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Status Updates posted by MaRiZ

  1. but i'm not in chat when it's night just for sex, i'm there cuz i have nothing better to do :p

  2. in that case i've been moreless in everywhere! but i haven't been yet like in 3 states

  3. i though you were taking about sex, so i was talking about sex too :happy:

  4. depending, you were talking about sex?

  5. mmmmmmm i dunno :p the last time i was there i traversed whole USA (well not whole but yes, a part)

  6. but i don't like USA tacos, mexican ones are better :yesey:

  7. i can't go there :( i've been there too much times but here we have tacos :eyebrows::yesey:

  8. awwwwwww now i want to be there :(

  9. oh, here school end in july :indiff: and starts in agust

  10. no, no the things you like to do in the night with......................

  11. so in not too much time school is over?

  12. :LOL::p i like to be in chat in the night, it's more interesting :eyebrows:

  13. oh! if it's all the work it's difficult

  14. i love my colour too and i literally say to them "fuck you" and don't pay attention to them

  15. like in chat, everyone hates my colour but i love it :awesome:

  16. too much work! i hate geography and my geography teacher too

    that is like the science week in my school

  17. and in that kind of yellow is :awesome: wish it was a fucking shiny-let people blind green

  18. no prob, i like to put BIG visitor messages in colour :D

  19. a paper? i remember i have no school! :dance:

  20. and tomorrow you'll see a fucking BIG "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" VISITOR MESSAGE!!!!! <---------like this one :awesome::LOL:

  21. mmmmmmmmmmm maybe............... if there's people in chat, more people come!

  22. in the morning there's no one in chat, in the morning i could be here :)

    btw, no concert in denver! (i saw that in muse's twitter)

  23. nooooooooooooooo maybe tomorrow i wouldn't be here at the same time :( i'll do everything for be here :D if i'm not here in 24 hours you can castrate me :D no! i don't have that thing................ so you can slap me! (but don't use a ruler, ale do that everyday)

  24. mmmmmmmmmm in your house and here :p and YEIIIIIII! a peda! i though you can't get drunk :D i can't do that too but i do that

  25. yes, (awwwww fuck! i feel old now) :LOL: well you'll have a party(a peda)?

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