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Mula mmmm så Stockholm. Fan åt Jönköping för att jag börjat säga mylla. Are you cheerleading for the posh football team in your school? :D Rusk letters are eeeeeasy. Especially after some vodkakakaka.


Tha'ssss the spirit! Keeping promises is for the weak anyway. 'S no fun going by le rules.


It is empty yes, especially when the mobile's got NO FUCKING DOSH and the stupid internet filling things won't work since I didn't bring my pin codes to Jönköping. *Stupid*. I like my hair though, that's a plus. :LOL: Borde köpa papiljotter.


Du kanske borde flytta till Stockholm? ;) Haha never! Cheerleading is not like that here in Sweden. Well, not the cheerleading I'm doing. Of course there are teams that cheer for a football team. But the cheerleading I did before I quit 2 years ago is really cool. There are contests and stuff. http://www.powercheer.nu. You might like it..


Actually, my mum told me a couple of hours ago that she can't see any meaning in living. You just work hard and neve renjoy...bla bla.

I told her that she sticks too much to the rules. She needs to get out of the structure. Or maybe i said that for my own gain. So she could let go of me sometime. :happy:


Papiljotter... du kan få en MASSA av mig.Jag använder dem aldrig.

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Isn't it annoying as hell? Mmmhm it is. I feel secluded from the world :LOL:


Haha thanks :D


Buuuuut if I don't do a perm, I'd have to roll my hair up like this everyday, and I bet my sister doesn't want to do it everytime...and if it's not curled up it's ugly as hell. Quite the predicament.


I know. It feels like the world is there and I can't reach it. Stupid expensive calls.


I bet it does look good without it being curled up. Take a picture sometime when you haven't rolled it up. Wooo... I just got a picutre of you wearing a hairnet. Wait.. I must get it out.. :stunned:

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Kanske jag borde :D Skulle vara sjukt schysst med en trea på Odengatan...Is it like dancing and stuff? I'd hate it in that case :D


Well, you've got to stick to the little things that make you happy, 's the only thing you can do. But it's hard to explain those things, I guess everyone's got to find it out for themselves (even though that's not very kind to say)


Haha papiljotter...vet nog inte om jag vågar ändå, fan om de fastnar...Nä, får lösa det på nåt sätt...vill ha lockigt på heltid. Här är en artsy gitarristbild från Lund till min syrras och mitt band :D Inte rakt direkt, men normalt, är det rakt så bara hänger det, inte svårt att lista ut. Men hårnät...errrr :LOL:



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Kanske jag borde :D Skulle vara sjukt schysst med en trea på Odengatan...Is it like dancing and stuff? I'd hate it in that case :D


Well, you've got to stick to the little things that make you happy, 's the only thing you can do. But it's hard to explain those things, I guess everyone's got to find it out for themselves (even though that's not very kind to say)


Haha papiljotter...vet nog inte om jag vågar ändå, fan om de fastnar...Nä, får lösa det på nåt sätt...vill ha lockigt på heltid. Här är en artsy gitarristbild från Lund till min syrras och mitt band :D Inte rakt direkt, men normalt, är det rakt så bara hänger det, inte svårt att lista ut. Men hårnät...errrr :LOL:




Odengatan? Nej tack. Södermalm is the right place. Haha dancing is just a part of it. And probably the most boring part. Just check the homepage, and the movies they have there.


Yeah, but she sticks to the wrong things. I try the hardest to stick to what I believe in.


Oj, ditt hår är ju riktigt tufft där. Ha det så istället? Jag medger att ditt hår verkar fräschare när det är lockigt, men det raka är ju riktigt tufft.

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Oooh no, Söder's so done, with SoFo and all that crap...so sick of it. It's quite nice though. The pubs in Vasastan are better. Hell, even Kungsholmen pubs are better than Söder :D Pah, cheerleading would never get to me :$ 'S just...I dunno...errrr.


That's good, really good :happy: Keep that up.


Så fort jag går ut fuckar det upp sig och blir helt tungt, hängigt och jobbigt iofs...så det är lite kört. Men det är riktigt kul att sitta hemma och leka med håret om man vet att man inte behöver gå ut på ett tag :LOL: Nä usch vad sugen jag är på att permanenta det...jag behöver ett vad att förlora :LOL: Plus, I'd like to believe I'm getting closer to Johnny Marr's hairdo which was fabulous (at least round '84) :D

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Oooh no, Söder's so done, with SoFo and all that crap...so sick of it. It's quite nice though. The pubs in Vasastan are better. Hell, even Kungsholmen pubs are better than Söder :D Pah, cheerleading would never get to me :$ 'S just...I dunno...errrr.


