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that last one is interesting - body's going to be made of three different woods?


not sure what you mean by maple frets?



and i guess we'll see if it gets stuck or not - if it does i'll just call up and fax them the info again like last time. oh well


i did get a call saying it's going to be here by 10:30am on monday.

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well he said cos i did it online (cos of the label) i didnt need the airway bill thing. even after i explained to him that i had to rebook it today over the phone, he said it still didnt matter. so its his fault.


and yes. maple frets. 22.5" scale.

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now you've lost me!



you built a case for that turquoise guitar right? not something you'd do again? i liked that little plaque thing on it which had the serial etc


no really not ever again hehe


I'd say its going to be fret less or some sort of lap steel with these 'frets':



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oh ok then - I see now.


they're telling me that it's going to be delivered on the 11th (tuesday) now. they seem to have got the clearance details (customs?) up now...maybe it got slowed down a bit. i'll have to see what happens when it hits the US.


anyway, the first one (tele-ish shape) looks cool as well. did you decide on a spec for that one yet, or is it just the wood at the moment?

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Mine got stuck in customs too. I had to pay $300 duty. :S


Yeah, that's how it is unfortunately - though with fedex they just send you a bill afterwards. UPS is COD with customs which is pretty inconvenient .... or at least they used to be.


What service was yours sent, if you remember?



well if it gets stuck this time its the stupid mans fault for not taking the papers with him even tho i practically begged him to


Doesn't look like I'll know anything else until later today at earliest...so far so good though.


I don't think the air waybill has anything to do with customs though, so it should be fine.

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You have an AF then? What one?


i've not really used DHL for international shipments (well, just from one place, who doesn't use them anymore for whatever reason)


i've had the best luck with fedex in general i'd say. customs was an absolute nightmare when i sent in that guitar for repair. took an extra two days, several phone calls, and faxing lots of information in ...


I reckon the AF will go through fine. looking at the details, they have all the information needed. Can't wait! (already got the second one planned haha)



Actually, that tele shape is looking pretty damn nice. Don't know which I'll go for...either the super strat-ish thing we've been talking about, or a more 'traditional' tele type of some sort...

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That one looks pretty cool - how are you finding it?


no updates yet from fedex (although it could be on its way up to NY for all I know), but it looks like it'll be here tuesday rather than tomorrow like they originally said.


While I haven't got the guitar yet, I have to say hooglebug has been amazing during this whole process. He kept me updated (both in this thread and by PM's...I've received 90 total from the time we started discussing the build!), asked EXACTLY what I wanted, and even suggested things that I liked more than what I originally wanted.


I'll post my thoughts on the guitar itself when I get it, but from the looks of things, it will be great. Sam seems to like his a lot.

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