Scandinavian specialty shops' along with filmjölk and knäckebröd :D


Rustle woman, rustle, you shall be rich within the hour!


Flowerpot sounds tempting, albeit a bit too daring don't you think? :D 'T would be gay though.


And, you're visiting again! Wooo! Err I mean hide your children and lock up the filmjölk, the Maimer of Heads is back, and this time she's back for reveeeeenge! Err. Where're you headed? And dad's paying too, wooonderful darling! Me mum's treating me to a haircut soon, much needed innit :D


Till Mona: Bra sagt.


Till alla norrmän: Problemet med många av våra kära satellitstater är att du just svarade allvarligt på vad Mona skrev. Man muckar inte med Moltas, allt han skrev i sången är, så att säga, painfully correct. Feel free to return the favour.


Nah! Oooh, I'll have to dose you up with this Akpeteshi gin to get the juicy details. The truth will out!


Well... he did alot for Ghana...


I actually had a dream that such a Scandic shop existed. Then I woke up and realised it was only that. *sigh* I'm definately stocking up on jam and mjoelk (do it the german way!) though.


Nah man, I have a flowerpot! They're great! So warm and you can hardly see when you wear it :D


Well, I'm headed Stockholmwards (of course) and then either to Gothenburg (let's anglicise) to catch a ferry to Copenhagen, or... over to Helsinki for a few days. I'm yet to decide. Twas nice that papa paid the taxes :D He's having these really odd attacks of generosity lately. :happy:


Oooh any plans for a drastic re-style of the barnet? I need to dye mine again actually... all this blahdy sunshine is making the blondeygrey show up too well. :indiff: OOH OOH you should go for a goffik mohawk!

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Oh you shall have to! :D I ain't saying nowt though you tart. *Goes to have a hot bath and downs a bottle of gin* :LOL:


Right then :happy:


Pah German, crap. You sh'll have to get some more of that honey too. Or just ginger bread innit. Or reindeer meat, force feed it to three-year-olds and tell them Santa's maimed. <3


I still don't get what it is, since I'm stupid like that. We only have regular hats in Sväääärje. I think. :$ The hard to see part sounds tempting. :D


Oh right, big city touring then are ye :happy: Let's hope the weather's great. Are you travelling ensam or med någon? Those attacks sound lovely <3


Oh yes, I'd rather slit my throat than walk another day in this 'do. I'm secretly hoping the hairdresser will be real salesman-like and force me into doing a cut and a light perm...no way out then innit :D At least I shall ask what they think I should do, then I'm leaving it in their hands. If I dare. Meaning if the dresser's gay. I should ask for that over t'phone :LOL:

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That's one bottle of gin that you can't down lots of. It's actually illegal to import it into the EU because it's not regulated at all. It's around 90% proof. S'like drinking meths. Ugh. Sooner have Bombay Sapphire.


I've got such a huge shopping list for Tweedun. Not to mention the Laekerol stocking up!


Aye, I've got my sights set on Denmark, cause I just want to colour it in on my travel map. Mmmm. I'm allein this time, hence why I'm after going all over the place... but my wife may be joining me for a few days :D


I'll take a pic of my hat when I'm back in the land of gloom and doom next week. Also then I'll email you so much Hilife, you'll never want to hear it again. *stolen Auntie Jennifer's CDs*


Gay hairdressers are the best ones. My old one was a gay German, but then he left :'( so now I just gossip with Amanda about him :LOL: So long as you don't dye your hair or go skin head then all will be well :D


Another life lesson picked up from being in Africa: Going on a treck through a rainforest under the midday sun, THEN climbing about 80m won't kill you, but it will make you sweat.

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Till Mona: Bra sagt.


Till alla norrmän: Problemet med många av våra kära satellitstater är att du just svarade allvarligt på vad Mona skrev. Man muckar inte med Moltas, allt han skrev i sången är, så att säga, painfully correct. Feel free to return the favour.


Why thank you sir.

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That's one bottle of gin that you can't down lots of. It's actually illegal to import it into the EU because it's not regulated at all. It's around 90% proof. S'like drinking meths. Ugh. Sooner have Bombay Sapphire.


I've got such a huge shopping list for Tweedun. Not to mention the Laekerol stocking up!


Aye, I've got my sights set on Denmark, cause I just want to colour it in on my travel map. Mmmm. I'm allein this time, hence why I'm after going all over the place... but my wife may be joining me for a few days :D


I'll take a pic of my hat when I'm back in the land of gloom and doom next week. Also then I'll email you so much Hilife, you'll never want to hear it again. *stolen Auntie Jennifer's CDs*


Gay hairdressers are the best ones. My old one was a gay German, but then he left :'( so now I just gossip with Amanda about him :LOL: So long as you don't dye your hair or go skin head then all will be well :D


Another life lesson picked up from being in Africa: Going on a treck through a rainforest under the midday sun, THEN climbing about 80m won't kill you, but it will make you sweat.


