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Status Updates posted by MaRiZ

  1. 4 am?!!?! TE AMO :kiss::LOL: ia no estes tan tarde en la compu o digo muy temprano

  2. oh! fuck! no salio bn el color

  3. :matt: lo amo! y me vale si soi 19 años mas joven q el :D

  4. mmmmmmmm me imagino q amas a dom verdd?

  5. no lose, estoi entre black holes and revelations y the resistence y tu?

  6. esq era injusto q no dijieran el nombre de la cancion o kien la cantaba! y io tambn estoi pegada a the resistence

  7. io siempre oia starlight pero no decian ni el nombre de la cancion ni kien la cantaba :(

  8. anyway, for me he's a girl with a gay face :)

  9. why today too much people is gay? i heared that he's a girl but he tried to look like a boy

  10. guitar hero 5 :D tambn tengo el 3 y el world tour (tambn en esos hay una cancion de ellos) pero me enamore de plug in baby y luego fui a estados unidos y vi una playera y se me ocurrio comprarla y me dije "si vas a tener eso como q te haces fan no?" y asi fue :D

    y tu como los conosiste?

  11. UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!! well my sister and i we hate him :) (we think he's some class of gay)

  12. the sisters always hate what we love, and we hate everything they love

  13. she don't likes muse :( (i know she hates muse) she loves jonas brothers! WTF?!?! she's 17 and turn 18 next month! she have problems

  14. for my good luck i haven't try to say to my sister "can you buy the muse app?", she maybe throw my ipod to my face and say to me "FUCK YOU!" (she have an iphone)

  15. well i get poor when i update my ipod touch (is 1st generation and the software was 2.2.1, and the app needs 3.0) the software was $4.99

  16. you need to check it! my dad don't have money on itunes! (my foul) my dad just have $0.45 now

  17. hi, nothing interesting except that I HAVE THE MUSE APP!!!! :dance:

  18. no :( apenas en noviembre me di cuenta de q era lo mejor del mundo, y tu?

  19. en naranja A :( me imagino q tu tienes general A

  20. aww fuck! that's so bad, but why he do that to you?

  21. oh! fuck! i don't put colour, anyway bye banana :kiss:

  22. well i need to go (i'll be thinking about our funeral and how we could pay to muse)

    my sister wants to go to see a movie (hope i could see it complete)

    bye banana :kiss: too much :kiss:es

  23. the bad thing is that if we were with the worms, how we could see muse?

  24. don't worry, if you die i'll prepare your funeral and muse will play on it

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