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Status Updates posted by MaRiZ

  1. I WANT TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!! please! i want to go! i really want to die in a slam in that concert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. really? if you'll go to wembley to the muse concert............i want to go! so in september right? let me see of i have something to do in september.................nah! i don't have something to do! so can i go with you?

  3. now i want to return to england :D

  4. i went to washington too and i ate a subway :D

  5. summer vacations, i went to canada by car (really horrible cuz there was like 12 daily hours in the car) and we went to new york

  6. oh! i was telling you that i get drunk in new york :D

  7. hi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm really really bored

  8. a mi me lo recordaron el jueves y casi me mato

  9. i don't remember, maybe too much :D

  10. i have too much obsesions: 1.- muse 2.- gummy bears 3.- brownies 4.- computer 5.- my ipod (that's only the top5)

  11. yes, if she is my best friend she needs to know all my obsesions and i have another chocolate that says muse too

  12. oh! give me some popcorn! i only have chocolates that my best friend gave to me (the chocolates says muse) and too much cupid lollipops

  13. now i remember that i need to eat all this chocolates that my friends gave to me as valentines gifts

  14. just here listening to music and in the bathroom :LOL:

  15. hi! :) i spent $64 i itunes (mexican pesos) how are you?

  16. bye banana :kiss: too much :kiss:es

  17. you're young too

    i remember when i get drunk in new york, that was weird

  18. oh fuck! sorry for that but i put the message in my profile, see it

  19. well i have a bad translator and we call them "vago"

    mmmmmmmmmmm pub! i like to go to the pub but my parents don't let me go, they say that i'm young for be alcoholic :LOL:

  20. WHAT? 2.00? a vague will pay more for it :LOL:

  21. how much he wants to pay for my black hole?

  22. yes, when i have 43 and my 7 cats and you'll be with your valentine in a muse concert with your 2 kids :LOL:

  23. fucking lucky girl! :D (you know that i'm always joking) wish that happen to me some day.....................

  24. i'm so happy cuz you're happy with your valentine

  25. bestFUCK :LOL: io ia te desie feliz dia de san valentin

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