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Status Updates posted by MaRiZ

  1. I'M TOTALLY IN LOVE WITH SPONGE BOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wish i could marry him :)

    i have all the seasons in DVD!!!!!! (ok, i have a obsesion with muse and sponge bob)

  2. cherry condom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :LOL:

  3. to some friends i "illuminate" their lifes with muse (well they only like them but they're not obsesed with muse like me :D)

  4. that happens to me too but too much guys of the school say "wtf is muse?" and some friends always annoy me with the muse thing

  5. wow! well i only have that old thing (my sister) and their friends love muse too but my sister hates muse so i don't know why they're her friends!

  6. tambn estoi con lo de los pases backstage, mi hermana tiene un amigo y su papa trabajaba en OCESA y tiene contactos para conseguir cosas como los pases

  7. 17 and march 10th she'll have 18!

  8. wow, io si voi con mi papa si me dejan ir a cualkier concierto aparte voi a ir con una amiga

  9. :LOL: jajaja si pero es una injusticia, ahora me tengo q preocupar x conseguir dinero

  10. i'm tired! today i went to a stupid museum, but when we went to school we had recess all day! and my sister's friends are here in the house

  11. ok! how are you today????

  12. i totally forget it :D wow! now you have more than 100 friends! and what you're gonna say about your mum?

  13. ok! i need to tell you something...............

  14. why???????? what problem you have or had with her?????????

  15. SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!! pesadillas con los condones verdd? y xq te conectas a las 5am y no a las 4pm?!?!?!?! bestFUCK! :LOL:

  16. si, mejor lo compro x la tienda de inglaterra y aprovechando compr otra cosa :D:LOL:

  17. ¬¬ mmmmmmmmmmmm............................................

    let's change the topic, let's talk about other thing like............ let me some time to think about what we can talk about (remember my brain capacity, that isn't good)

  18. mmmmmmmm i dunno! and i know that you have more brain capacity than me

  19. ok! i want to know which ideas do you have for the pron video :D

  20. when i left? i was here all the time!

  21. jajaja :LOL: lo se x eso la comprare y usare todos los ahorros de mi vida! (jajaja choro, en toda mi vida no he reunido 2000 pesos) aunq no se donde comprarlo, si en mercadolibre.com o en la tienda oficial de muse de inglaterra o en la tienda oficial de muse pero de estados unidos

  22. si q falta poko :D pero ahora debo convencer a mi papa de q me compre el boxset de "the resistance" aunq le iria debiendo como 2,000 pesos a mi papa :LOL:

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