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Everything posted by xxATLowxx

  1. yaaaaay for them

    i need to get a new camera battery :shifty:

  2. nah and i got a vuvuzela app on my ipod and annoyed my dad last night :3

    and how come? what'd they do? :LOL: not watching any soccer right now since nascar is on

  3. vuvuzelas are annoying :stunned:

  4. so epic :awesome::LOL: i have purple, red, teal, and pink :D i'm being the doctor who halloween and my friend's gonna dress up as rose :)

  5. i haven't even looked up the bass tab lemme search it . . . EDIT: i'll take bass
  6. i had exams last week :awesome: good luck! you'll do fine :D

    :yesey: i went to this camp last year and now my youth group's going again :awesome:!

  7. it's been going great, leaving for youth group in about 30 minutes :D

    i've been doing yardwork around the church & people's homes for money twords camp in 19 days :dance:

    how about yourself? :awesome:

  8. make me some while you're at it :awesome:!

  9. :yesey::LOL: we could totally make that happen :D
  10. :LOL:


    a muselive page comes up for the setlist one but nothing on cheese :noey:

  11. :LOL: dom's like the first 100 suggestions :awesome:power of musers ftw! :ninja:
  12. :LOL: i woke up this morning and walked out of my room after i said good morning to it :facepalm::LOL:
  13. i wore teal pants & a red hard rock cafe shirt :D

    who knows what i'll do next year :chuckle:

  14. italy

    world cup

    what are you doing up?

  15. :LOL:

    o: my 62" tall muse poster came in the mail today! i just put it on my door :awesome:

  16. :D are they gonna win it all?
  17. :LOL: when todd gets mad he always screams at me... :supersad: but i know not to yell back cause he'll end up pissing me off :LOL:
  18. mine's two years older than me (he's 18) and never spends any time at home. he's either at the gym, at work, or at his girlfriend's :facepalm::LOL: but when i see him we have good times :)

  19. :LOL: i've only got a brother and that's fine by me

    i don't think i could live with another girl in the house (besides my mother) :chuckle:

  20. i love my brother :LOL: but he can be a bit ridiculous sometimes :rolleyes:

  21. :LOL: my family always drives me crazy it's quite funny though :D
  22. i see :LOL: go germannnyyyy

  23. awh :( well i hope they don't cause you too much trouble :LOL:

  24. :LOL: i live all around my dad's family... seriously grandparents live across the road & aunt and uncle live next door so i'm used to that. :chuckle:

    it's my mom's side that i'm scared of D: they're all either creepy or depressed and all smoke like a chimney :noey::facepalm:

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