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Status Updates posted by MaRiZ

  1. i know it :happy: mmmmmm you're old! :LOL::p

  2. eso si :p aunq si voi a wembley si me van a dejar ahi adelante a q me muera :D (es uno de los sueños de mi vida y tambn casarme con matt) weno ia me voi! mañana me tengo q levantar bn temprano :indiff:

    bye! :kiss:

  3. THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :kiss: it was diffucult find some places with internet but i found a park and it was like wtf? :LOL:

  4. tengo de los peores lugares, naranja A aunq io no los escoji! fue mi papa, io los compre en la preventa para fans, habia general A pero como me decian q me iba a morir no me los compraron :'( y tu?

  5. ia la oiiiiiiiiiiiiiii PINCHE CANCION CULERA WEYYYYYYYY! me desepciono pero da =! q le paso a shit??????? :supersad:

  6. ok! and moreless everyday i'm FUCKING HAPPY!!!!!! well the new schedule affected me a little bit

  7. yeah! i remember it! the migraine don't remove memory :p only remove happiness

  8. well too much time no talking with you :(

  9. :supersad: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ok :(

  10. i'm fine and a little bit happy :) ok! bye!

  11. :indiff: (q wen emoticon)

  12. ola! parese q hay otra mexicana aki :dance:

    como estas????????? :D

  13. HI!!!!!!!!!!!! :D yes, i was here in friday but i was the only day i found internet :) the other days no, well i'm back! :D well now i'm fine, in saturday i had an AWFUL migraine and the same day my headphones stopped working :indiff: and i'm waiting for my new ones :) and how are you?

  14. i was in friday but it was cuz i found internet and i decided use it

    but now i'm back :)

  15. no, no pude :( luego me la pasas! bye banana :kiss: esq estoi en un starbucks :happy:

  16. bye banana :kiss: hope you can solve the problem this days :happy:

  17. hi!!!!!!! :D i wouldn't be available until monday :indiff: (vacations) if i find internet i'll be here with my ipod touch (for my good luck i have the muse app) bye! cya in monday! :happy:

  18. mmmmmm so she likes him?

    sorry! but i wouldn't be available until monday :( i'll go to other place and there's no internet but if i find some place with internet i'll be here :)

  19. well hope we can talk when i come back :happy: it's vacations and my parents want to go to some place :indiff: but this monday i'll be here again :)

  20. awwwww :( keep trying :) one day she'll see how :awesome: you are

  21. STORMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :kiss: i'm fucking happy :awesome: and you?????????

  22. hi!!!! :D can i be keeper of:

    --Dom's ass

    --Dom's penis

    --Dom's balls


    thanks :happy: (sorry if they're a little bit porn)

    JAJAJAJAJA! :LOL: me cago de la risa con esto

  23. well it's from some novel of other country

    btw they're the blondie collection of converse :awesome:

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