That's good, really good :happy: Keep that up.


Så fort jag går ut fuckar det upp sig och blir helt tungt, hängigt och jobbigt iofs...så det är lite kört. Men det är riktigt kul att sitta hemma och leka med håret om man vet att man inte behöver gå ut på ett tag :LOL: Nä usch vad sugen jag är på att permanenta det...jag behöver ett vad att förlora :LOL: Plus, I'd like to believe I'm getting closer to Johnny Marr's hairdo which was fabulous (at least round '84) :D


SoFo? Okay, that is a shame. Men Söder tilltalar mig på ett visst sätt. I guess we all feel differently about exactly everything. Haha cheerleading is hard to melt, but it's cool.


I will keep it up. No worries.


Mitt hår är ändå värre. Efter att jag duschat är det jättetjockt, lockigt och väldigt onödigt fluffigt. Det ser strävt ut då också. Sen så flätar jag det eller något och lägge mig. När jag vaknar på morgonen plattar jag luggen. Men resten av håret är fortfarande cp. En dag går med flätor eller något. Sen de följande dagarna är det nånstans mellan lockigt/vågit och allmänt rufsigt/fluffigt. Så jag hatr mitt hår. Och jag får inte permanenta. Skulle slita ösnder det bara.

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Det är ju isåfall roligare norr om Folkkungagatan :LOL:


Meeeeeeen ni lockhåriga fattar ju aldrig! :LOL: *dies* Det är ju det tjocka, fluffiga, lockiga som är bra! Imagine going out with flat, dull, bland hair, that's only getting in your eyes. Shit I should consider a sex change, I want to plait my hair :LOL: Haha complaining about hair...so...'95 :LOL: At least I'm happy until I wake up tomorrow, back to regular. Errr. Jag borde inkapacitera mig för kvällen. I wonder if there's some place open tomorrow to charge the mobile, since the internet won't fucking let me. And I'll dream, dream of flowing hair, like widespread blonde meadows, curly as hell and with nice red flowers. Shit, I should get one soon, if only I could find it. Mmm. Nattsågott Mona, får fylla ut forumet imorgon och hoppas att Rhiân kommer tillbaks snart :D

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Hello my lovelies! OFISHIAPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA a day late! (or two for you crazy pagans!) How are you all doing? I would make an attempt to join in with conversation however I am far too hungover to do it. Once I get the hang of my spangly new laptop :D :D :D :D :D :D I shall upload the pictures promised.


Pelle, you would've loved last night. It ended up (once father had caved in and goneto bed) with me, another ynys moaner and a dirty woollyback Cardiff boy arguing until the wee smal hours about who the best welshies are. Bear in mind we were all tanked up on god knows what.


re Malibu: (make sure you can read this with the north and south wailian accents respectively)


North: that's a girl's drink

South: But I've got to work my way through the bar, isnit?

Me: If you're going to drink a girl's drink, drink it like a girl and use a straw.

South: I could drink it through my nose, that bloody girl's drink so weak.

North: Go then

*south walian drinks Malibu and pineapple juice through nose*

*Rhian takes picture*

North: See that, that's the difference between north and south. The fact is they're so bladdy styooped they'd actually go and do it.


bit later on...


North: Go on then lad, give me some good Welsh names then.

South: Well there's Ahmed, Patel ,Singh...

North: Maybe in Cardiff...

South: Go on then, how many toes have you got?




Anyway, we're having turkey in a bit... hopefully it'll ease my hangover.


*Happy festive hugs to you all* :D


Also, Pelle, are you wearing a Man U shirt in your Pelle Jnr picture? Bless ye :happy:

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Heeeeeeeeeeey Rhiân! :happy: My mobile died last night, and didn't want to be charged with brass. Bloody thing. Woo pictures! :D


:LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: Hahaha, quite some night then! Were there a lot of Welshies there then? Relatives? Anyone from Wigan you could make jokes about? Malibu errrr. I can imagine the hangover. But maybe you only had vodka. I'm sure turkey will take care of it (I just realised I've never had proper turkey ever. I'm such a no-Brit.)


Ah yes, my 20 quid Man U shirt from the Shetlands :happy: Argh I want curly hair today too! Argh it's straight, so straight! :'( Maybe I can bribe Lisa to curl it up again. Mmhm.

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Yeloooooooooo! Whoopsies. I can't believe how cheap Ghana texts are... it's like 2 units per message (hence why I've been harassing you... sorryo!) compared to like 20p back home. Ah the third world.


