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Do tell, do tell! :LOL: What was it?


Ooh no me dear, this is Swedish-Russian. :( The other way is actually quite fun, yes. I do have 4-5 pages of Russian-Swedish for Tuesday too, on Solzhenitsyn's release from Gulag, with like...size 8 letters (in Word that is...) Argh! *explodes*

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Back in the day when That Woman is Limping existed, we had a gig at some charity thing, and I was nervous as hell so went to the pub at about 11am, got absolutly wasted, thought it'd be a great idea to get my face painted as a tiger... Ran around the park shouting "I'm a tiger!" went on stage, pretending to be a tiger, played bass lying down, cause I was too drunk to stand, addressed the crowd "good afternoon Stanley Park! Are you ready to rock?!" (We were in Ashton Gardens... which isn't even close to Stanley park...) You'd think that was it... but then it was my friend's 18th, so went straight to his party (still as a tiger) and continued what was a 12 hour bender. Got home, passed out on the stairs, woke up the next morning with a door handle in my pocket and my face as a tiger. :$


Oh that's rubbish. Yikes! They're working you hard! I'm glad that I'm not in uni on tuesday this week, so I can brush the work due aside for a couple of days :D

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:LOL: :LOL: That's hilarious! But why the door handle? :LOL: Never knew you were in a band too! Have any recordings? Or were you too fast-living and furious for that?


They are indeed! Procrastinate while you still have the chance! You never know when you have to start learning fish names in German :D Sigh, I should've been in bed ages ago, since I'm really dead. Stupid fucking bloody sodding blooming jävla Swedish skitgrammatik. Lisa and I are probably attending a Kammu seminar here tomorrow, the language that is, should be interesting, if I hinner. Some Lund people seem to have written most books there are on Kammu, so wooo! We're famous! :D

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I have no idea. Like I said, 12 hour bender. I'm terrible for stealing things when I'm drunk. Hence why we have this in our kitchen now... Fortunately, no we don't have recordings. Our drummer was a nutter who'd just stop playing halfway through songs. Weren't we all in a band, back in the day?


It's unfair to make you translate into another language that isn't your mother tongue though. They never do it in the real world... Haha fish names.. s'all about the Wurst in German, innit. Kammu... how... random. Learn a real language like Klingon or Welsh. :D Ok, your considered opinion please. Which is the prettiest letter out of the following:




Also, something I know you'll adore.. Mr. Gonzalez's cover of Love will Tear us Apart :LOL:

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:LOL: Haha, where's that sign from? Don't tell me you brought it from some trip abroad? :D Drummers seem to be nutters most of the time. Yes, we have all been in bands, our drummer got pissed at me and the bassist since we didn't smile during our gigs, and he refused to play Mongoloid by Devo since it was 'derogatory'. He was deeply Christian and hated gay people too. He's a body builder now :LOL: (Only good thing about us was the Thåström/Stockholm way we left stage, a very aspirated and quick 'thhhack så mhhycket' :D)


It is really stupid, since it's practically forbidden by law to translate into something other than your mother tongue if you're a translator. Could be useful to know how to form a few phrases on your own though :D Wurst, why of course, silly me :D Klingon :LOL: My God, I don't get why Lisa does linguistics, since all everyone's interested in, is Klingon or Icelandic, studied by people who're called, or call their children, 'Sunbeam' or 'Wildflower' or something equally stupid. I love prejudice. Welsh though. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmhm.


Hmm, й is gone straight away, goodfernuffin it is, ф too, doesn't feel Rusk, now ж and д...an unaspirated palatalised д makes my mouth water, but so does a же+palatalised consonant...'s a tie innit. :D Your favourite?


