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Haha, wuuurnderful flatmates innit :LOL:


Enteric coated :LOL: That's quite the mental picture.


Is it a nice city and all then? How's crime and general life, living situation etc.?


Well, we don't have a year abroad as a part of the course, it's just that I could apply for a scholarship and go over to work/study/dick about, but nothing planned. I should do something though, since I don't feel like doing the C-course next autumn. I could always do Polish or something, but I'd rather do something even smaller and unconventional compared to Slavonics...my grammar teacher warned me of doing any Slavonic language when doing the early Rusk courses since you mix things up...ah we'll see. Haha, errrr Shipman. They could turn into Ms. Nightingale or errr Mother Theresa though. (not meaning they could turn Albanian, though that'd be nice)


I still can't wear tight trousers :( I'd do it in a sec if I could. Very well, I shall go shopping again this Saturday. Mmm. I'm also waiting for my Russian military telnyashkas to show up...they'll be beautiful with everything! http://www.russiancombatgear.com/advanced_search_result.php?keywords=RCGV-0003&x=0&y=0


4 weeks waiting for the camera? Awful :(

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Haha, wuuurnderful flatmates innit :LOL:


Enteric coated :LOL: That's quite the mental picture.


Is it a nice city and all then? How's crime and general life, living situation etc.?


Well, we don't have a year abroad as a part of the course, it's just that I could apply for a scholarship and go over to work/study/dick about, but nothing planned. I should do something though, since I don't feel like doing the C-course next autumn. I could always do Polish or something, but I'd rather do something even smaller and unconventional compared to Slavonics...my grammar teacher warned me of doing any Slavonic language when doing the early Rusk courses since you mix things up...ah we'll see. Haha, errrr Shipman. They could turn into Ms. Nightingale or errr Mother Theresa though. (not meaning they could turn Albanian, though that'd be nice)


I still can't wear tight trousers :( I'd do it in a sec if I could. Very well, I shall go shopping again this Saturday. Mmm. I'm also waiting for my Russian military telnyashkas to show up...they'll be beautiful with everything! http://www.russiancombatgear.com/advanced_search_result.php?keywords=RCGV-0003&x=0&y=0


4 weeks waiting for the camera? Awful :(

Absolutly. :D




It's like Manchester, only smaller, more hilly and in Yorkshire... plus it's surrounded by the peak district so I can start fell walking again :D Get in the way of the mountain bikers :D There's less crime than manc I think... but then again that's not 'ard. You should go for it! I'm sure you'll do well in whatever you choose. What other subjects did you enjoy doing at skewel? You could always take up some of them maybe? What level of Russian are you at now then? *bombards with questions*


Pah! Some gay you are then. Can't wear tight trousers indeed. Oooh that top is lovely!

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Oh God *smacks self over head with dictionary* Y'know, I've been picturing Bristol in my head when seeing 'Sheffield'. Oh dear :LOL: Now I even remember where it is. Mmmm. Yorkshire is nice. Very nice indeed. Billy Liar nice. :D Fell walking? Hills are nice, I should get over and do a cycling visit innit :D I was average at most at other subjects though, 's only languages for me I'm afraid. I've now done the A-course, B this spring, then I could do C next autumn and D next spring, then try to become a doctor in something. Then you have to be hellishly good though, and you'd have to spend some time over there to be that good I guess. I don't feel like going to uni for the rest of my life either. Errr. Hence my highlife plans :D


:( I know. But Tom Boonen can't wear tight trousers either, and he'd make a terrific gay person. :D Also, I've got confirmation from Mackie that I have potential. <3 Lisa ordered a sleeveless one in light blue, that was really pretty as well. We ordered them Nov. 25 though, one feels they could hurry up a bit. But they're Canucks, what can you expect?

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Haha you pillock! S'about 7 hours away is Brizzle. Errr. Yorkshire's ok... wrong side't Pennines for a Lancy lass tho'. Aye! Get me walking boots out and climb big hills for the hell of it. Ah you had the same problem as me then. You get to a doctorate fast in Sweden! Takes about 7 years here. Ah I quite like the academic life... but I think teaching's calling. :indiff:


Highlife plans are wonderful! You should take advantage of the Koninklijke Luchtvaart Maatschappij's cheap flights over there. S'only 400 beans to go out in July.. considering it was about 1500 for the Christmas voyage. Oh man how good would Highlife academies in Ghana be... Wooah.


