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Status Updates posted by MaRiZ

  1. MaRiZ

    good night! bye :kiss:

  2. MaRiZ


    i remeber that yesterday we had the song festival and it was :awesome: and then VACATIONS! :dance:

  3. MaRiZ

    hi! well i'm in vacations so i'm happy! how was that camp?

  4. great too! i'm in vacations :happy:/COLOR]

  5. oh don't worry :happy: how are you?

  6. :awesome: hope she say yes :happy:

  7. awwwwwwwwwww but i really miss you :'(

  8. where you've been again?!?!?! i get bored everyday without you :'(

  9. ok! mmmmmmmmmm i'm a little bit tired

  10. :awesome: now you could be her boyfriend :happy:

  11. io tambn estaba asi y mi hermana a cada rato me callaba

    espero q no tiemble :) y si tiembla q no se caiga el foro sol :D

  12. olaaaaaaaaaaaa! ia faltan 28 dias! :dance:

  13. well i'm 12 and in june i'll have 13 so i dunno which year i am, here i'm in 1st of secondary :)

  14. weyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy XQ PUTAS IO NUNKA LO PUEDO VER?!?!?!?!

  15. FELIZ CUMPLE!!!!!!! :dance::party::musesign: (estas vieja) :)

  16. hi stormy! i'm here cuz i'm using my cousin's computer but i don't know if i could be here all time :(

  17. well ask when she's alone

  18. awwwwwwwwwwwwwww :( i wouldn't be here all the weekend (maybe in the night but just like 5 minutes so there's not too much time)

    bye banana :kiss: too much :kiss:es

  19. but don't worry since new year that i haven't drink :) well today the chain broke :LOL:

  20. yes but it wasn't the best thing :indiff: it was only rompope (i really don't know how it calls in english but i think that calls eggnog) but with too much alcohol (it was so bitter but it taste so good)

  21. hope so :happy:

    i recently return from a party! don't worry, we don't get drunk :) but yes, we drink but not too much, then we need to go to brush our teeth cuz our mouth smells AWFUL! and we know that they will ask us why our mouth smells like that? :LOL: but it was :awesome:

  22. no :(, we don't have here but if you want to see a little bit of white thing, you can go to "El Nevado de Toluca" but i really want to see some snow just once :)

  23. SNOW!!!!!!!! :awesome: i have never see some snow :(

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