I drank my dad under the table :stunned: Loads of Welshies, not family, but people who work with my dad at the Gold Mine in Tarkwa. No wigins, just drunk company bosses who I think are worse. I really will have to upload these photos... they're still funny even if you don't know them. :LOL: :LOL:


Aw bless ye. Although proper ruffians support City :p *swaps hair* humidiy does nowt for it. Your curly bonce was brilliant! Although embrace your straight. It's superb.


Gah, how can you stop laptop touchpads from being so sensitive? The AC keeps making things jump all over the place. :'(

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As promised, in exchange for Pelle the Permed:




left to right: Daddy, Rose, Markus, Jenny (it was their wedding), Muggins and Joe (step brother)


(notice how little Ed has a big grin on his face - he was drunk, thanks to his big sister.)





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Yeloooooooooo! Whoopsies. I can't believe how cheap Ghana texts are... it's like 2 units per message (hence why I've been harassing you... sorryo!) compared to like 20p back home. Ah the third world.


I drank my dad under the table :stunned: Loads of Welshies, not family, but people who work with my dad at the Gold Mine in Tarkwa. No wigins, just drunk company bosses who I think are worse. I really will have to upload these photos... they're still funny even if you don't know them. :LOL: :LOL:


Aw bless ye. Although proper ruffians support City :p *swaps hair* humidiy does nowt for it. Your curly bonce was brilliant! Although embrace your straight. It's superb.


Gah, how can you stop laptop touchpads from being so sensitive? The AC keeps making things jump all over the place. :'(


Harassing's just fun :D I bet it's cheap here too, just recharged it anyway. Mmmhm.


You did? I'm proud, really am :D I imagine it must be difficult, seeing he must be more used to them Stars innit


Pah City. Though United is so boring nowadays. 'S why I stick to Lincoln or Macclesfield for my loyalty. I had awfully straight hair today, oh the horror. I bribed Lisa to curl it up tomorrow, and teach me how to do it on me own. Mmm 's so comfy, no hair in eyes. Plus, I don't know how the picture came across, but I think I looked more gay too, especially when it was new :D


Be glad you have to use an AC, we had snow for the first time of my stay here today. Glad I didn't set foot outside.



As promised, in exchange for Pelle the Permed:




left to right: Daddy, Rose, Markus, Jenny (it was their wedding), Muggins and Joe (step brother)


(notice how little Ed has a big grin on his face - he was drunk, thanks to his big sister.)






Faaaabulous pictures! You sounded quite upset about that dress, I thought it was just pretty :happy: Haha, oh dear, that Star picture of Ed is an immortal classic though :LOL:

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Det är ju isåfall roligare norr om Folkkungagatan :LOL:


Meeeeeeen ni lockhåriga fattar ju aldrig! :LOL: *dies* Det är ju det tjocka, fluffiga, lockiga som är bra! Imagine going out with flat, dull, bland hair, that's only getting in your eyes. Shit I should consider a sex change, I want to plait my hair :LOL: Haha complaining about hair...so...'95 :LOL: At least I'm happy until I wake up tomorrow, back to regular. Errr. Jag borde inkapacitera mig för kvällen. I wonder if there's some place open tomorrow to charge the mobile, since the internet won't fucking let me. And I'll dream, dream of flowing hair, like widespread blonde meadows, curly as hell and with nice red flowers. Shit, I should get one soon, if only I could find it. Mmm. Nattsågott Mona, får fylla ut forumet imorgon och hoppas att Rhiân kommer tillbaks snart :D


Hornstull är stenkul. Inte andra sidan Södermalm. Det är dött där.


Ja, jag är nöjd med mitt hår men det ser för det mesta bara burrigt ut. Hmm.. A sex change.. You go girl! *snaps fingers in a Diva-way* Everything wa sopen today. Well..at least here in Stockholm. I'm not a blonde though. Oh well. Jag saknar också Rhian.

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As promised, in exchange for Pelle the Permed:




left to right: Daddy, Rose, Markus, Jenny (it was their wedding), Muggins and Joe (step brother)


(notice how little Ed has a big grin on his face - he was drunk, thanks to his big sister.)






Those pictures are great! Ed is incredibly cute. I wish you were my sister. Oh how much fun we'd have. Drinking and arguing in languages we don't understand. *sighs* :happy:

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Hornstull är stenkul. Inte andra sidan Södermalm. Det är dött där.


Ja, jag är nöjd med mitt hår men det ser för det mesta bara burrigt ut. Hmm.. A sex change.. You go girl! *snaps fingers in a Diva-way* Everything wa sopen today. Well..at least here in Stockholm. I'm not a blonde though. Oh well. Jag saknar också Rhian.


Helt rätt :D


Let's all agree we all like our hair then :D Hah, internet let me charge it, so I didn't have to go outside at all :D I'm going shopping tomorrow though, baby yeah. Preferably in girl coat, make up, and curly hair.