That man can wear tight trousers any time he likes. You were like Mackie's little whatjemechallit... Sounds nice does that top. Sounds like they run on Ghana time. The philosophy "wait small"

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I know :D Nah, embrace the East. You always have your accent to make you different and infinately cooler than all those people over there anyway. Climbing hills sounds like big fun too. Mmmhm. Why don't you take up cycling? You could join one of those clubs with 40 year old beer-necking fat men who think they're practicing for the Tour and spend their time drawing witty cycling comics for Cycling Weekly :D Oh how I love British cycling. So...not glamourous :LOL: 7 years for a doctorate? Oh dear. Maybe you get better at your subjects though :D Academic life sounds nice in Britain where it actually seems to lead to work/different opportunities. I so should skip over.


Mmhmm, if only I weren't so Swedish, scared and easily frightened :LOL: Highlife academies though...mmmmm <3 They'd probably laugh at obruni attempts at the sacred art, so I'm staying out, until I have to go there to search for my lost drummer and bassist.


That's right, but they'd only look good for about 4 seconds before they explode! :LOL: Mackie knew what I wanted to hear <3

Haha, wait small indeed! I wonder how they can use 'holidays' as an excuse when I ordered it 20 days before they even started :LOL:

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Aye, I shall indeed. Once I sort out this whole application process. I've hit a wall :LOL: Yes. My cool accent. You eejit. Nah, cycling... too many painful memories of bike related accidents. :LOL: Yep... 3/4 years for your BA, then another year or 2 to get an MA, then you go on to the PhD, have to get your thesis published/spend forever researching and all. S'why academia is such an institution here. I must admit, our univeristy system is pretty great.


:LOL: Yep. The Ghanaians would probably laugh at you anyway because of Sweden's failed attempts to overthrow the Dutchies and the Portugese.


:LOL: You'd make a rubbish drag queen then. Haha god love that man. Because, Russian Christmas is the 6th Jan innit... that'll be th'excuse.

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Haha, is it difficult? In Dutch? :D I declare you not allowed to make statements about accents since you want to learn Gothenburgian. You've clearly crossed a line :D Accidents? Ouch, they're the worst. Ask my two front teeth :D Your system looks pretty good from here too really...every 'serious' academic fail in the regular academic business here, it seems, and always tend to start writing popular science books (which is like selling your soul to hin håle)


:LOL: We did? Oh dear, Sweden and colonies, not a good mix.


:D I would, but drag queen's not my thing. 'S not private school enough. Bloody Russians, when will they learn?

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nah thankfully it's in Dutch... but the tutor who is making me the place offer doesn't know how I should go about filling in the UCAS form, so I'm having to email the department admissions woman... but I don't want to come over too cocky... too formal... too informal. Bah. Plus I may need references and another personal statement. Nightmare.


Haha yep. I lost track the amount of times I went over the handlebars and into nextdoor's swamp thing. Ah a lot of academics end up in shit dead end jobs here too... but there's more scope to stay nestled into a department for all eternity here.


Yep. Failed miserably. Dutchies did a good job, till we came along and kicked them out. Ha!


Not private school enough?! Believe me, every opportunity the 1st XV at my school got they'd go in drag. And you don't get much more highbrow than the first rugby team :LOL:


They'll never learn. That's why everyone still hates them.


Eughhh TV autopsy.

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That sounds a right nightmare indeed! Seems us Swedes never have that formal-informal problem, since we all decided to be informal back in the seventies :D (Apart from some fuckwits who still call people 'ni' and capitalise the 'n'. *shudder*) What's the personal statement about?


Haha, that sounds awful. I wonder why one doesn't trip and fall over as much as when we were 5 :LOL: That was a fine age it was. Ah to have blood on the knee caps again. Aaaah. *doesn't want to be a filthy grown-up* I'd quite like to see what it's like to be stuck in a department when you're far overdue for retirement like all them cool babushki and dedushki, but then again...no. :D


Ha, just you wait, if the opposition wins this election, you won't have Göran sniffing around Tone anymore, so prepare for WAR! (Huh! What is it good for? Absolutely nuffin'! Say it again!)