Nope, I must be off! Toodleoo dear! :happy:

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It's from somewhere along Oxford Road/St. Peter's Square. I remember carrying it on my head for a bit... Ahem. Drummers aren't normal. Anyone who wants to hit skins for a living has issues. Haha, but you either have to not smile, or get your face painted like a tiger and grin inanely for the whole thing, extoling whisky, whilst your mum is in the crowd... Haha beautiful. This is why singer/songwriting is the future. If only I could sing, and song write. Haha body builder. Alpha male, grrr. :D


Exactly! Yeah, it's useful to know that, but really translating is not the way to go about it! It's language in action what's the future. Conversation, total immersion. Not six fucking hours of grammar classes a week, taught in English when you don't know any fucking words but you know a) how to address a carrot in Czech b) how to say 'frog on a broomstick' and c) all the fucking case endings for the instrumental (but you don't know how to apply it in a sentence or which verbs take it, because you're only given the Russian and no damn translation.) And now we experience angry drunk Rhian. :indiff:


Linguistics is like the geeky bit of language reserved for the people who were good at sciences and maffs in school. Such is my sweeping general statement. Still linguistics is ace. It's nice knowing why words go in the orders they do. Ahhh Welsh. I had a text message from my mum all in Welsh yesterday. It was most bizare.


I really like ж but... I can't write it. Grrr.


Be thankful I didn't go and see him with Dave last week like I was going to then :LOL:


G'night! :happy:

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:LOL: You thief you! I'm not sure they'd like that in Sheffield. Innit. Haha, your mum saw you like that? :D Did she also see you in the stairs when you woke up? You should so become a singer/songwriter, combine some randow Swedish words innit. Speaking of which, I just found my old 'Zoè' and 'Petit Jesus'. Errrrr :D


<3 Mrkve! That's really stupid indeed! Sometimes universities don't feel as experienced and good as they should be, you may think they'd know how to teach by now...I do admit we're getting pretty well drilled in combining prepositions-cases, but since I'm shit with cases/most things concerning Rusk, it's wasted on me haha


:LOL: That's true though. I went to this Kammu seminar today with my sister, and oh, a huge lecture room filled with stereotypes, I haven't had that much fun in ages :D Welsh texts? Mmmmmhm, that's where it's at innit.


Hmmm, ж I can do, however ц...roll on the day I learn how to write that in any way resembling a letter.


You do as you like silly woman :D


I swear I'm going to have a heart attack, I have only done 91 sentences of the 188, I'm going to fry in class tomorrow (also because most of them will probably be wrong), and I still haven't done my individual exam on the texts we had for over Christmas, since I'm not even fucking done with them. And now I have to read that piss-poor excuse for printed text about Solzhenitsyn. Sorry for ranting, I'm just...argh. I need alcohol, this big.



Haahll :LOL: :LOL:


Quiet you :D Isn't the pronunciation of Middlesborough worse? :eek:

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We have this "multicultural day" at school tomorrow. And I ain't going, yeeehaw!

Then I shall take my Harry Potter-book and rea dit out loud. Just to learn how to speak British english.

So tomorrow will be a British day for me. Not a multicultural.

I shall also drink lots of tea.



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So you have the day off then? Lucky you. Word of advice Mona, never go to university. No, no Harry Pot-head if you want proper British, go borrow some kitchen-sink at the library (with A Kind of Loving by Stan Barstow being fabulous, or of course A Taste of Honey by Shelagh Delaney). British literature is at its best when it's like cottage pie...warm, gooey, vulgar and filled with beer.

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:$ She did unfortunately, but thank god no not when I was on the stairs. That was at a friend's house. Haha I'd just do everything in foreign speak, then I'd know me fan base would be similar minded people :D


I think the problem with uni, is everyone in power is an academic, whereas at school they're proper teachers. And academics can't really teach, cause their social skills are a bit pap. Have you managed to plod on with all those sentences? You can have AAAAAAAAALL of my notes on cases when I leave. Take them. If you don't, they're going on a bonfire :D


Haha wonderful! Yep, bless her. :happy: Speaking of Welsh texts, my copy of the Mabinogion should arrive today :D :D


We got shown some old school Church Slavonic yesterday. That stuff looks even scarier written than the real stuff.