What becooomes of the broooooken hearted? Mmmm Jimmy Rufffian

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Those pictures are great! Ed is incredibly cute. I wish you were my sister. Oh how much fun we'd have. Drinking and arguing in languages we don't understand. *sighs* :happy:

You'd hate it if I were your sister. I'm just a big evil bully. :D


We were on top shelf spirits (my specialist subject) so when the vodka shots came out dad had to cave :D


The Ghanaian dress is horrible. It just looks really silly on brunis. Thank god I wasn't forced into Kente cloth is all I can say :D


There's something wonderful about being in Africa and watching the Lion King...


You're so lucky it's snowing though. There's been pictures on the news, looks propahhh festive it does. :happy:

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Helt rätt :D


Let's all agree we all like our hair then :D Hah, internet let me charge it, so I didn't have to go outside at all :D I'm going shopping tomorrow though, baby yeah. Preferably in girl coat, make up, and curly hair.


What becooomes of the broooooken hearted? Mmmm Jimmy Rufffian


I haven't been outside all day either. 'tis lovely. Aaw, Pelle. Gay-idol. Perrrrrfeeect.

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We'll see who'll bully who.. ;)


Dads always have to cave. I love my dad. :happy:


to be honest: Yes, that dress is horrible. But I must admit it's rather fun to see you in that picture. That smile seems to be so.. not real. Haha.


the Lion King..mmmm. Long time since. I love those movies, :p

Snow is wonderful. It hasn't been snowing much today but it hasn't melted either and that is good. Oh well.. can't wait til you get to Sweden!


You'd hate it if I were your sister. I'm just a big evil bully. :D


We were on top shelf spirits (my specialist subject) so when the vodka shots came out dad had to cave :D


The Ghanaian dress is horrible. It just looks really silly on brunis. Thank god I wasn't forced into Kente cloth is all I can say :D


There's something wonderful about being in Africa and watching the Lion King...


You're so lucky it's snowing though. There's been pictures on the news, looks propahhh festive it does. :happy:

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You'd hate it if I were your sister. I'm just a big evil bully. :D


We were on top shelf spirits (my specialist subject) so when the vodka shots came out dad had to cave :D


The Ghanaian dress is horrible. It just looks really silly on brunis. Thank god I wasn't forced into Kente cloth is all I can say :D


There's something wonderful about being in Africa and watching the Lion King...


You're so lucky it's snowing though. There's been pictures on the news, looks propahhh festive it does. :happy:


Yes she is, I've met her. Stay out of her way Mona, she'll beat you. Or introduce you to strange men.


Haha, you've done Rusk for months, you must surely have learned (or is it learnt? Bloody English) something. :D


Nah, 's not bad in my opinion, could've done a lot worse innit. Like that Kente thing then. :D


I'd rather be in Africa with mr. John than slip to death in snow. But, I have a new silk scarf, and a new ridiculous hairdo. My sister over-curled it y'see, and now it bloody well is an afro :LOL:


Jesu domine, Dona eis requiem *smack* :LOL: <3's Monthy Python

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"'This scarf is 100% pure silk', he said, and he claimed to have bought it for half a bob down by the Kathyesque women's clothing shop downtown. 'So suffer algid winds unto me and I will not fall from cold, nor from snow', he yelled."




Just saw "If...." with my father, oh where has that film been hiding all my life? Malcolm McDowell is my god.

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Hey, it was your animal magnetism which drew the strange man towards you. "sociology from Stirling" :LOL: Ahhh. *to stay at that hostel again, or to go back to Af Chapman* such is a moral dilemma.


It worries me how Ed has picked up the Russian I know in about 5 days, the Russian which has taken me three months to learn. Gah. Damn his young mind being a better sponge for language.


True, this weather is nice. We're off to Planter's Lodge today to mooch by a swimming pool and hopefully I'll get sunburnt. Sounds odd saying that in the middle of December. Mmm. Still, snow is so much nicer than Laterite dust.


:LOL: Oh god :LOL: reminds me of Mass does that film. I always had to restrain myself when singing the sodding thing in Latin from whacking myself with the psalm book.


Mona dearest, I'm glad you agree on the dress. Check the Fatherbear and I out with traditional hat:





Ooooh that scarf's really nice! I has summit similar meself, only in greens (best colour evoooh) You should try wearing it as a headband, Siberian worker style. :happy:

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I saw sweden in the distance as I was on the danish coast and it looked crap:D so I tried to chuck stones across the sea...:p


Impressive that you managed to. I thought you were standing under our feet, like the rest of Denmark.

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