:LOL: Oh dear, they did? I always wanted to be a rugby player, now I see why :D


Heggzackly! Even Father Frost. Have you heard about the massive cold they're having? They're saying on the radio their whole electric system might collapse :stunned:


Errrrrrrr :stunned: Real people? You Brits.


Argh rent increased. 2647 kr instead of 2582, now I'll have to fill in my application for state rent subsidies all over again! Plus go to the library to get another copy of the new slip. Aaaaaaargh! *explodes*

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It is a pain. I've become a compulsive email checker for the account I seldom use and all now. Aw that's so nice. Although Teach Yourself Swedish still uses the whole Ni thing. A personal statement is a big ass essay you write about yourself and how wonderful, motivated and dedicated you are as well as doing loads of stuff outside your field. Then you ship it off to universities, and when you get interviews they ask you questions on it. I have my old one knocking around should you ever need a good laugh.


I still do :$ Yep. S'pretty much what most departments are like at unis... or what most teachers at private schools are like.


Haha like Sweden "land of Neutrality 1939, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46 (add nauseum)" could ever be capable of war. :LOL: Göran does love Tone. Shame Tone's too busy with Bush to notice him since this whole constitution thing's been put on a back burner.


:LOL: Yep.


Serves them right really for cutting off gas to everywhere. S'karma that is. Too busy investing in the Mafia and not the people.


Yish! That's a pain. Just claim squatters rights. :D

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I bet they get payed for keeping you in suspense innit. They use Ni!? Aaaargh, that's such a shit word. It might be even worse when people write Du though...since they think it's the perfect mix between 17th century submission indication and hippie house occupying lingo. Errrr.

Haha, I shall have to read the statement sometime then :LOL: Shit, I'm glad we don't have to do that, we only have to pass gym basically and we're ready for uni :LOL:


:LOL: Awww bless. Private schools. Errrrr. All I associate with them is pretty much...the headmaster ritual...though that's spot on perhaps?


:LOL: Piss off. We used to own most of the land around the Baltic Sea y'know, back in the day. I bet even the ruddy Brits were afraid of us. Mmmm. :LOL: I know, Göran is like one big love-sick puppy :LOL: I especially love a quote from a quite recent interview, how he felt he's become a 'father figure' for Bush! :LOL:


That's true. I wonder if Ukraine will shut down all their warm домы отдыха to the Russians just to be evil :LOL:


Haha I shall :LOL: But then again they'd never fix my faucet :D

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It's killing me! The fact that everyone has been so nice, positive and supportive.. my cynical self is still saying they'll pull the plug. I'll route it out... I have it saved somewhere. Easy life for you Swedes.


How do you mean 'headmaster ritual'? Ours used to wear a gown and have a special seat in the dining hall... But then most senior staff wore gowns when on duty. So did prefects.


Yeah, back in the day. You Swedes are too scared of what people will think to go pillaging again. :LOL: Like we were ever afraid of you. Last time we got invaded was 1066. Nar har har. Aww I love your prime minister. He looks like you could just... keep him to read stories to.


Haha here's hoping. I know I would.


Squatters don't need faucets!

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The constant theme running through my life has been communication, and hence, I am fascinated by language. One language which has always interested me has been German and from an early age, I have always wanted to take my study of it further. To combine it with Russian I feel would give me valuable skills for the world of work, and hopefully one day help me realise my

ambition of either teaching, or translation. Since embarking on my language A Level courses of both German and French, I have found German literature particularly fascinating and our study of Friedreich Duerrenmatt's 'Der Besuch der Alten Dame' has provided me with essential skills to analyse and understand literature in its original form, and has given me the

knowledge and confidence to tackle some of Franz Kafka's short stories, including 'Das Urteil', Goethe's poetry and even a translation of J K Rowling's 'Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone'. I have also read Nietzsche's 'The Twilight of the Idols' and 'The Anti-Christ' albeit in their English translations. However, it is not just German literature which interests me. I have regular email contact with a German pen pal, who gives me valuable insight into the youth culture of Germany, and also helps me to pick up some colloquialisms

along the way! I subscribe to 'Authentik' a magazine, designed specially for language students, providing information on current affairs in Germany and I regularly watch DW-TV, the German news channel to keep me informed about current events in both Germany and Austria.

