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Everything posted by Bumpypotato

  1. I don't know if anyone will agree with me here, but it honestly reminded me a little of Glorious and Crying Shame. Could just be the production.
  2. Getting a big BH&R vibe from this. Especially with that solo at the end.
  3. This is where the classic rock influence (or at least rock from that era) pays off.
  4. No, but you might get a more consistent sounding album. Not that I can exactly judge whether the album is consistent or not until I hear it, so it's kind of a moot point.
  5. I've found the lyrics so far to be similarly as shite as those on T2l, personally. I'm honestly a little scared about Muse doing a concept album, because they can be so heavy handed that any subtlety gets lost or was never there to begin with
  6. Yeah, Kate was totally the reason Muse wrote shit music(!) How dare anyone be happy when we have our own enjoyment to think about.
  7. Whenever someone makes the point that the lyrics aren't as bad as other artists, I feel like we should remind them that they're far from as good as many more.
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