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Status Updates posted by knightofcydonia

  1. That sounds amazing, it would be so much fun!

    Rage Against The Machine is my second favourite band (after Muse). I listen to a bit of Disturbed, Dream Theater, SOAD, A7X... I also like post-hardcore bands like Alexisonfire.

    :chuckle: I have to confess that I like Japanese metal more than English. I love a crazy Japanese metalcore band named Maximum the Hormone :D.

    I prefer alternative and hard rock though, too, especially British groups. What other bands do you like?

    Haha, I love the viola, but there are more jokes about it than any other instrument :noey:...

    Do you play any instruments?

  2. I like some of System of a Down and Avenged Sevenfold's music, too! They're not my favourite bands, but they have some good songs. And as for A7X, so sad about the drummer's passing a while ago :(

    What other metal bands do you like?

    I play the viola. :happy:

  3. I wonder, too... I read the first two books in the series, they were pretty good, so I don't know how the movies would compare to the books too.

    Aww that sucks, there are a lot of haunted houses where I am... I'm thinking of going to Fright Nights at the PNE, which is kind of like a fair/amusement park. They've got great events there. :D

    No, I not seeing any concerts soon... :( I've never been to any, either. There are a lot of great bands who come through here, though.

    By the way, if you meant concerts as in playing with my orchestras, then I do have a lot coming up. That's probably not what you meant though, so never mind. :LOL:

  4. Yeah originals are usually better. I haven't seen Let The Right One In (or the remake) yet, I've just heard that both were actually good. I haven't seen the dragon tattoo movie either, I heard it was really good as well... yep :p

    Haha, we are too old, I'm not dressing up either. A lot of people come by my house, and I always like seeing their costumes. Do you ever do stuff around Hallowe'en, like when it's too late for kids to come by? I hope that makes sense... :LOL:

  5. Don't worry, that made perfect sense, I couldn't have explained it better - yes, it is that tower, it's pretty cool :D. It used to be the tallest tower in the world, too, I think.

    Yeah, Hollywood is unfortunately remaking a lot these days, like the Swedish film The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo that is getting a Hollywood adaption... did you see the drama/horror film Let Me In? That was remake of a Swedish movie too...

    Aww, that's too bad. Some of my teachers dress up, they're funny.

    What about you, are you dressing up? I mean, I know we're too old for trick-or-treating, but... :chuckle:

  6. That sounds fun :awesome:!

    Toronto has a good amusement park, Wonderland (I'm a huge roller coaster fanatic!), and you should definitely go up the CN Tower. And in Vancouver, ahh yes - "the hike" :yesey:

    Well if you liked the movie, I'll definitely try it, and I'll let you know.

    It sucks when a great movie gets a terrible remake, I hope it doesn't happen.

    Not much here, too. Except the Lions game, of course... and yes, I'm very much looking forward to Hallowe'en :D! Do any of your profs dress up for it at college?

  7. I'm sure anywhere you go in France and England will be cool. Rock am Ring festival in Germany would be too, maybe you'll see Muse there :D! What cities in Canada were you planning on visiting?

    Yes, that would have made it very scary... our last hotel in Scotland was really old and we had a sign in our room telling us to make sure we kept the windows closed, or else spirits could sneak in... I think they're pretty superstitious in Scotland.

    Escape From New York... ahh, another movie I haven't heard of, but I'm guessing that I should avoid it? :chuckle:

    Any plans this weekend?

  8. It's definitely not easy, 'cause it's really steep... but then I always try to run up it... and fail. :noey:

    Haha, I love baking - I've never thought of making a Beaver Tail, though - I think once I know what goes into them I won't feel like eating one. :LOL: I'd rather not know.

    Where in France, Germany and England? Wow, that would be awesome. There are some cool stuff in Canadian cities too. I went to Montreal two years ago, there's a Six Flags amusement park there :D. I'd love to do more traveling. I really want to go to Japan, and Ireland. For my trip I went to England, Wales, and Scotland. It was with my symphony, we were "touring", so I did a lot of performing in places like Edinborough Castle. It was a really good trip, thanks for asking. Except our first hotel, the Royal National Hotel in London was like a scene out of a horror movie... okay, maybe not but it was really bad... flickering lights, mold on the walls, windows, and bread :eek:

    There are literally millions of sheep all over the UK. They're great - it's really weird how they are always doing the exact same thing as the others...

    I definitely need to see that movie then :D

  9. Yeah, you should definitely do the hike.

    and then you can watch the Lumberjack show!

    and eat a Beaver Tail :thumbsup:

    Cool, where are you planning on going? I've only been out of North America once, to the UK, for a high school trip a few years ago. Lots of sheep.

    Haha, I remember hearing a campfire ghost story about Jack the Ripper... :eek: I myself don't know any good ones, and I don't think I'm a very good story teller :chuckle:

    I haven't seen The Thing :$ - I'll have to watch it before the prequel comes out.

