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Posts posted by projektxtal

  1. Now give me that club tour/gig announcement. I refuse to believe this is just for shits and gigs :phu:


    tbh this just looks like something they've done just for a laugh instead of anything serious, I also wish they would do things like this more often, stuff like Who Knows Who and this must barely take a day to record and mix what with Matt having a home studio etc

  2. It's just the bass, the drums are different.


    The video stutters a bit though, so maybe they're trying to mask the drums? Because I'm sure the part that gets cut out would have the double snare hit which would mean it sounds exactly like starlight

  3. Once we got past "Muse should make their setlists more consistent and play a couple more rarities each night", which we did ages ago, there really hasn't been much to say on this thread (other than :) , or something)


    But every day we need 2 or 3 more pages of the same arguments otherwise how will people understand?

  4. Thought it was a bit harsh to not-so-subtly slag his songs off in front of him as well ("tonight was...yeah, a bit weird...Montreux, those are the songs that we like"), think Matt picked up on that and didn't really seem to appreciate it. Nowt malicious, I know, but I just think they could've gone about it a bit better. Maybe it was just clumsy wording from being in the heat of the moment.


    I think this is something that we forget when complaining about setlists. Songs like UD, Madness, Resistance etc are fully deserving of the rotations that heavier songs are. Just because people on this board are favouring more the heavy stuff (me included) Muse still wrote these songs, recorded them and put them on an album because they love them as much as they do Assassin, Butterflies etc

  5. That's just made me realise this'll be the first tour since Abso's release where RBS hasn't been played at all.


    <cue Mad World and stock footage of sad puppies>


    Imagine it on the Drones tour with the Drones playing CCTV cameras or something, or doing the eye thing that they do in Psycho, its a shame they never went far enough with the whole tour concept, just some balloons flying around during SMBH lol

  6. 1- Psycho

    2- Bliss

    3- Map

    4- The Handler

    5- B&H

    6- Dead Inside

    7- SMBH

    8- Citizen Erased

    9- Sunburn

    10- Ruled By Secrecy

    11- JFK + Hysteria

    12- Assassin

    13- Reapers

    14- Stockholm

    15- Knights


    [isolated System break]


    16- Uprising

    17- Plug In Baby

    18- TAB


    Tried to keep it somewhat realistic, no tiro and starlight means it would never happen though

  7. I totally understand the Assassin for Belfast beef. But Muse have made their bed in the US with Madness being huge, pushing poppy singles over songs like Reapers/Handler, be it the band or the record label calling the shots. And with Matt saying deeper cuts don't get a good reception (and they dont tbh, not even CE). It's never going to change


    Nothing anyone can do tbh

  8. I never really considered a BHAR anniversary show or special set because of how quiet they were compared to when they played OoS. Its a shame but they didn't do Absolution either, so it was probably never considered. Didn't someone ask Glenn Rowe about them playing BHAR at Glastonbury and his response was like "Lol no"

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