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Status Updates posted by MaRiZ

  1. DOMatika started with the "penis of dom" thing, i saw a conversation that someone put on their profile and it have the conversation of DOMatika in the chat and all the "penis of dom" thing (i laughted too)

  2. heyyyyyyyy :D maybe good :) in the chat there's someone that the username is PENIS OF DOM!

  3. aaaaaaaaaaaaaa ia viste q hay alguien q se puso "PENIS OF DOM" como nickname?

  4. well we talk about our porn video with matt tomorrow cuz now i have to go (my computer is overheated right now) so bye banana :kiss: too much :kiss:es

  5. in the party it needs to be too much WINE! he loves wine (unfortunately) well i prefer mojitos :D anyway.........................what about after the wembley stadium gig in september? it could be :awesome:

  6. I FUCKING LOVE THAT IDEA!!!!!!!!!!! i want to meet matt! and let's invite him to the video too! (i really need to leave that drugs)

  7. ok! what about in a motel? :LOL: in a motel NEVER! they're awful and there's too much bugs

  8. OK! but with who????

  9. I OPENED SO MUCH MY EYES WHEN I SAW WHAT YOU WRITE! ok! let's find some cameras and guys too and then let's star to film! :LOL:

    can we see the video of dom having sex too??????????

  10. no, matt only filmed dom but dom never filmed matt

    and TRY??!?!?! about what? see that video or the sex film each other?

  11. YES!!!!!!!!! but i don't want to see it and matt told him that he'll upload it! but he never do it (i'll see that video only if matt was the one that was having sex :LOL:)

  12. i know a person that will love to talk about porn....................ask luna for the person that i'm telling you that loves PORN! and wants to have sex with dom (DOMatika, she's in my friend list) and you know about that video that matt filmed when dom had sex? DOMatika wants to see it but it isn't in youtube

  13. maybe.......and they're 31 or 32 year old men without a girlfriend so they need to see that kind of movies..............and i know you should see them :) (don't worry, i'll see them with you) :LOL:

  14. YOU WANT TO BE A porn star????????? sorry but my movies will be without all that porn thing :D maybe you can find another person that wants to do a porn movie :LOL:

  15. :LOL: hahahaha we my friends with talk about porn too much times :D it's normal for me but the "porn star"? hahahahahaha

  16. this is the hour that i feel so fucking ROMANTIC but i like it :)

  17. ok! and i know everything about girls cuz i'm a girl

  18. i was thinking and yes, you're right, now i'll be thinking in other things :)


  19. uh? ok and i haven't saw him since......... oh fuck! i really don't remember when

  20. i leaved my past but that new kid comes and i feel like the otherone returns! i hate that this happen to me

  21. :LOL: = io! hoy entregaron boletines y en una semana volvemos a empezar examenes

  22. that's always happens when you're in love, you miss him when you saw him some few minutes ago.......................but you talked with him this saturday

  23. ok, there's a new guy in the school (we have 4 new guys this year) he's some kind of hot but he remember me the one that i liked when this school year started but that guy was expelled from the school

  24. awww don't worry about it, he'll be online just for you :)

  25. voladores wey voladores no violadores

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