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Everything posted by beatlesmaniac98

  1. ehhh no actually i just looked at the drawing from my computer screen an i just drew what i saw......

    it depends though if your the type of person that draws visualy then what i did is easy...if your not then it might be difficult

  2. havent been there but i always wanted to visit

  3. you already said rock band

  4. i love HM!,and STFU GL is awesome! :phu:


    sunburn :awesome:?

  5. i can also draw


    shit :LOL:


    seriously its eay because you can jut make a squiggle on a page and literly call it shit....


    i think its the easiest kind of drawing :chcukle:

  6. :noey: i think its the worst muse song ( i hate a lot of oos actually im more of a showbiz/abso fan)


    space dementia :awesome:?

  7. yeah thats all i can freely draw



    the rest is shit...



    i just realised what else i can draw....

  8. thats my fave! and im getting that guitar from the video :awesome:


    sunburn? :awesome:

  9. :chuckle:


    funny i CANT draw band logos


    i can only draw things i see or find....i have no outside creativity :chuckle:

  10. nah im just average....

  11. awww nice to know you like my drawing kirb's :happy:

  12. uploads pictures to proflie album

  13. oh shitt i was listening to shine and when i readd fake in your post matt said fake in shine yup! btw your avy=epic :awesome:ness
  14. no but i want one :)


    so kirby.....im drawing :D

  15. what up?


    btw i think i might love tumblr

  16. i hope you dont mind but i redrew the butterflies you wanted to use as your tattoo

  17. feeling goooooooooooooooddddddd :D


    what you doing?

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