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Everything posted by EliteAssassin

  1. Had another muse dream last night, I was going to their concert, and it was in a building about 20 stories high. Muse were playing on the 7th floor or something, which was bright orange. Then someone turned the gravity in the room off ()and everybody just started floating around. The band were there too, and Matt had blue hair. Then the concert started, and the next thing I knew was that the concert was over and I couldn't remember any of it.
  2. I've had 3 lately: 1: I was at a shopping centre that was on a farm. I was looking at a shop that sold things made out of lavender and decided I wanted to go and play Left 4 Dead. All of a sudden it was the middle of the night and I walked into a nearby barn, which looked empty. When I went inside, there was a Plasma TV and an Xbox, and Matt was playing Left 4 Dead on it. Then we just sat there and played multiplayer for the rest of the day. Then the barn turned into a stage and pirates jumped out and told Matt and I to set the stage props on fire. Then we were in a kitchen at a hotel. 2. I was at the stage at my school all by myself. I sat there for a few minutes and then realised that muse were just sitting next to the stage. We talked about stuff and I woke up smiling. It was one of those dreams that felt real, but you know it wasn't. 3. I was with my mum on a computer and she put Uprising on. I started singing but the words had changed into really stupid words. Also, the filmclip had changed and it was just the band playing on a beach somewhere. Then the computer, my mum and the house dissappered and I was at that beach. Matt and I just stared at each other for a while. Then I woke up. This one was from last night.
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