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Status Updates posted by MissOrange94

  1. Thank you! Hope you had a great Chritsmas and a happy new year! :)

  2. Thank you! Hope you had a great Chritsmas and a happy new year! :)

  3. Wah! Don't forget it's here!

    And seriously! 2011 just evaporated. Poof.

    And very cool :) was that a fun move?

    And I'm good. Just been really busy! Maybe that's why the year went by so fast... haha

  4. Oh wow, sorry it took so long to reply! Where did the first half of August go exactly?!

    Anyways, glad to hear life is going well for you! And have fun on your trip (if you haven't already taken it)!

    And I'm doing good, thanks :) just been extremely busy this summer.


    And ohh! I'm on tumblr too, add me! I'm MissOrange94 there too.

  5. Well, I'm glad you finally fixed this! It was about time you posted in the Lolz again! :p

    And I'm good, how about you?

  6. Huh? Haha I'm confused.

  7. Hey! I haven't seen your name in the Lolz in a long time! How have you been?

  8. You never came back. Boo

  9. I hope you're ok... haven't seen you around lately :erm:

  10. Hey kev, just wondering, I started the Lolz 3 thread, and for some reason, the name has suddenly changed..... what do I do?

  11. Well good for you! The thread is actually really slow right now, unfortunately.

    And good to hear you're well! :happy: and I'm fine, thanks for asking! ^^

  12. Rawr back! Haha how ya been?

  13. Merry Christmas a day late :)

  14. Merry Christmas to you too! I can't believe it's basically already here. It seems like you were saying "it's 51 days!" like last week... where has the time gone? Haha

  15. Same to you! Hope you have a great Christmas and 2011!

  16. No, just spending it with my family. You? :)

  17. :( it's just sad, because everytime the good people leave, the thread gets worse.

    An I know what you mean about the fangirl stuff, I hate that too, but since it's basically everywhere I just ignore it. I wish you'd come back.

    and I feel stupid, but I don't know who K&T are.

  18. :( yeah, it's so close bit so far away!
  19. Ooh, lucky! school is still in full force for me. Haha can't wait for the Christmas break.

    When do you start back?

  20. Haha go right a head :D I really need to get some sleep, I've been up for like an hour just hoping I'd get a reply haha it was cool to see the names of people I know though! :yesey:

  21. Hahaha I'm not a spammer. I'll never resort to that haha maybe one day, I'll just catch the right moment :)

  22. I think I tried like 4 times in one hour. No luck D:

    and haha I'm sure you're right. And I don't know why he replies to people who are like "OMG Chris say hi to me!" and I actually tried to pit some thought into it... Oh well. But I'm raining on your parade! This is so awesome! :awesome: I saw your name and I was like "oh my gosh! Look who it is!"

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