Haha shit, I'd sooner have Aalborg snaps then :D Gin does, in my opinion, have a predilection for tasting crap sometimes. Sometimes. Not with soda or something though. Mmm.


Wicked, hope you're bringing t'big bag :D


Quite some undertaking it is then! Köpenhamn is really nice, especially in the summer. 'S better than most southern Swedish cities, but it doesn't beat Stockholm at all. Plus, they speak Danish. No travelling companion means free packing right :LOL: How much shoes you taking?


Mmmmhm hilife, I've been listening soooo much to Prince Nico Mbarga lately, shame he's Nigerian, really. Errrr.


I'm really fucking nervous for my perm tomorrow :'( They're bound to fuck it up royally. I hope to Allah I can give them clear enough instructions.


'Des O'Connor with the Smiths!' :LOL: He's such a dude! Oh, and speaking of dudes, guess who's on telly tonight...BRYN! Woooooo! *dances*


Mona, I was busy with important business transactions, sorry. How you been lately?

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Oh god, it's so cold. *freezes* I completely forgot to buy Akpateshi last night, what with the fact that there was a bloody long power cut in the airport :LOL: Perhaps it's a good job really, as I was stopped and questioned by HM Customs and (in need of exercise) I mean... e...e. Yeah that word I can't spell. Perk of Malaria combined with no sleep making you look like a herion addict. "Excuse me madam, can I ask you where you embarked?" DAMN Ghana being near the drug baron land of Nigeria. DAMN Amsterdam sniffer dogs in my crotch at 6am. :indiff: DAMN Maatschappij.


Ooooh perm day! We need to see how this has turned out! Did you bottle it? I bet a bottle of Star beer you did :D Still, I'm sure it'll look superb :D If not, you can have all five Stars I've exported to drown the sorrows with.


It does look pretty cool. Plus I may wander the streets looking for my favourite crazy Dane who argued with the Dutchie in Moskva <3


BRYN! How was he? Ah Des. <3


Prince is a legend. Such a small little tiny muppet man. :happy:


God... so... cold.

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Power cut? Oh dear. I'm sure you can survive without the devil gin though :D Do you still have malaria :( At least they called you madam, they'd nevoh do that here, the impolite bastards.


Bottle? I shall take pictures in t'evening. Quite happy about it actually, looks a bit like when Lisa did it, but hopefully longer lasting. I can't shower it for 48h though. Errrrrr. I shall have to do acrobatical washing then. Haha were the Stars heavy?


Mmmhm, drink him under the table too.


Bryn was a comical genious <3. Fabulous. Even spoke Swedish too. Actually sounded pretty good :D Bit like you, but about 200 times more singing (if that's possible :D )


Eeeeheeeeheeeeeeeeeeeee! Eheeeeeheeeeee! <3


Awww put some clothes on dear :happy:

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Yep. We were sat at the departure gate in complete darkness for ages last night! Which is why I only got 15 minutes to make my connection. Can't run from gate F to D having not eaten in about 5 days and not having slept :D Well, I've got to take some tablets to get rid of it till tomorrow, then I have to do a week of another lot... I don't trust Ghanaian doctors though. Yeah he called me madam... but the grilling I got after that... *was this close to crying*


Aye! Bottle it... chicken out. Another northern vocab necessity. Oooh, sounds good :happy: 48h without a shower though... Errrrr. Stars were actually. Prolly a good few kilos there.


Ahhh a good North Welshy. He did?! Did he say tack and everything? See. Swedish is in the blood of the welsh. They should re-write that old saying.


When Doves Cry <3


Haha! I couldn't be more Inuit if I tried! Brrrr. Flowerpot hat and everything.

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Yep. We were sat at the departure gate in complete darkness for ages last night! Which is why I only got 15 minutes to make my connection. Can't run from gate F to D having not eaten in about 5 days and not having slept :D Well, I've got to take some tablets to get rid of it till tomorrow, then I have to do a week of another lot... I don't trust Ghanaian doctors though. Yeah he called me madam... but the grilling I got after that... *was this close to crying*


Aye! Bottle it... chicken out. Another northern vocab necessity. Oooh, sounds good :happy: 48h without a shower though... Errrrr. Stars were actually. Prolly a good few kilos there.


Ahhh a good North Welshy. He did?! Did he say tack and everything? See. Swedish is in the blood of the welsh. They should re-write that old saying.


When Doves Cry <3


Haha! I couldn't be more Inuit if I tried! Brrrr. Flowerpot hat and everything.



Wow that's harsh! You should've asked for some Dutchman to carry you! :D Hope the malarianess passes soon, and that you don't catch any Mancunian equivalent. Aha a false madam :D 'S not as fun that. They should've offered you sweets.