Go out on Friday night for the end of week stress release :D We're off to a Mew gig, so I'll try and get so hammered and sing Du Gamla etc. :D There was a Middlesborough in that song?! Shit... Didn't hear that one.


Beer in cottage pie?! Interesting...


A CD?! Wow! You can say you know him by association too really. My theory is, if you drink a beer with someone connected to someone else, you as good as know them. Yeaaah!


Ahh morning has brooooooooooooooooken! Where's the damn sunshine?

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Oops! :LOL: Aha, passing out at a friend's is acceptable. Innit. If you were to be in my family and pass out somewhere round the house (like meself) you'd have to hear it for years. Errrr. Your fanbase would be crammed with linguists and escaped-to-Britland Scands. :D


Heeeegzackly! Or, they're just foreign, and just don't understand what you're saying (my foreign teachers blame the acoustics :LOL: I do speak way too fast though, even for Swedes, so they may have a point.) Bad teachers (albeit competent) often make good storytellers in my opinion, 'S why we never get anything done in Sverker's classes :D Turns we 'only' had 40 of them til last Tuesday. How nice of them for telling us that in advance :rolleyes: Aaand, I'd written the wrong ones too, so I had to do some translating improv. That's errrrr fun. No, you enjoy that bonfire! I'd burn all my A-course stuff, if I weren't so crippingly sentimental! :LOL:


Wooo! Was it big and mighty-like? And Welshy-like?


Church Slavonic is scary as hell...especially with all them hard signs (if they have those, I think they do)


Getting hammered sounds quite the idea. I'd have to buy some new rum though (I go through bottles this fast and they don't even get me tipsy. Innit.). Woo gigs! Have you got your camera back yet? Du gamla du fria might be enough entertainment for one night though. <3 Wasn't the Middelsboroooo nice? Plus, the Hull is pronounced exactly like our word 'hall'. Education by Thåström innit.


I think we had that in there last time we did it...well, without beer it's still one of the best things evoooooooh :happy:


Yup! :happy: I shall send you some songs once I get off my arse to rip the CD...it was the 'Salute to Highlife Pioneers' by the West African Highlife Band...songs in Twi and Fanti too! 'Maame' by CK Mann is oh so good. I shall give mr. Mann a call one of these days to discuss our up and coming album.


Here you can't see the sun for all the ice errrr. Woo that T-shirt is beeheeyootiful! :LOL: And woo, I might be going home on the 18th if I can! Woo! How's Whalley Fallowholmeways denna kväll?

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:LOL: thankfully my family knows how to... gloss over drunken activities. :D They happen that often I guess, they learn to ignore them. Woo! Sounds the perfect fanbase.


That's true, they just like... spin yarns about this that and the other without actually teaching. Good fun in grammar classes I guess. Burn it away! I had SO much fun burning all of my French A Level/lower school Latin work. :D Nah the mabinogion was a wee small book. You should read it sometime, my almost namesake is a warrior goddess thing in it :D


I was gonna do that, but I can't now as I'm on industrial strength painkillers :'( It's disgusting is that, so much rum! You bloody sailor! Nope still no camera. Bloody Jessops lied to me. 5 weeks my arse. I just... haha that pronunciation.. so funny. I wonder how he'd muster with Greenhalgh... or.. Poulton-le-Fylde


Beer in cottage pie is seeeeeeriously not right... unless you've confused it with steak and ale pie...


Shall I get you his phone number? All Mr. Mann does now is sit on his veranda outside his house (at the bottom of my dad's hill) with his walkingstick and shades, looking like the cool man he is. Ahhh.


I think it's ok, jag är i Svartpöl for a couple of days whilst me swelling/bruising goes but there was a big protest/festival thing in Rusholme yesterday. I had to walk through it on my way back to the hospital whilst my gum was making me bleed to death :LOL: They had a horse and everything.

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