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Everything posted by xxATLowxx

  1. aaahhhhh

    the girl at the end of the second album caught the 1 drumstick Dom threw :eek:

  2. the 300+ photos i took, videos, reading what someone typed up song-by-song, souvenirs, ectect :awesome:

  3. i don't either! :(

    but i'll be able to relive that night every day till i see em again. :awesome:

  4. it was sooo amazing :awesome: i wanna do it again! :supersad:

  5. yes yes yes! :dance::dance: AND RBS AND Exo opener! (I was crying... :$:LOL:)

    Tom was soooo nice! :awesome: had a nice little conversation with him before he left.

  6. :D

    I saw muse tuesday night... words cannot describe. :dance:







    ^^ tom signing my shoe. :LOL:


  7. me tooooo! don't spoil anything for me either. :p

  8. yuck heat. :LOL:

    i'm gonna go do some projects that i could of done 2 weeks ago that are due tomorrow... this is when procrastination starts to suck. :LOL: talk to you tomorrow! :happy:

  9. that's what i'm doing... i'll be on later. :LOL: haha ttyl. :D

  10. ah, i've got two projects...

    this is when procrastination starts to suck. :LOL:

  11. :p

    i've got so much homework tonight... that's a bad kind of busy. :shifty::LOL:

  12. it's been busy these past 2 or 3 months, but other than that, not really. :LOL::p

  13. :LOL:

    i'm not that excited at the moment, it hasn't gotten to me quite yet :stunned:

    right now i'm excited for a concert on friday and MUSE on tuesday, :awesome:, paintballing on the 30th of october and halloween. :party:

    maybe after all of that's done i'll have time to focus on DD. :LOL:

  14. same! when you're cold, you can layer up as many times as you want, but when you're hot you can't strip down past naked. :wtf::LOL:

  15. oh way to rub it in my face :shifty::p

  16. heat, sun, and sweat are the things i hate most. :noey:

  17. mhm if i got it it'd have to be as a christmas present. :noey: oh welll i'll have to wait... :shifty::LOL:

  18. i do mean such... :LOL:

    i don't think i'll preorder it though. i might have to wait till christmas to get it! :eek:

  19. i loooove rain. :happy: i hate hot weather. :eek: i hatehatehate it. :LOL:

  20. i know! :happy: gonna be suck an amazing game. :3

  21. yay! i'd like that. :LOL:

    i'm awesome! headache's finally going away, been here since sunday :shifty: and it's been a pretty good rainy day. :happy: you?

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