I see the incorporation of Russian to my degree as a fantastic challenge, as I have unfortunately never had the opportunity in school to study an Eastern European language, let alone one which uses Cyrillic text, a great contrast to the Western style of writing. As Russia is full of history and culture, I particularly like the aspect of the integrated year abroad as part of the course. As I feel it will provide me, not only with valuable language

experience but also with life experience too helping me feel the culture and history of bothGermany and Russia first hand .

As well as my academic involvements, I am a keen musician, and I have played Clarinet and Piano for many years now. I have performed both in an ensemble and solo before and often help out friends who play piano. I have also taught myself to play guitar, and subsequently bass,

which I have played in an orchestra for school productions. Once a month, I do voluntary workfor a local children's hospice where I help the nurses with tasks and help care for terminally ill children. This work has provided me with valuable interpersonal skills and life experience. I also volunteer most weekends for the local Oxfam Book Shop, which again helps me to interact with others.

Drama, has always been an important part of my school career, and I have taken various Trinity College Speech and Drama exams, and even their Shakespeare exam, where I focused upon the character of Viola from 'The Twelfth Night'. I have also completed group improvisation exams with LAMDA.

I am a member of the school yearbook committee and attend regular meetings for our in school charity 'Village Aid' which provides financial, medical and educational support to Buigiri, a small village in Tanzania. A place which one day I hope to visit.

It is one of my ambitions, to spend time travelling across Europe or Africa and it is my intention to travel the Trans-Siberian railway, along with a visit to Berlin and some of the major cities of Germany during the summer break. This, I hope will provide me with language and cultural experience therefore putting me in the right frame of mind before I embark on my degree course in the autumn.




I'd say about 60% of that was made up.

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Nah, I bet it'll all work out poifectly. Just remember to be nice to them back :D


As in 'belligerent ghouls run Manchester schools, spineless swines, demented minds, Sir leads the troops, jealous of youth, same old suit since 1962' :D


:LOL: Too right! Errr. Awww poor Hastings. Is that all it's known for? God knows it is here :LOL: Göran's so...errrrr. So undefineable. But, he's living the sweet life, since he's married to the chief of Systembolaget :D Ne-ne-ne-nepotism!


Oh no, us squatters need but kettles. I got a jar of mix-in-hot-water coffee from Lisa yesterday. I shall now make a premiere cup. Mmmmhm. Russian stories of Abkhazian ruffians crave these beverages (Nah, kräftor kräva dess drycker, best argument for drinking snaps ever)

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I hope so. *touches wood* I'm aaaaalways nice. Haha.


:LOL: Sounds more like the maths department really...


Yep! Just like we all know the Magna Carta was signed in 1215... but what it was for, no one knows. 1605 Guy Fawkes.. loads of other pointless dates. Haha he's well in there! Perhaps if the other lefty gets in, they may introduce radical alcohol reforms.


Haha, true. Ugh, instant coffee is just wrong. Quick, but wrong. Like coffee mate. Eugh. Very thoughtful of Lisa though :D


Nope, laugh away. I did when reading it back. God forbid I have to write another one "yeah, German's great, Russian's a bit shit.. .can I do Dutch now please?" Albeit is great, along with twixt, furthermore and with regards to it's one of my essential essay phrases.

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Sure you are :D


It does? :LOL: I'd quite like to visit then.


Pah Magna Carta, Guy Fawkes, such pseudo-history :D All you need to know is the crowning of Vasa 1523, and the sinking of Vasa 1628. Plus Palme '86 :D Wooo free voootka for all!


Bleugh, that was awful, I managed to put two spoons in. Errrrrr. It smells like a Basque hotel balcony though. Mmmmmmemories. One spoon's not too good either. Errrr. :LOL: Very thoughtful indeed. I did give her my spare pepparkakor though, and they were so much tastier :D


Haha, that's a pickle. Just explain to them that your Russian is perfected, and that you need a proper challenge :D Twixt! Betwixt! I completely forgot that word after school. Mmmmmmmm. My teacher didn't care much for my overuse of it though.

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Bwahaha. I hope they don't ask Ed for a niceness reference.


Oh aye. Mr. Bell (an anagram of his name was raw bellend...) never changed once... then Mr. Ward.. he always wore the same shades of beige... Aww school. There is something about the institution of a private school.


haha it has been duly noted. So long as said vodka is raspberry Absolut, s'all grand.


