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Status Updates posted by Grace_Bliss

  1. hehe thanks!:Dxxx

  2. me too! :) i'm great thanks, how about you have you been up to much recently?

  3. someone else who loves Sheldon! :O



  4. Oh it's you again. *sarcasm* i'll stick to YMT from now on ;)

  5. hey :D how are you doing? did you have a good christmas? x

  6. i'm fine thankyou! yourself?? i don't really use twitter that much anymore really... but do you have facebook? yeah speak soon :)

  7. hi (: i'm great thankyou, can't wait for christmas! You?? yes it's my pwoper name :L haha thanks!

  8. you changed your username :D

  9. hey how are you doing? :D

  10. thanks for the birthday message :D

  11. that's rubbish! ours is all week.

    i'm going to yorkshire and climbing up mountains for three days :( but apart from that i have nothing planned apart from a horse riding comp tomorrow :) you doing anything in your 3 days then?

  12. yeah i love horses :happy: but my parents have been saying they'll get me one for 5 years but it will never happen

    cool! i think i'm going to see despicable me in the holidays with my friends... not sure what that will be like!

    I'm fine thank you, i'm happy i've just finished my expressive arts work i've been doing all day :D

    i know exactly what you mean with the nothing to do thing... exactly the same with me. I want another Muse album already! that would give me something to do :LOL:

  13. don't worry about it :)

    rebuilding iTunes is more exciting than what i'm doing... i've been typing up a load of expressive arts coursework for the last 3 hours... and then i stupidly didn't save it and the computer crashed so now i have to do it all again for handing in tomorrow ... i hate computers :LOL:

  14. noooo i don't have a horse :( but i help out at some stables

    cool what movie did you see?? that's more than i've done recently :indifferent:

  15. haha i see your point :)

    + i am on MSN!

  16. :0 how is the x factor is crap!!? ;)

    and i would watch the inbetweeners online if my internet wasn't so bad!

    yeah all my hwk's for monday too :'(

  17. haha that would be a good idea! but the woman who lives above him is 84 so it would be a little bit weird :LOL:

    same here with school... i've only done two GCSE exams and i hate them already!

    cool what bands video were you in??

    i haven't done much tbh... i was meant to do a load of homework today but i got a bit distracted by MSN and the TV... i'll have to do it all tomorrow :( xx

  18. thanks :awesome:

    haha no you won't! when are you moving?

    i've never actually seen the inbetweeners is it good?

    i was meant to do a load of homework today but it hasn't happened... and X factor will take up my whole evening :LOL: so homework will have to wait :)

  19. well the most exciting thing that's happened recently is that my friends mums friend lives in the flat above Dom in London and i'm getting his autograph again :LOL: and i've just come back from buying a load of horse riding stuff.

    how about you?? :p

  20. i think everyone hates chemistry!

    thanks, it's just the first name i thought of tbh :)

  21. hi :D

    yeah i know! i've been good thank you, loads of school work to do though :(

    how about you??

  22. yay! :awesome:

    physics is OK i think... not as bad as chemistry :( so long as you revise ;)

    yeah i was getting confused b/c i had so many different usernames for different sites, so they're all just Grace_Bliss now :D

  23. They really do :D

    You have to send a private message to Bliss Mee asking to change it... you can only change it once a year though

    Thanks for the add btw x

  24. Paramore are awesome :happy: i think red bull sends anyone insane lol

    GOOD! you'll be fine. feel sorrry for me i have a physics GCSE exam before christmas :(;)

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