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Status Updates posted by HighRevoltage

  1. oh and merry christmas! :D Have a great one!

  2. OMG my cat Maggie looks just like that, only with a collar... :awesome:

    Typical cat though... my cats are kinda like that.. they'll beg for some of our chicken or whatever it is we're eating, and then we give it to them and they're like WTF?? this isn't what I ordered! :chuckle:

  3. thank you so much! Have a fantastic Chris-matt! :D

  4. lol i laughed. we need to find something to stick Dom in too... we got Merry Chrismatt... cant think of anything clever to out Dom in.. :facepalm:

  5. awww thank you so much! Cute santa Maffoo!!! :awesome:

  6. Hello and thanks for the friend add! I'm a bit curious about the avatar, since it is an American flag... and also the user pic. Are you into acting/performing too?

    See ya in the PMT? :D

  7. lol i'm good, aren't I. :LOL: I just saw the visitor messages.. i assumed you're still trying to come up with a definition on g-boxes. heh heh

  8. haha i can see ya'll plotting to throw me off on the definition. :LOL::p

  9. hey, before I work on the Showbiz album thing... I was wondering if there were any size specifications.. did you want a large, medium, or like an avatar size?

  10. I'm in Hillsborough. right outside durham and chapel hill!

    How about you?

    Maybe soon we'll have a date set for the Muse to come back!

  11. yep, I went to the gig! It was so fun, being my first gig and all. October 3 is forever immortalized in my mind after Muse came here and rocked me silly. I had a neck ache for days I hope they come back soon!

    My name's Kim, by the way nice to meet you!

  12. yep, I went to the gig! It was so fun, being my first gig and all. October 3 is forever immortalized in my mind after Muse came here and rocked me silly. I had a neck ache for days :LOL: I hope they come back soon!

    My name's Kim, by the way :) nice to meet you!


    EDIT.. dawww... oops.. i meant to reply on your profile, not mine. :facepalm:

  13. awesome! Another NCer! Woohoo!

    I'm good, waiting on American dates like the rest of us American Musers :D Your avatar is amazing!!!!

  14. nope, no real plans but stay at home, visit the PMT, and eat turkey to the point I have nightmares about it. :LOL: I'd rather be traveling, but home is fine enough with me! I probably will start putting up my Christmas trees :awesome: also tommorrow if I don't get carried away here :LOL: Hope you have an awesome Thanksgiving!

  15. I just realized I hadn;t added you yet :facepalm: hope you're having a good holiday!

  16. aww thank you so much! I wanted to see all my favorite Matteh pics more often so I strung them all up in one siggy. I love it too :LOL:

  17. hey :) no problem! Glad to help :D Cheers!

  18. thanks for the welcome :) cheers!

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