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Status Updates posted by MaRiZ

  1. hope she feels the same :)

    but now i have some problems with love too.........................

  2. yes, i'm so pwoud of you two................now i want to cry of happiness

  3. and she feels the same?

  4. bored............and i'm happy for you :) it's good that everything with you two is fine now

  5. mmmmmmmmmmmm anyway how was your weekend?

  6. i want to serch them by myself not with posters cuz you never know wich person could see it

  7. :LOL: i'll move to another city so there i'll be serching for a band

  8. i only need to study something about computers and then to my cinematographic career in other place

  9. :awesome: i want to be in the college in europe but my dad wants me here in mexico :(

  10. i want to be like them too but my dad said "you need to finish your career and then if you are awful in it you can be with the music" for my good luck i have a guitar and i know how to play it and i'll be in the floor or in a pub singing and playing for money :D

  11. :LOL: hope they will be famous, i need some time for them :D

  12. i remember my movie "Pepito" (ok, i need to leave that drugs) and yes, i love all muse videos

  13. my undertitle remember me when i invented the movie "Makabro the movie" (i want to be a cinema director :D) but i spelled it like "Makabrrrrrrrrrrrro the movie"

  14. i like yours, mine was awful (the meaning was awful) but i change it for another makabro thing :D i love the word makabro

  15. fine, here just bored and all day i was thinking about what i could put like undertitle

  16. how are you?

  17. nuhhhhhhhhhh, pues ia sabes io solo pensaba en q faltaba un mes y cacho para el concierto de muse :awesome: y tu?

  18. = bn, aki con los amigos, la escuela, las pedas (:LOL: no es cierto, io no voi a pedas :D)

  19. ola! como has estado? :D

  20. oh! WTF?!?! i put it my fount "pale turquoise"

  21. ia cambie los pitos voladores xq supuse q me preguntarian q es eso y tu abue me dijo q me habia pasado :D

  22. aaaaaaaaaaaaaa ok! esq no sigo a mucha gente en twitter :D

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