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Status Updates posted by knightofcydonia

  1. That's the funny thing, I don't know why it reminded me of the Twilight Zone. :confused:

    I've finished Ginger Snaps 2! I'm going to start the third one sometime... Anyways: B is still alive at the end, and Ghost is keeping her in the basement? I don't know...

    Yes... like Chucky. Especially when I was younger - I saw a clip when I was really little and couldn't look at my toys for a while :chuckle:

    I used to be terrified of Darth Vader :LOL:

    I haven't seen Quarantine. Yet.

    Good luck! :thumbsup:

  2. Ahh, I ran out of clips too. :(

    :LOL: Creepshow 2... great 80's animation at the beginning!

    For some reason that reminds of the Twilight Zone...

    I just watched Ginger Snaps :D! I loved it, and it had a good ending, even though it was kinda sad. I'm watching Ginger Snaps 2: Unleashed, right now... I'm on part 5 :awesome:

    I think the scariest movies I've seen are ones to do with talking dolls... what about you? :eek:

    Whoa, Criminal Justice? That's cool! How did you get into that?

  3. Apocalypse Please is my favourite :D. Seconds include Forced In (extended), Showbiz, Megalomania, Micro Cuts, Screenager, Stockholm Syndrome, Glorious, Take A Bow (ahh, I'm listing too many...)... and others...

  4. That was a great clip :LOL:(Tori: "once again, making my family proud...").

    Grant impersonates someone ("Tim Gunn" but I don't know who he is...)

    There's no problem with Invincible! It's a good song, especially live with the guitar solo. I like Falling Down a lot - one of my favourites - even though it seems that not many others do. I like Blackout, too. Those are both soft songs...

    Aww, that sucks, older horror movies are great becuase of the special effects :D! I never heard of Ginger Snaps :$... so I just watched the trailer - I think I'll start watching it on youtube :happy:

    What are you studying at college/university?

  5. Ahh, yes, I have that on my ipod :facepalm: It's got a lot of plays, too! :chuckle:

  6. Hi!

    I heard you went to Wembley 2010! Lucky, I bet it was awesome. Too bad they don't come to Vancouver often...

  7. I did walk on corn starch and water - it was in a large tupperware container (not nearly the same size as on the show!) but it still worked and was pretty cool! It was at some science event I went to at UBC a while ago...

    Poor Adam... the look on his face when he found out he was missing hair...

    I don't know if you've watched the original Star Trek series, but...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OclaRDU0fNg

    I thought Matt said they did in an interview, and that they played with a lot of make-up and stuff :erm: Anyways, yeah I would love to hear heavier and darker songs too, from them. Those tend to be my favourites. :D

    Shaun of the Dead was amazing, Simon Pegg is great and it was cool seeing him in the Star Trek movie :happy:. I think I'll avoid the remake of the Omen, then. I wonder what movies will be on the marathon at Hallowe'en... it's one of my favourite days of the year.

  8. Tu seras incroyable si tu apprends le français, anglais, japonais, et russe! :yesey:

    Il est difficile pour apprendre le japonais et français, mais c’est OK.

    Mon personnage préféré dans Death Note est L aussi, et j’aime Matsuda parce qu’il est drôle est très innocent… Et pour Muse, aussi j'hésite fortement entre Matt et Dom (et oui, j’adore Chris...). Mon préféré est probablement Matt parce que… je pense qu’il et moi sont semblables… par exemple, nous aimons les mêmes bands, et l’espace extra-atmosphérique, les UFOs, conspirations, etc…. et nous sommes un peu fous :LOL:! Je continuerais…. Bref, j’admire Matt.


    Sorry, I meant: instead of writing "préféré", I wrote "prefere" (without the accents)...

  9. I've been watching interviews, they're hilarious! I love them :D!

    I'm guessing you're favourite Muse song is Megalomania (that's awesome, by the way :awesome:)... any close seconds?

  10. Mon album prefere est Absolution aussi! Et deuxieme: Origin Of Symmetry. :LOL: Peut-etre dans le futur je serai totalement bilingue... ou trilingue... j'etudie le japonais aussi, parce-que je suis un demi-japonais (...half japanese?...) et j'aime regarder Naruto et Death Note en japonais. Qui est ta personne favorie de Death Note?... et de Muse? :awesome:


    (sorry, no accents...)

  11. That was a great explosion :yesey:, I can't believe it went 500 feet into the air...

    I've done this before:

    Muse played death metal when they were the rocket baby dolls... can you imagine them doing that now? Now THAT would scare away Twilight fans ;)! Anyways, they don't have to go that heavy, but I would also like to see them play a heavier sound than the resistance.

    I just might watch Cabin Fever, now :LOL: - I've also been meaning to watch The Omen and Black Christmas (the ones from the 1970s, not the remakes - apparently the older ones are better). Have you seen either of them?

    28 weeks later was disappointing, after the success of its prequel - the ending was so predictable, but yeah there were good parts...

    This reminds me of Hallowe'en - can't wait, even though I'm too old for trick-or-treating!

  12. I hadn't seen that one before, that was crazy! (Tori: "It was like, here one second, and then gone!") I felt sorry for them in this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aoh6OxakbiA&feature=related

    They sure have matured a lot. I wonder what their future songs will be like - will they come out with an album of Neutron Star Collisions :facepalm:, or what... I thought Ruled By Secrecy was boring, too, I still don't really listen to it much...

