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Status Updates posted by BLlSS

  1. Heya! Sorry for a 3 month late reply :/ I've been away for quite a while. Reading was INCREDIBLE!! I was just watching the BBC footage. What was your favorite song of the night? I think it's hard for me to compare Teignmouth and Reading. For obvious reasons, Reading was the best gig ever, but Teignmouth was also because it was the first one I'd been to. Like you, I'd still say Reading, because I reckon it was one of the greatest, if not THE greatest Muse show of all time! Now I need another gig to compare it to! We're so lucky, having been to 3 of the best shows of the tour, aren't we! :p


    I would say merry christmas and happy new year to you to, but I think its a bit late for that! :LOL:

  2. Did I just read that you're buying a Glitterati?!! You have way too many amazing Muse-related things, I should get some for a change! :p How are you?

  3. Im useless with replies! Sorry :( How did the art exam go? Things have been wierd for me recently, with exams and everything. You've already done GCSE's though, right? AS Levels must be even more stressful than GCSE's, right now thats hard to imagine!

  4. Oh ok. Yeah Im good thanks :) Its a random question, but Im gonna ask it anyway - How much time do you spend on here?

  5. Hey :D Happy Birthday!

  6. Hey Ninja! Im Aidan. Might I say, you are looking mighty fine for a 103 year old?! Just saw you were chattiest Muser 2008, so I thought I should say hello :D How are things?

  7. Did I miss your birthday? Im so sorry! How have you been recently?

  8. It really is! and so is Cave! Which do you prefer?

  9. Hey Ellie! and yeah, i love it! thanks. how are things?

  10. Heya Grace! I know we've hardly chatted, but i think thats a shame! how are things?

  11. Heya! Im so sorry, i havent been on the forum for AGES!!!! Loving the new name! Yeah, its a shame they dont let us play the mb-1's any more, they mustve got so bored of having to always get it out when i visit! haha! How have things been for you recently?

  12. Hey, Happy Christmas!! :D I think, with the new year coming up, its time for some serious Mansons going! I think we should wait for the snow to go though, coz its too cold to go now. You up for that?

  13. Merry Christmas to you to! :D

  14. Hello, Grace (Is that your pwoper name?!), how are things? Might i say, you have quite a nice taste in films!!

  15. Hey! :D How are things? I was just wandering, im looking for the Problematique, could you help me?! oh and also, I need book advice... Not the kind where you are faced choosing between Shakespear or Charles Darwing, but the kind like: Out of This World: The Story of Muse, to buy or not to buy?? That is the question! So yeah, to put it bluntly, should i go out and buy it, im not a very good reader, but if its REALLY good, i could probably get my teeth into it... somehow...BTW!! LOVE your username!!!! Deluded Citizen, now this IS pretty epic! oh and 1 last thing. Which was best 02 arena or Wembley? I NEED to know, to see if i made the right decisions or not... Thanks XD

  16. Pendulum are INSANE!!!

  17. Hey! How was town yesterday? So sorry i couldnt come, i'll hopefully be better soon :)

  18. Damn! If only I checked this a few hours ago!! Nevermind :( Some other time soon :)

  19. Haha! Awesome! Execution Commentary is awesome, you should 'sing' it at the same time! Well iv been off school for about a month now, but going back on Monday :) I got my bass teacher to teach me the New Born riff on lead guitar the other, it sounds awesome! Next time i want to learn the end riffs the KoC, they're just so awesome! Unlucky for having the forum blocked at school! Its always been blocked on mine :( Hows the drawing going?

  20. Yeah, Im good thanks. A bit tired, but thats about it. Oh and im off school! Im getting migranes, so i decided not to go to school!

  21. Yeah, that is annoying! At least it wont affect your forum use? Can u play any songs, or do u just play around randomly?!

  22. Why hellO0o!! :D Hows things? Back from Plymouth for good! :) Hows the glittter fuzz factory?! (SO JEALOUS!!!)

  23. Sorry, i forgot you were from Finland! So apart from the principle, what do u think they could do to change it?

  24. Yeah, Plymouth was really good thanks! Im goin back there on Monday :) Shame you cant come to Exeter, we'll have to arrange something sometime soon :D

  25. Thanks Sohvi (Where does that name come from? Does it have some sort of special meaning? Iv never heard it before!) Yeah i guess it is pretty serious :( but at least its getting better :D Thanks for your support! Whats this about Hysteria in school?! Sounds great!! "We want Justice"... sounds like people want cheaper Pasta King? Or something along those lines?! haha

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