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Status Updates posted by Lotus_Lily

  1. It's because of Christophe's song :shifty: It was a hit here in Brazil ages ago... There are so many Alines here (Alline, Alyne, Alynne, Allynne... :facepalm: you got the picture...), that's almost like Jessica in the U.S. :LOL: Are there still loads of Alines in France? :ninja:

    We love French names here in Brazil - mainly girls' names. They're very popular. Like, Elaine, Giselle, Jean, Alan (it's written like that but the pronunciation is closer to "Alain"), Danielle, Simone (my sister's name :shifty:) etc. I "talk" too much :$

  2. I'm from Brazil, but the thing is that my surname starts with D as well :shifty:

    Are you French, Belgian, Canadian...? :ninja:

  3. hello, how are you? I'm Aline too :shifty:

    take care

  4. yep :yesey:


    :awesome: thanks Tofu :kiss::party::dance:

  5. sending my love

    I hope you're ok :happy:

    take care

  6. passing by to say hello :happy:

  7. nice, hope you'll be back soon

    teaching :facepalm::chuckle:

    take care and I'll take care of Chris :yesey::chuckle:

    Edit: :shifty: for us

  8. hey, violet, are you doing ok?

    Missing you from PCT. Hope you're ok


    Take care:kiss:

  9. hey, Milady :):facepalm:


    great lolz!!! You're Bloody Countess' friend, aren't you? I talk a lot with her :chuckle:


    take care

  10. hey tofu

    thanks for helping picspamming :D

  11. Hi, Ness :D


    Hope you're alright :yesey:

  12. Hey, Violet :)

    It would be awesome, but I'm still learning how to do the smilies :$ and I've tried to do the cowboy hat (unsuccessfully :supersad:) but I'll take a look and try. It won't hurt :D

  13. Happy birthday!!! I wish you all the best Amethyst :D:party:

  14. Passing to say hello :)

    Take care

  15. hey, I was supposed to pass here before to wish you happy new year but I forgot :facepalm:

    How are you? :D

  16. Thanks :) PCT is :awesome: great sisterhood :chuckle::facepalm:

  17. Passing by to say hello and thanks for the pics again :awesome:

  18. Oh, trying to get pics.. Hardwork :( Why couldn't I be a PMTer? Life would be easier :LOL:

    No, I love challenges :) So any new pics? You're great at screencaps ;)


    see u

  19. Hi, Violet :)


    Passing to say hello. How do you do? :D Hey bday is coming :awesome:

  20. Hi, B!


    Just passing to say hello :)

  21. I've seen the snow but not that often. Ireland and Scotland are :awesome: I wish I had the chance to visit there. While in England, I worked and studied so hard that I rarely visited other cities besides the ones that I lived :(


    Well, abt Poland I have a friend who's from Warsaw and two of my teachers had already taught English there and said it was a nice place to stay. Maybe someday I'll go there to teach as well ;)

    (btw I'm an English teacher but don't tell anybody...shhhh I know how to teach grammar but everybody makes mistakes, including me, of course :chuckle:)

    No, that's kind of you, I'm 28 going to be 29 in March. Piscean as Chopin *obsessive*


    Yep, I play the piano and went to a music school when I was a teenager. Nowadays I study by myself when I have time (almost never). That's why when I listened to Muse I became interested in their music :D


    But how abt you? What are you studying? I talk too much, sorry :noey:

    Do you play any instrument?

  22. Yep, I like to read some keepers :LOL:


    Oh, that's lovely, I adore the seaside :happy: I'd like to live in Torquay area some day (btw close to 'Teemuff' :chuckle:) And also, I'd like to visit Poland, I really love Chopin (trying like crazy to play his stuff :LOL:)


    The weather is good but it rains a lot in summer and unfortunately many disasters happen here :supersad:


    Anyway, let's talk abt good stuff, the temperature is around 25 Celsius but it feels like 30 :D:awesome:

    The coldest I faced was about -5... (in UK) Snow is so beautiful... for 10 minutes, then everything becomes so slippery... :(

  23. Better Roxette than Rihanna :LOL: (sorry if you like her :$)

    Well, I'm from Brazil, but I lived in England for abt 5 years and I miss there :(

    And you? Where are you from?


    Edit: Me silly, read your keepers. Great nationality! :happy: Love Chopin :yesey:

  24. Gaga: Some 'fan' threw a bunch of flowers at her face, during Poker Face, poor one...


    Abt Roxette, I can't stop thinking about the song :LOL:


    Take care :)

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