Was it Nescafe? That stuff tastes like.. I don't know. Ahh such a good relationship you have with your sister :happy: I hope mine and Ed's is as good when he gets big.. if he ever grows.


:LOL: Yep. Pah, what kind of a teacher is that?! I shall have words.


Ooh is that your rent thing? Now spend it on rent and not make up young man.


Mmm I've just made the best salad ever. Shame I had to substitute brie for dairylea.

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:LOL: Let's hope they don't indeed. 'Rhiân, we'd love to accept you for our guest professorship, but this ankle swinging thing has become a problem'


:LOL: Aww you witty Brits. After the movie 'If....' I'd have loved to go to a private school to stir up things, but I'd be too scared. All we did was write in teacher evaluations that our French teacher smelled of fish :LOL:


Or Zubróóóóóóówka!


Nescafé Selection yes :indiff: I shall be sticking to tea. A great relationship yes :happy: We've decided to have dinner together for the entire term, and we haven't missed out once :happy:


She was stupid and had an American accent, which is why I cultivated the most working class English one I knew back then :LOL: I guess she only hated me because I was so much better than her at the end of 2nd year, and that I responded to most questions with a perturbed 'yerrrrr innit' :LOL:


Yes, rent subsidies thingie. God love social democrats. Spend it on what? Rhiân, who do you think I am? I would never spend it on makeup, only scarves. The rest of the state apanage goes to the makeup fund though.


Mmmmmmmm salad. Dairlea? Whassat? I've grossly underestimated Strangeways...thinking of people I don't like, singing Unhappy Birthday and doing a barechested Mozzer dance on the floor takes all problems away! :LOL:

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:LOL: yeah. Especially if I'm still doing it when Ed's about 45 :LOL:


Haha. We were terrible. Some of my friends stole clocks from all the classrooms on the last day of term, then in the rivalry with King Teds we egged them... then me and Lucy tried to sell our music teacher on ebay... one year the 6th form taped alarm clocks under chairs in the memorial hall so they'd go off in assembly...




Bah, vile drink. Yes, never ever leave the tea. It'll love you more than coffee ever will. Aww that's so nice :happy: Do you live very close to her then?


Pah. Vile. Good on y'lad! Do us northerners proud. I'd love to find an EFL teacher in a school abroad. Test their strength. :LOL:


Indeedy :D:LOL: well fair enough then. I shall not question you again.


It's like La Vache qui Rit only... with less flavour and more gooey. S'like the staple diet of anyone under the age of 5. Dairylea sandwiches with no crusts. Mmmm. So good. image008.jpg



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You should :D Power should always be practised.


:LOL: Them are terrific pranks innit! I know someone who wrote their class name with hydrochloric acid on the grass outside their school, that's gutsy too :D


Tea feels so much...healthier, coffee's more...stressed American with red meat intestines and gastric ulcers galore...tea's more tweed with leather elbows :D I live about 150-200m away. Watched der Untergang today with her and Erik, such a great film, I can't believe it. And such the beautiful secretary as well. She's Romanian, I stick to the Eastern Europeans it seems :LOL:


You should replace them :D We had a really boring Canadian lady informing those who wanted to do the Cambridge certificates...errrr the dialect. We need some better regular English teachers as well, who wouldn't make us read Newsweek :LOL:


Turns out I have to go to that shopping centre from hell tomorrow...it's all Lisa's fault innit. But I'm not buying anything. Anee-fingg.


Ooh, Lisa's hooked on the laughing cow, she'd like that! Crustless bread though. Errr you Brits :LOL:

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Haha! That's brilliant! :LOL: I'll suggest it to this year's Upper Sixth leavers. :LOL:


Tea is much healthier. According to PG wisdom it can be included as part of your 2l of insu a day. :D I tooooooooold you so! Brilliant film. It was all filmed in Leningrad too. Hehe I'll just name you Mr. Ostalgie.


I'll start my own training school. Haha. Cambridge certificate... pah. Newsweek?! Shite, that's worse than The Economist! Private Eye and New Statesman for my lot. Viz for the kids.


Oh you poor thing :LOL:


Oh yeah! It's so much nicer than Laughing Cow cause it doesn't taste like cheese, more... goo and goo. The best sandwich in the world is brown bread with bits in it, mature cheddar cheese and dairylea. Without crusts, of course.


Gah, packing for Manc. HOW is it possible to fit all of my life into a flight case?

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