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Everything posted by Izzy

  1. Hey!

    Well, it's lovely place really:)

    Are you going to any of the Wembley gigs in September?

  2. Welcome, my new Muse friend:)

    Thanks for accepting:)

    Ps. I don't know if you are from that part of Kent, but I used to go to Ramsgate for holidays (got a friend there), really lovely place:)

  3. Happy Birthday :)

  4. Happy Birthday :)

  5. Happy birhtday :)

  6. Happy birthday :)

  7. Exactly THIS. And I also agree that people (the haters especially) are just exaggerating and giving it too much thought as opposed to just chill and stop hating so much, because they can do nothing about the musical direction Muse is going to take. You like the new stuff - fine, you don't like it- fine too; all the hating and moaning are not necessary, because they will not change anything, really. And I don't really get all this hate towards the NSC and TR album, really, it's just a bit harsh. Like I said before, we'll see what Muse gonna do next and we can only wish it will be awesome, but we cannot expect to get another OoS or Showbiz - those times are over. Still, all the haters should chill out a bit and let Muse do what they want *runs away screaming*
  8. This song only works for me live:happy:
  9. no niestety, ale to nie jest aż tak wielka tragedia na szczecie:)

    Ps. A Ty byłaś już na jakimś ich koncercie?

  10. One more that I rediscovered today was "Blackout". Don't know why ,but as I was listening to it today suddenly it got me feeling really emotional Anyways, I found some new vibe to it as opposed to the last time I listened to it (which was quite a while ago).
  11. Yeah, you are totally right.

    And I've seen the Starlight one too - awesome.

    This guy definitely has a future if he starts writing his own stuff.

  12. It's probably old news, but have you seen this guy? I think this cover of Bliss is AWESOME:)


  13. Oh, and "Guiding Light" -love it and don't understand why some many people don't like it

  14. Well, you are right about the Warner thing.

    Still, the song is awesome:)

    As for the "I belong to you"... I like it, even though it's very theatrical performance by Matt and this French accent - not very good. Still like it:)

  15. I totally agree!

    And I don't understand why it flopped to be honest. When I first heard it I thought it was awesome just because it was something different and still so Muse, like you said.

    It's definitely one of my favourites from "The Resistance" as well, but still I prefer "Exogenesis" and "MK Ultra" more.

  16. Well, go and grab a sandwich or something then;)

    Don't go around being hungry ;)

    As for sneaking to use the Internet at work - well it's not hard for me, cause I'm a translator and spend most of the time at the computer ;)

    Oh, I can hear "Undisclosed Desires" in the background - sweet :)

    Like this song:):)

  17. Glad to hear that:)

    My day's been fine so far - busy tough. It's 2:05 p.m here at the moment, I'm at work, but hey, will always find the time to come and visit the message board ;)

    How's yours starting?

  18. Hope you're feeling better now :)

  19. Exactly, we should just wait and see what happens with their next album. Cause, let's be honest, WE-the fans , cannot do anything about it really, especially with all this moaning and bitching, which brings nothing good to this matter.
  20. Mine would be " The Small Print". Been listening to it recently and felt like I've heard it for the first time again. Kinda weird feeling, but I found myslef singing along to it while walking back home from work yesterday... Now I know why people were staring at me .... hahahaha:D
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