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Everything posted by beatlesmaniac98

  1. i deleted it cause my paranoia took over me :noey: lifes good boring though...NO SCHOOL THANK THE HOLY LORD OH JESUS CHRIST!


    aewwww i missed church today...it was ashes/?? day :(

  2. he is awesome!!!!!!


    whats your fave quote?


    i like the banana one :p

  3. hey whats your fave demetri quote?

  4. sorries cant talk my dsi is running low on battery....


    btw make sure to join this facebook group for guitar hero muse we need 10,000 me,bers and the project will be on the okays!:awesome:

  5. lol that one is ace!


    i love the video when you click my sig and this one!


    i like the banana quote! the one where he feels stupid spelling it! :awesome:

  6. whats your favorite quote?

  7. i fucking loveeee demetri martin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. again sorry for the keeps mistake it was the name change that threw me really off please forgive me :)

  9. sorry im on a tight schedule ill write to you when i can bye!

  10. it just sounds soooo sloppy i mean f they cleaned it up a bit and decded one beat for the whole song it could be good :(

  11. i take back what i said i heard prague in full.....:stunned: shocks me how bad it is.....

  12. awww thats a crying shame, i quite love it i just hate how matt changes his vocal ranges out of nowhere, its annoying :indiff:


    how bout popcorn, everybody loves popcorn :awesome:

  13. cool so you excited for prague im physced (is that how you spell it :chuckle:) :)

  14. muchas gracias muchas gracias :happy: espero que sea un buen dia para ti!

  15. happy valintines day!

  16. hold on im looking for high schools brb...

  17. comedian hes hilarious!

  18. lols maybe im listening to demetri martin he is awesome!



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