Woo! *jots down mentally* I sh'll have to get a shower cap! :LOL: Hmmm. Or a plastic bag and suffocate. Hope the Stars were worth it :D


Hmmm not sure about the tack, it was quite advanced though like 'yaaargh skaaahr speeeyla eeeyn konsaaaahr' :LOL: Welshies and Swedes are like this. 'S true that.


Mmmhm. :happy:


Woo flowerpot! :D


Moooona, what's with the fåordighet? :D <-- that's a pretty word right there.

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I should've done! S'a good job customs man didn't search my bag though. Load of unlicenced in the UK drugs I was given at the hospital. Seriously, shake me. I rattle. *wants my 5.5kg back* It seems to be easing off actually, although it still feels like I have a dead horse in my mouth, but I've discovered I can eat dairylea and bread :D This is just a mild strain and all. I pity the poor buggers who aren't lucky enough to get the meds :( :( Bastard fat cat drugs companies.


NOO! The humidity in the cap will just lead to frizz! Same with plastic bags! A headscarf may do... so long as it's not too tightly wrapped. Well, the suitcases only arrived chez mum about an hour ago, after they missed my 7.30 flight and came on the 10.00 one. Priority handling my arse. KLM have gone downhill since bastard Hair France took over. If the temptation's not too great, I'll try and save one for April and drop it off in Sweden for you. Mmmm. Star.


Haha that reads so well with a Bangor accent. <3 :happy: Silly Bryn with his non Bangor ness. Welshies and Swedes are the new divine race innit. Those gutteral, singing and boozing through their noses type people. Have you seen those pics yet? *bad memory*




Mmm tis.

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Oh naughty girl you. Well, if you can pass Ghanaian customs, you should be able to pass Swedish ones anyday :D 'S quite the hexperience innit. I hope youäll be back to eating curry soon, how would you survive in Manc if you didn't? Are you in the Puddle now then? Going to hospitals abroad makes you happy to live in a nice country, very much so. 'S a pity other people should suffer because they're speaking strange languages.


Well, I've narrowed it down to leaning the head out of the shower...I've posted a general perm thread in Main (Main? Fuck me that's colloquial) to bitch in. Feels all flying companies are crap nowadays. Only flown with one mind. That'd be a darling thing to do, but watch for dehydration, you may have to dig in to the last Star come spring :D


:LOL: That's us innit. Haha I never did get to see those pictures :D Drinking through nose...errrr. *cringes at thought*

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Ghanaian customs are easy. "Oh sista, you give me something smallo." "Yooo, matti, ofishiapooo" *passes 40,000 cedis and flounces off* It was the Amsterdam customs with their great big dog at 6am, then the horrible Manchester one who kept asking me questions. Oooh I've only had an hour sleep. Ehee! I just hope I'll be back to eating soon. Bah. I hate being ill. Bastard Ghana.


It actually upset me, how I could go into the hospital, and I got treated first, got to sit in the air conditioned room and got all the best drugs that I needed to make me better because I'm white, and it cost like... 400,000 cedis which is about £20... which I'd spend on what... shoes? haircut? makeup? But there's the Ghanaians who don't get treated unless they pay cash upfront, and for them 400,000 is about 4/5 months wages. So most of them go to witchdoctors and end up dead. There's me asking the doctor if the needle was sterile. It's disgusting. Anyway. Yes. *sad face*


Hahaha! That could be dangerous. Some strategical manouvre going on. Have you got one of those showers over a bath that you can like.. hold in your hand? Cause that'd be heaps easier. :D Nahh, KLM are great. So Dutch. So Nationalist. So blue <3 :happy: Mmmm Star. Chilled.


I'll upload them... wait smaaaaaall.

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You're JOKING! Shit that was fast! Fuck me! Seriously, Ghana post's normally about... 4 weeks on a good day. I posted that on... the 5th. When I did my stupidly long walk.


The postservice is changing. Those idiots have discovered that e-mail is taking over so I guess they don't want to loose they'r ejobs = They start to work their asses off.


Förlåt Pelle, men min fåordighet beror på lathet och trötthet.

Men det ska nog gå att ändra.


Gah. Sam is a complete idiot. I have never talked to anyone that lacks so much respect. Go to "The root of all evil"-thread and you'll see. Religious or not, show some respect for Christ's sake!

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The postservice is changing. Those idiots have discovered that e-mail is taking over so I guess they don't want to loose they'r ejobs = They start to work their asses off.


Förlåt Pelle, men min fåordighet beror på lathet och trötthet.

Men det ska nog gå att ändra.


Gah. Sam is a complete idiot. I have never talked to anyone that lacks so much respect. Go to "The root of all evil"-thread and you'll see. Religious or not, show some respect for Christ's sake!

Haha, "work their asses off" and "Ghanaian" are not usually things which go in the same sentences. Especially when their mantra is "No, I wasn't sleeping sir, just relaxing small"

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