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Everything posted by Bumpypotato

  1. I'm calling COD the Egyptian sounding song, now. The Resistance is definitely lighter than BH&R, although Exogenesis is admittedly less upbeat. That said, OoS is arguably their darkest album, which kind of ruins your every odd album theory. No surprises here. Loneliness be over When will this loneliness be over A very happy album indeed.
  2. We might finally have some good tracks again!
  3. Why? At least Radiohead are still writing genuinely interesting music, not just trend hopping like Matt. Ah shit. Not trying to be that guy, but no. As lurker said, the likes of Kendrick, Nick Cave and Darnielle could speak circles around him. Not that it matters, since in the case of Matt his lyrics are so bad that all other comparisons are immediately pointless.
  4. This is actually pretty cool.
  5. The idea of a VR video is pretty cool, but the video itself has to be worth a watch and take advantage of the technology.
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