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Everything posted by xxATLowxx

  1. :eek: awesome! What's it sound like?

    I haven't got any pedals, too expensive. Me and my brother were looking at a very nice and cheap pedal board once, but I can't remember where it was at...

  2. :LOL: I did very well for mine. :)


    I'm Katie, nice to meet you!

  3. I've got no school today. :dance: So I'm going shopping with my mom & uncle soon. :happy:

  4. Eh, not the best day. :stunned:


  5. Ah, I want to see that! :happy: Let me know how it was!

    :party: Thank you, Dudy! :awesome:

  6. Meh, thanks. :happy:

    Well tomorrow is my birthday! :party: My boyfriend's taking me to a very nice Japanese steakhouse tomorrow night, and Saturday I'm having family over for hotdogs and hamburgers. :p

    what about you?

  7. Ah, love that feeling. :D I'm in one of those phases where nothing's really going my way... but there's nothing I can do about it without feeling bad. Meh. :p

  8. Same! :supersad: I'm ~so glad to get those out of the way.

  9. Haha I'm fine I guess. :happy: and how about yourself?

  10. Eh, alright I guess. I'll live.


  11. Yes, her and her family are very kind :happy:

  12. I got a brilliant Fender acoustic electric ^^

    My brother got an xbox from his girlfriend. :happy:

  13. My Christmas was wonderful! :awesome: Got to see old family and got a new guitar. :happy: how about you?

  14. Thanks so much! :) You too! Have an awesome holiday season!

  15. You tooooo! Merry Christmas! :)

  16. the Christmas present is unf unf :LOL: I can stare creepily at Dom now! :happy:

    And You'll have to send me a link! ^^

  17. My whole year has gone by so fast :eek: Isn't it surprising to know that it's already Christmas? :eek:

    Yes yes yes It was the best night of my life! :happy:




    v I found me! The one with blinky glasses and arms raised. :p102610muse1.jpg






  18. :)

    I've been wonderful! We haven't talked since the summer! Haha how have you been? :p

  19. ...What on earth is the Mighty Boosh? :LOL:

  20. :$:LOL: Oh same... I only got about 4 hours of sleep last night plus an hour long nap (disrupted by a phone ringing :shifty:) so I'll sleep hard tonight, though. Tomorrow night will probably be a different story! :LOL:
  21. Oh yes I did meet Kirky! :awesome: he was sooo nice and he smelled very good! :LOL:

    Merry Christmas to you too Dudy! :p

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