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Status Updates posted by Lumiere

  1. Le français sa roche mes chaussettes :)

    Ouf, méchante traduction XD hahaha dsl. :p

  2. Phew... just like me, not a heavy drinker, it makes me sleep instead XD


    And yeah, the kids thinks I am crazy enough as it is... XD


  3. No problems, always a pleasure :D

    Btw, teacher... coffee?

    Do you drinks it a lot???

    jk jk... ;)

  4. All teachers are friends of mine <3

    Hello fellow teach!

  5. A sequel??? ...

    With Matt on top???

    You'll have to explain that to me, I am not sure I understand... :p

    (PM moi)

    -luv <3

  6. I know that, I know that... :(

    PM me, we'll discuss that there... ;)

  7. I just noticed, you are 17, when you turn 18, let me know, I will definetly send it to you :D

  8. Hey! Sup! If you want the story, I'll have to email it to you because it's too long for the message box... :O

  9. If you want story... I'll need to email it to you because it's too long for the message box XD

  10. Yush, I will... I have nothing in my sent message box... Weird.

    Lemme try again.

  11. But... but but but...

    I did send it???

    You didn't get it??

    Want me to send it again?

  12. And I hope you loved the ending as well...

    I just finished it a few minutes ago :D

  13. "So let the children play, inside your heart always... And as you will defy; your youth will never die"

  14. Hehehe, good stuff... Love it !

  15. No, but please do show me!!!! I enjoy those!!! Do you have an album? (soz, I don't know my way around the website...)

  16. Awww.... well credits to you man, thanks for those pictures :D

  17. I'm sorry, did you make the pictures??? :O :O

  18. Matt's hot, nuff said.

  19. Dom rocks, nuff said.

  20. Salut! Finalement un français parmi tous les membres!!!

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