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Burn Matt Smith at the stake?


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Yeah but to be fair, i didn't think David Tennant was going to be a good doctor until i saw more episodes. So i'm going to give Matt Smith another chance. But David will always be the best.

But if he fails i'm okay with burning him. :happy:

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OK, I think now it's time to spice up this conversation a little bit:

call me whatever you like - a Cybermen-hugger, a Dalek-upstairs-carrier or that I look good in a Slitheen-suit - but I'm sure that (although I still don't like the "Geronimo") Matt Smith is gonna be a fantastic Doctor who has the potential to even outshine Tom Baker ...


So: who's with me ? :D

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It's unfair to say he sucks when all you have to go by is one trailer and, like, under a minute screen-time on the last episode. Personally, from what I've seen, I think he'll be great. No replacement for Tennant, sure, but I'll definitely give him a chance :) (thought I agree, the "Geronimo" is stupid)


I think that, no matter who followed DT, people would be initially upset with him, because of the mere fact that he's following DT.

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I also didn't like Matt when I first saw him.But when I watched the new episode I thought how wrong I was.Just give him a chance,he's good.I know we all like DT because he's brilliant and,I reckon,most of us think he's good looking too,but you have to get used to a new doctor.

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