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About 27 Shockwaves

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Status Updates posted by About 27 Shockwaves

  1. Omegle is an odd place, my friend :stunned: ..... Well it's nice I got to meet you though! :D

  2. Hey there! :D I've been getting ready for my graduation that's a little later today. Ranked #4 in the entire class of 500 so it's a good day ;) How've ya been, what've you been up to?


  4. Hallo! Eh, nothing much here, just a whole lot of school. Haven't been able to get on the boards a lot. But I did get GA tickets to the NY gig :awesome: How've you been?

  5. Oh, ok :) goodnight, and oh jeez, good luck with that tomorrow then :LOL:

  6. Yeah, I'd much prefer one really amazing song over five crappy "thrown-together-in-a-week-for-times-sake" songs :)


    That's cool, did you have GA? I went to my first gig in March, in Boston. I got SOOOO lucky that night, as far as the queue and little gig goodies;) I'm begging my mom to go to Wembley, even though I'm in the US, and she's actually working on it :LOL: MUSEMOMS FTW. I'll totally find you and sneak you in if I go :ninja:

  7. Yep, I mean tour dates :D There's the ones in NY and NJ that are less than an hour drive, but I'm actually considering Ohio. Weird, really. I'm REALLY hoping for another Boston date, but I doubt it. You ever been to a gig?


    I DID like the books at one point but I agree, the initial hype completely ruined it for me. Now it's basically crap. But if it means Muse are making more songs, IM ALL FOR IT :LOL:

  8. No, I do not :LOL: I tolerate it for my friends though, so whether I like it or not, I'm gonna see the movies...


    SIX DAYS!!!! :D I do the same thing! I'm still waiting for new dates too, but I kinda lost hope on those...

  9. Well as long as you got them back ;)

    And I know :awesome: it better be a good song since they're using it in Eclipse. Dom DID say they weren't going to be in Twilight anymore to my understanding, but... I guess not. New song is a new song though! Can't wait!

  10. :D Hey! Eh, nothing much here, just trying to learn how to play guitar. Failing at it :LOL: How've ya been?
  11. Sounds like fun, what were you playing? :happy: I'm actually trying to learn how to play guitar, but it's not easy for me to go from 4 huge strings to 6 tiny ones :LOL: All I can play is the MK Ultra intro...

  12. O hai Lozi! :awesome: I'm pretty good, how are ya?

  13. Ooh, the presale is tomorrow! Ah good luck, you're going for GA or seats? If GA, then good luck :D if it says they're sold out in the first minute, keep refreshing because they're not really sold out.

  14. Yay! By the way, I packed the hell out of this thing; bubblewrap, paper, paper, paper, paper, JESUS CHRIST ALL THE PAPER, paper, newspaper with Waterbury headlines/real estate, aaaaaand... Oh yeeah more paper. So this thing WILL be in one piece, and possibly difficult to get out of the box :LOL:


    Oh and also, you get to attempt to read my horrible handwriting on the "from:" part of the box! So slanted and awkward... *-*

  15. Hey there, just posting here for purpose of saving time (I have an appointment, and I'm almost late as it is!) I'll e-mail you the receipt from the post office when I come home :D

  16. You! Expect your Exo and a really cool doodle I did in science class :awesome: (we were talking about unnatura selection, so I just threw it in there lolz) in about.... 2 days or so!

  17. Oooo, you're going to that gig?! :awesome: Sweeeet. You're lucky you have friends who like them.

  18. Haha, I did? Well good, I hope your Spongebob understands how bwilliant it is! :awesome:

  19. Awwww :supersad: I cried a little too at the Boston gig. Yeah, you can definitely have it when I change avi's. Uness you want to write it on your own hand, of course.

  20. Oh, that's cool, its my absolute favorite song, and the lyrics on my hand mean something to me too. The best is intense :awesome: when I decide to change it again, you can definitely use that idea!

  21. Aw, thanks :happy: you like MoTP?

  22. Cool! :D I'm glad you liked it!

  23. Really? Absolutely, go for it! Yay! :awesome:

  24. :awesome: Cool! PM me so I know where I'm sending this thing.
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