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Status Updates posted by MaRiZ

  1. yes, it was so much fun :LOL: we spent too much money in popcorn and they gave us a coke but a BIG coke (we went to throw the cokes and i wanted to cry) we throw the popcorns to everyone

  2. my brain have too much capacity of other things not of maths :) maths ar bad for my health :)

    and my friends and i we went to see a movie and they kick us from the cinema (we did too much stupid things during the movie)

  3. and it's too much numbers! my brain isn't with the capacity of do homework with too much numbers in frday, and oh! i forge it i was doning "mamadas" this friday :D

  4. i don't do that :D the laziness is stronger than me

  5. waiting for the day for me to go................(that's fine) just a little bit bored with this fucking math homework

  6. yes it is, i want to go to wembley!!!!!!! but i live so far away from london

  7. well............you know.............mmmmmmm, i'm just waiting for the concert , i'll be so happy :D

  8. well is the first ipod touch (yes, is 1st generation) and it need to have some problems...............

  9. hi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

  10. soi de aki aladito del df, soi de ciudad satelite

    y estoi bn xq en 1 mes y 29 dias (creo) voi a ir al concierto de muse en el foro sol :dance:

  11. oh! sorry but my ipod touch had some problems :D

  12. i'm bored too

    But in 1 month and like 29 days I'll see muse :awesome:

  13. i'm fine but I need to finish my math homework, and you?

  14. ok! esq io ia hablo ingles con muchos y con pokos hablo español

    Bno, como taz?

  15. cuz i'll see muse in 2 months! that's the reason of my happiness

  16. well my dad needs to go with me

    one day i said "can i put muse? and with that you should know how will be the concert" and my dad said "anyway, i need to go if i don't want"

  17. i feel like the happiest person of the world! (maybe not too much)

  18. cuz in 2 months (exactly) i'll see muse! :awesome:

  19. i'm so but so happy!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

  20. hi!!!!!!!! :D how are you?

  21. spanish or english? like you posted in my profile in english i suposed that you want to talk in english right?

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