    Thanks, I will! I'm kinda worried though, the lead quarterback just had a meltdown and was released :(

  10. The Grouse Grind is for getting to the top of Grouse Mountain, the highest point overlooking Vancouver (or something like that...), so you don't have to pay to take a gondola up. It's a good hike, though, people come from around the world to do it. The average person takes about an hour and a half (the world record was set a few weeks ago... 20 something minutes!), but there's a lot of stuff to do at the top... like watching the "world famous" ;) Lumberjack show, and eating Beaver Tails. WOW I sound soooo Canadian :LOL: (a Beaver Tail, by the way, is fried dough covered with toppings like cinnamon and sugar, or reeses pieces and chocolate peanut butter sauce :D)

    Aww, you would probably would like camping, since you love hiking!

    Haha, I bet I couldn't... you would use UFC moves on me or something :LOL: and I'm not really the kind of person who can beat someone up :chuckle:...

    I'm going to a Lions game on Saturday, it's a must-win game for both teams so it should be exciting. But they aren't doing very well now...

  11. :thumbsup: Good luck with the tryout! I played the Telemann at an audition, too, it worked well. Have you done the J. C. Bach or Walton concertos? I love the Walton especially.


    I totally agree with you :awesome:, and I wish violists weren't always the laughing stock of the orchestra... I mean, there are sooo many viola jokes out there. :(

  12. Haha, I've never been a huge fan of hiking, I think the Grouse Grind (grueling 2.4 km hike up Vancouver's Grouse Mountain) kinda ruined it for me :(. I like camping, though. :happy:

    I've never watched UFC, but I do mixed martial arts and jiu jitsu.

    Maybe it's a good thing you don't really watch hockey, 'cause I love the Vancouver Canucks and if you liked hockey you would probably be a fan of one of the Californian teams :phu:. Just kidding :LOL:

    I also love the BC Lions, in the Canadian football league. I have seasons tickets.

  13. He dies? I guess I'm not surprised, seeing as this is the Saw franchise we're talking about...

    Thanskgiving was really good, thanks for asking. Too much food! For dessert I had pumpkin pie, pumpkin cheesecake, apple pie, ice cream, and chocolate cake (everything with whipped cream, of course!). Little slices of all the above though... right... :chuckle:

    Sounds fun, I love the beach. :happy:

    Random question: hockey! Are you a hockey fan? Or football? Hockey season just started...

  14. Haha, I ate leftover turkey for lunch. and gravy, mashed potatoes, yams...

    I had apple pie too. And pumpkin cheesecake! And chocolate birthday cake. :happy: So much.

  15. (That's okay! Don't worry :happy:)


    Je ne sais pas la date du film Death Note, ou qui seront les acteurs … pardon!

    J’aime Dom :awesome: parce que… j’aime sa personnalité - he seems like a really nice guy, and he is easygoing. There’s just something about him… I can’t explain myself very well :confused:!

    Bonne action de grâce! (Happy Thanksgiving – is that how you say it? Sorry if I’m wrong) Qu’est-ce que tu as fait?

  16. Yay for a fellow violist! Have fun with the Bartok, when you get it. :D

    Have you ever played Shostakovich quartet no 8? Specifically the second movement... it's got a great viola part. :yesey:

  17. I think it was true 'cause of what the narrator of the footage said... ahh, we'll always wonder...

    Saw 3 was pretty good. When the guy who killed Jeff's son got his head turned all the way around... :eek: gory. Let me guess: does Jeff become Jigsaw? Or not...

    The Exorcist wasn't really scary (but then I was watching it on tv with a lot of commercials to break up the suspense) but I thought it was well done.

    Thanks! Pumpkin pie: my thoughts exactly - and mashed potatoes, and gravy, and yams with brown sugar... :p

    I'm seeing some of my cousins today too - I'm helping the youngest one carve pumpkins.

    I know the weekend is already over half over, but have fun with your cousins anyways! :D

  18. A fellow Trekkie! Yay! :awesome: (I'm also in the geeks/nerds are humans too social group)

    TOS/TNG are the best. Kirk or Picard?

  19. *sneak in*


    We posted at the exact same time on the top 3 bands thread... :LOL:


    *sneak out*

  20. Texas Chainsaw Massacre was based on a true story, right? :eek: I'm sure, though, that it was grossly exaggerated...

    I don't remember my first horror film (ahh, my memory is really bad..)... I'm watching Saw III tonight :D. I haven't... actually... seen any of the Saw movies before... :$ (and here's me calling myself a horror movie fan!).

    This weekend, it's actually Thanksgiving in Canada, so a lot of my relatives are coming over for turkey on Sunday :happy:. Is your Thanksgiving in November?

    Other than that, nothing much.

    What about you?

  21. Ahh, that makes sense - I guess that's how B is being kept fed... yeah, Ghost was annoying, but I didn't mind her at the beginning.

    Hard to remember why I found Darth Vader so scary. Sorry! Maybe his breathing? I'll think about it more...

    Ahh, Texas Chainsaw Massacre... as a kid? :LOL:


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