    I love horror movies! I haven't heard of Cabin Fever, but it reminds me of the Mythbusters Alaska special when they tested the myth of cabin fever. :awesome: 28 Days Later was a great movie, especially in that it was the first movie in which zombies actually moved quickly (right?)! Did you see 28 Weeks Later? (It has a Muse song in its trailer: Shrinking Universe.) My favourite would probably be... The Exorcist. I liked the Alien movies too, and the Shining...

  13. Those are all great songs too. The Klaxons' music videos are amazing - every time I watch Magick I laugh - and the Golden Skans music video always reminds me of an olay commercial... the one with all the ribbons and water? ...anyways...

    Next time I see them I'll pay more attention to Simon ;)

  14. Excuse-moi, s’il te plait – j’étudie le français à l’école. Je vais faire beaucoup des fautes :LOL:… mais, c’est bon pour la pratique! J’habite à Vancouver. Je suis allée à Montréal, et j’ai visité La Ronde – j’adore les montagnes russes :awesome:! Les Alouettes de Montréal sont une très bonne équipe de football. Est-ce que tu aime le football ou le hockey?

    J’aime beaucoup Exo-Politics et Bliss aussi! Je d’accord, la chanson préférée… c’est un choix difficile. Quel est ton album préféré?

  15. I loved that video, so dramatic! :LOL: I feel kinda sorry for Buster. He's more than just a dummy...

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXJBMcJALBM (watch from about 1:30 on)

    I know what you mean, I wish they did more of their random crazy stuff in concert. I miss the old days! There are actually a lot of Muse songs I originally didn't like - SMBH, Sing For Absolution, Assassin, KOC, Micro Cuts to name a few (pretty much their weirder ones), but now all of the above could be in my top 10. :happy: And Twilight did kill the vampire genre. We need another movie like Blade!

    What kind of movies do you like? Horror movies?

  16. We're both anti-twilighters, too :thumbsup:

    Yay for a fellow Klaxons (and Franz Ferdinand) fan! I haven't actually known about Klaxons for long, but after listening to some of their songs, I now have both albums :D - so (sorry!) I don't have a favourite band member (yet)... but my favourite song would probably be Gravity's Rainbow. I also love Echoes, As Above So Below, and Totem on the Timeline, to name a few potential favourites. I like Myths Of the Near Future more, even though the album cover for Surfing of the Void is hard to beat :LOL:

    What about you?


    Thanks for your invite :happy:

  17. *sneak in*


    I know people have said this already, but your avatar is awesome :awesome:

    And you like astronomy too. Cool! :happy:


    *sneak out*

  18. Cool how your Dad introduced you to Muse!

    Yes, Muse are awesome! :D What is your favourite song?


    and... parlez-vous en francais?

  19. Haha, that was one of my favourites too :D

    Tori at the Taser again:

    I love SS even more now - I watched all the videos, and they are all epic :yesey: (poor Dom and his drumset! and I kinda miss their crazier days...).

    The performance at Wembley 2007 has a great solo at the end :happy:

    Those are all great songs too! I forgot to add Sing For Absolution to my list, and Supermassive Black Hole (and not because of a certain vampire movie starting with T).

  20. So I'm not the only nerd on here... :chuckle:

  21. :LOL:


    Whoa, you have seen a lot of Stockholm Syndrome performances - I'll look them up, though! And the Micro Cuts outro/Dead Star :happy:

    I can only wish that they'll come back soon. Maybe the next time they come back their new album will be out.

    My favourite Muse song would be... Apocalypse Please. For a while it was Citizen Erased. Other potentials would be Glorious, Stockholm Syndrome, Micro Cuts, Screenager, Showbiz...

    I'm asuming your favourite is Stockholm Syndrome :D What about second place finishers?

  22. I have no idea what to expect about this movie... hopefully it'll be really good!

    I found out about Muse from my cousin, and then I looked them up and listened to Apocalypse Please. Then I fell in love! :LOL:

    Apocalypse Please might be my favourite song, too. Ever.

    What about you?

  23. Haha I was going to send those ones to you too! :LOL:

    :happy: I think I edited my last message just after you sent yours so - what is your favourite live Stockholm Syndrome performance?

    I bet there concert was awesome then :awesome:! I missed their concert because... I just didn't know about it...:$ I still can't believe I missed it. Stupid me...

    Megalomania and Screenager are underrated, and I love Micro Cuts too. And Citizen Erased, Bliss...

    The Resistance was okay, it would probably be my least favourite, but being a classical music player, I did appreciate Exogenesis.

    Guiding Bore :LOL:

  24. How 'bout this one?

    There's only one radio station where I am that plays alternative/indie music, and I never hear Muse. They almost never come where I am (they were here in April, but I missed them and it was 6 years since they were last here). Have you ever seen them live? And what's your favourite live Stockholm Syndrome performance? :happy:

    Absolution is my favourite too, and it was the first album I got into as well (thanks to Apocalypse Please). So many good tracks!

    Then Origin of Symmetry would be a very close second. Very close.

    I better not go on about these albums, 'cause then I'd never stop :D

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