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Status Updates posted by ninjabanana

  1. Haha nice! I'm actually not going on here much. It's kinda boring without a gig thread to go in XD

    Yeah!! I wish i'd seen him, i would have yelled out to him hehe.

    HAHAHAHA NICE!! I can almost imagine him running up to dom with an inflated shirt, giggling like a child, just to tell him that!

    Ahh terrorism. That wouldn't be easy at all. I'd find that interesting though. I've never done anything on terrorism.

    Ooh, nice! the most muse i've gotten to put into an english task is uding "crying shame" in it haha!!

    Oh my god, it was terrible!! I'm fairly sure i did well though. I love writing :D

    Aw, i feel special haha! I'll try not to forget so much! You're awesome to talk to :)

  2. Hah well that's good then, at least you can still procrastinate on the board!

    Yeah I was freaking out, apparently the people who hung around at the back of the venue saw Chris *jealous*

    Hehehe, Balloon Matt XD

    Ew China. China annoys me.

    These few weeks are killing me... QCS, 5 different pieces of assessment due, most of which are in no shape to be handed in... Kill me!

    And sorry i took so long to reply, I have periods where I completely forget about the board haha.

  3. :O how dare they!

    Yeah, damn security! There was one nice one who actually helped us out a bit though...

    Yes, the fan! I laughed at that quite a bit when it fully inflated his shirt, it looked so silly!

    Ah, nice! I can't wait till it's all over...

    Hahaha, glad i'm not the only one then :D

  4. Ahh, so I was only about 7-8 people away from you then, I think.

    Oh that sucks, I hate having websites blocked >.<

    Yeah, on one side it said United States of Australia and on the other it said TAKE US BACKSTAGE hahaha! It was worth a try... And the United States of Australia sign got Dom to smile and nod at me before they played United States of Eurasia so that was awesome XD.

    I'm currently in year 12 at Oakey. Are you still in school?

    ... God i'm an idiot, I keep posting my messages to my own wall instead of yours.

  5. Ahh, so I was only about 7-8 people away from you then, I think.

    Oh that sucks, I hate having websites blocked >.<

    Yeah, on one side it said United States of Australia and on the other it said TAKE US BACKSTAGE hahaha! It was worth a try... And the United States of Australia sign got Dom to smile and nod at me before they played United States of Eurasia so that was awesome XD.

    I'm currently in year 12 at Oakey. Are you still in school?

  6. Ohh rightio.

    Yeah, Reece told me about you too!

    Yup that was me, where were you in the crowd?

  7. Ohh rightio.

    Yeah, Reece told me about you too!

    Yup that was me, where were you in the crowd?

  8. Do you live in toowoomba!?

  9. ohhh the plug in baby one? so lucky! I would love to meet them next time they come to Aust.

  10. i know how you feel! But most of the bands i will be seeing are one after the other at the same stage (i think) so i won't have to move too much =D You might like a band called Sevendust... They're going to be playing. Or Coheed and Cambria!

  11. awesome lol, well i'll be hanging around the metal stages, so you know where to find me!

    Ahhh it's gonna be so epic, i'm getting pumped already!! And then i think about muse and how nothing will ever top that concert and i feel dissapointed in advance.... then i think of the fun i'm gonna have anyway and pumped again!! man i hate rollercoasters :LOL:

  12. THATS AWESOME!!!! what bands are you gonna see?

  13. yeah... i'm not allowed, though :( but boy would i love to!!

  14. London would be great! i want to see them in Osaka, in Japan... not sure why, i just want to go to Japan sometime and muse would be an added bonus! arrgh, Perth isn't sold out yet, i'm trying so hard to not buy a ticket for it!

  15. haha yeah! next time i'm planning to go to every date, and (if i get barrier) i will hold up a sign that says "AFTERPARTY?" and i'll just wander around GA for a while afterwards holidng it up in case someone gets me backstage =D

  16. Nice! I wish i could meet them haha... Next time. I will do everything in my ability to meet them!

  17. Hey, congratulations on meeting the boys!! How did you manage to meet them?

  18. Hey, just curious - How did you manage to meet the boys? You're so lucky! XD

  19. ahh indeed! hmm maybe we should wait a while first, just so they get off our backs.

  20. Awesome! yeah Matt did a kneeslide in front of me... and that was about it. He stormed off stage as soon as TaB ended... And i just read what people are saying from Acer last night, apparently he hung around after the last song on stage, playing random riffs like he didn't want to leave. JETLAG, I BLAME YOU FOR GIVING US A TIRED MUSE!!!

  21. Yeah, i wish i could have gone on the 5th. Crowd wise, it would have been way more intense... Were the boys energetic on the 5th? on the 6th it was like they just didn't want to be there.

  22. You would not believe how good it was! We got sunburn, bliss, citizen erased and butterflies and hurricanes! It was amazing!

  23. WOO!

    that just shows how epic us joneses are :p

  24. wow, you're lucky!!

    yeah, i've been to concerts before where the shirts cost around that much... i'm used to it lol :D


    yeah i would order one, but i don't have a debit card, my mum does but like i said, she hates muse so she wouldn't buy it for me even if i payed her for it...


    haha i'm going on the siiiiixth... I'm standing, i was a bit angry when i found out that i was going to be at the second barrier, but apparently thats been taken out now so i still have a chance at getting the front barrier!!


    goshhhhh i'm so excited!!

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